Sunday, July 24, 2016

Let's Ride

     I promised a picture of the new Icon Stryker vest, and here it is. It was very comfortable to ride in, and my back pack fit over it easily. It just gives you an extra level of comfort when you are on a bike.

     Now that that's out of the way. i have to mention something real fast. I woke up this morning, and checked in on here, to see how page views were going, and I noticed an extraordinarily large amount of views came in overnight. There seemed to be no reason for it, because no particular post got all the views. They seemed to be spread out amongst all of them. I then turned my attention to the traffic source. I can see where the views came from, as far as a link from a website or what not. I noticed that there was a redirect link on some half off deals site. It appears that someone like this up to that redirect. Although I appreciate someone doing that, I don't really want that. I'd much rather have people view this because they wanted to, and not because they were redirected to it. So, thank you to whomever did that, but please don't do it again. If you did it because you like reading this, the best thing you can do, is to just keep reading. I like the page views, but they won't change my life in any way. I"m just happy if I can make someone else happy.

     Let's get on with what happened over the last few days. After work on Friday, I went to the bank to deposit my check, and found out that my checking account had been drained. Since it was the weekend, there was nothing I could really do about it, so I have to wait until Monday. There is a good chance that this is my fault, and I double clicked on submitting a payment to a credit card or something. I'm going to look into it, but until I get to the bottom of it, I won't be going out much.

     A good buddy of mine, came to the rescue to salvage the evening, and invited me out. I told him I wasn't much up for it, since I had only the money I deposited in my account, and that I was going to hang low for a while, but he wanted to go out. He finally talked me into it, and I headed to his house to start the evening.

     He made dinner, and we split a bottle of wine (yes, i know this is sounding way too much like a date, but it wasn't). One of his lady friends was texting him the whole time, we were hanging at the house, so we went to meet up with her and her friends. We ended up at a little bar, well, it wasn't all that little. It was a little too spacious. It was a very bad attempt at a dive bar, but they had 3 pool tables, so we took over one of them and started playing. His friend, at some point, came up to me and told me that she was going to be my wingman, because my buddy was real bad at it. Her words not mine, but they aren't far from the truth. I can tell you this, she was no better than he was. He really didn't do anything except talk to every woman in the place, and she picked all the woman that I wan't attracted to at all. This is the dilemma of my dating life. I'm apparently the only person that knows what I like, or even has the most remote idea of it. I admit it, I'm picky, and I think what happened to me when I was 9-10 has a lot to do with that. As a result of all these attempts to be my wingman, I drove my buddy home with the woman he was going to sleep with that night, and then I continued on my merry way to my house alone. Now, that sounds like a bit of sour grapes, but trust me, going home alone, is all that I really wanted to do.

     The next day, which was Saturday, I went on a ride with a couple of friends. They were on one bike, and I was of course on Saki. This was the first time, I'd ever ridden with someone. I can't say that I'm a fan of it yet. I can say, that I don't like playing follow the leader. I want to be in the lead, that's all there is to it. I'm pretty sure that it is some kind of control issue, but when I was lead rider, I loved it, when I was tail rider, I hated every minute of it. I had no control of the pace, or where we were going, I just followed, and that kind of defeats the idea of the freedom of a motorcycle. I guess, that I'm just not a pack rider. I'm pretty much a lone wolf in my life, why would I think I would be any different on a bike.

     One note about the ride. When the lanes opened up on a Causeway, I got into it. I took off from my friends, and I was flying. I quickly got it up to 100mph as I was coming up to a bridge. It took it's time getting up to 110mph when I was going over the bridge, so I decided that it was beginning to top out, plus my friends were struggling to keep up. I throttled down, and it took a good while before they got on my rear wheel again. Saki handled it like a dream. It was stable with minimal shake, which was mostly from the road itself and nothing to do with the suspension or steering of the bike. It felt great. The whole ride the bike felt great. When I would approach a light or stop sign. I would simply take my hands off the grips to let it naturally throttle down. Saki went as straight as an arrow. I gained a lot of confidence that I didn't have on Saki before. It's still very new for me to be on a sports bike. I had only ridden dirt bikes and cruisers before. I like the sport bike a lot better than all those other ones. There is just a sense of being more of a part of the bike than on a cruiser or a dirt bike. If you've never ridden one, take a chance and give it a try some time.

     Today, I got to spend some real good quality time with a dear old friend. She is like a sister to me, and I don't get to see her as much as I would like to. We both have pretty busy schedules, but when we find the time, we always make the most of it. The thing is, it's all about talking, and great conversation. We have had some really great conversations over the years, and never seem to hit a dead zone, where neither one of us has something to say. The conversation just flows. I think that is how we became friends. We just sort of clicked from the start, and it was always easy to talk to one another. Anyway, to get to a point before this goes on forever. I was going to be her first human subject for photography. Yes, she has photographed people before, but this was going to be the first time doing it, thinking in a professional sense. She's really good at what she does, although there isn't a whole lot you can do with the mug of mine. Here is a link to her Instagram account for her photography Elie Wolf Photography Take a look at what she has, and if you have an Instagram account, follow her, you won't be disappointed in what she puts up there, with the exception of that human shot. Once again, not much you can do with this.

     I'll see you all on Tuesday night, with a "Favorite Song of the Week". I know I missed it this past week, but it will be back in full force this week. Peace in and goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Love the vest! That is badass. :-) Enjoyed our time today, and I did get some great shots of your mug that I'll be churning out over the next several weeks. :-) Thanks for the time. When I make it over to the coast to ride, you most certainly can lead, though I can tell you now, you'll leave me behind at certain speeds, but like you, I'll just be riding at my pace and freedom, no felt need to keep up or whatever. Maybe that will feel different. :-) XOXOXO. Have a great week!
