Saturday, July 9, 2016

Just A Not So Average Post.

     It's been a rough week, but it seems that things may have finally calmed a bit. There were many horrific deaths around the country, and they created a less than pleasant dialogue. Actually, it was more like many monologues. Dialogue means that there was a discussion, but this was defiantly more about opinions being shouted with no compromise. I'm not going to dwell on that though. The one thing I am going to do though, is list the names of the victims. I believe that their names should be known, and remembered. This is how I honor the fallen. I will never post the names of those who commit these horrific acts. They are worthless to me, and should not be known or remembered.

Alton Sterling

Philando Castile

Lorne Ahrens

Michael Krol

Michael J, Smith

Brent Thompson

Patrick Zamarripa

     Remember their names, and honor them the best that you can, in whatever way that you can.

     Violence only creates more violence, and I have to believe that truly deep down, no one wants violence. It is only through fear of difference that violent acts happen. This leads me back to my post earlier this week about Love, Understanding, and Compassion. Those three things have never caused violent acts. They have only caused acts of kindness, and we need more of that in this world. I wish I could say that these acts are an escalation, but I don't believe that they are. I believe that we are only becoming more aware of them because of the technology we have today that allows us to view it. There is an old adage that says, "things will get worse before they get better.". I hope that this is the worse, and that soon it will get better.

     Let's get on to a different topic. I got the new back up helmet in this week, and can finally show you pictures of it. It isn't as comfortable as my Arai, but it isn't bad. Even though it has less venting it still has decent air flow. Oh, I should mention that it is an HJC IS-17. The IS refers to an internal shield, which works rather well. I can ride with the main shield up, and drop the internal down, which gives me even more airflow into the helmet. Leaving the main shield up though, causes a bit of whistling. It is painted with graphics to make it look like Iron Man's helmet, so the cool factor is definitely there. Well, I'll just let you see for yourself.

Side view with main shield down.
                                       Front view

Rear view

                                                                                                       Front view with internal shield down

     The one main problem I have with this helmet, is that the cheek pads are very tight on it. I'm sure after wearing it for a while and breaking it in, it should get more comfortable, but it is going to be my back up, so comfort isn't quite as important. It is slightly heavier than the Arai, but not enough to cause any problems. The amber shield is great for early morning or night time riding. It dulls any light flare that you might get, and in the day time, the internal shield, which as you an see is smoked, works great to keep the sun out of your eyes. It isn't glasses friendly, so I will be only wearing it when I have my contacts in. All in all though, it is a great helmet for the price.

     I head off to Colorado this week, to see Twenty One Pilots for the seventh time. I leave Wednesday morning, so I will have one more post for you before I leave. I fly back home next Saturday, and should be back in plenty of time to tell you all about what happened on my very short but much needed vacation. Until then, peace in and goodnight.


  1. Have a great time in Colorado my friend. Hope you have a nice reprieve from the hard things and a good visit with loved ones.
