Monday, December 19, 2022

New Ventures On The Horizon

      It's been a few weeks, cause I needed to save things up. Not a lot happening in my life with still a good deal happening. I know that is a very odd juxtaposition. No I didn't just want to use that word, which is why I'm not typing it out again. I do have a picture for you from the job site which I thought was pretty cool and I can share with you, I just can't tell you all the juicy details that I know about it.

     That is the Mobile Launch System, that was holding the Artemis rocket. You may have heard that it took some damage during the launch which is why it too them so long to move it back to the VAB. They had to make sure it was stable for transport. Speaking of transport. If you zoom in at the bottom, you can see NASA crawler 2. If that isn't one of the biggest examples about how massive the Artemis rocket is, I don't know what else to show you. The crawlers are massive vehicles. Easily the size of 8 city buses in 2 columns of 4 side by side, and I think I'm understating there. This also shows just how enormous the VAB is as well. That is getting ready to go inside Bay 3 of the VAB and you can't even see the rest of the structure in the picture. It has truly been a pleasure and an experience to get to see these types of things up close like this. Not everyone gets to see stuff like this, and I will miss it.

     Yes, I said miss it. I may be in for a change of scenery. As I sit here writing this this morning, I'm preparing for an interview for an armed officer job. I'm really hoping to get it because the pay is over a third more than what I'm making now, and I kind of need it. I've been in some pretty desperate financial situations lately, and this can start a change in the right direction. I always saw my current job as getting my foot in the door of security, and now it's time to step through that door a little more. 

      There's also the fact that my old supervisor that moved on to another site has put in a transfer to have me move to his site. It would be a pay increase with a supervisor that I really enjoyed working with, but not quite as much as the armed job. The benefit is of course the supervisor and the general safety of the position. I know the armed job brings a level of risk but I knew that when I pushed myself to get my armed license. This is what I worked so hard for, plus I feel I can bring something to an armed position that will perhaps change the culture of the area in a positive way at least in the regards of how they see security officers. I did it at my current location. I can see it when I'm at the desk with other officers and people say hello or good bye to me and the other officers look perplexed. I see a security officer as someone that is there to protect life and assess of the client. We are also a representative of the company and have to be a positive reflection of that. We can't be some smug bossy asshole that is just telling people what to do. When I approach people I'm usually asking them what I can do for them, rather than telling them what they can do for me. I think that approach goes a long way in how someone responds to you and I've proved it with how people see me even though I'm the security officer with a sleeve of tattoos, shaved head, and stretched lobes. Instead of all of that, they see my professionalism and how it lifts their opinion of the position I hold.

     Enough about the philosophy of security work. Oh, on a quick note, I will get a cooler uniform if I get the new job. The Chief wants his officers looking the part, and is going to have me in khaki's (cargo preferred), polo, and a tactical vest. So basically I'm going to look like Meal Team 6. I joke, but I actually make it look good, cause I'm basically physically fit. The tactical vest or plate carrier if you will is there mostly for form and not function. I want be carrying ballistic plates in mine, it's there for holding my badge, and a few other items I may need. Namely my flashlight and tourniquet. I of course will also be wearing a duty belt that will hold my weapon, magazines, and baton.

     As I stated before is that my goal is to never have to actually draw my weapon. I will default to deescalation first, baton, second, and then my firearm as an absolute final resort. I would much rather use my tourniquet and life saving skills long before I ever use a weapon. I'd prefer to save a life than take a life. That's why I'm continuing to seek out life saving training. If I can get my financial situation under control I'm really going to look into going to EMT school, not to become an EMT or Paramedic, but to further enhance my skills as a security officer. Did you know that there is an actual position known as an Armed AEMT Officer? That is an armed officer that is trained in Advanced Emergency Medical Skills. There are even higher levels of EMT training like TEMT, which is a Tactical EMT. I can't remember the acronym but there is even a teaching EMT that is trained to be able to train. They are not only the ones that train other EMT's but they are the ones that offer the public outreach courses like "Stop the Bleed". Did I ever mention that I think it is a truly valuable class and that everyone that has the time and desire to be a force to save a life in an emergency situation should absolutely take that class. Anyone can take it and they are generally free to the public, because hospitals want people that are on scene that can provide simple trauma care in an intense situation. Most of the victims that die in active shooter situations die from bleeding out. If someone was there that had taken a "Stop the Bleed' class, as least 1 life could have been saved with the potential of many more, because you could provide simple instructions for others around you to help out other victims. It is a truly worthwhile class to take.

     Ok, I'm going to call it a day here and hope that I can write next week to update you on how this job interview goes. The problem is that I may not have internet next week, so I may not be able to post anything. Regardless of what next week brings, I will get internet back at some point and will update you then. Peace in and goodnight.

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