Thursday, July 21, 2016

A Day in the Life.

     Last night was very strange. For the first time in a year, I did not write, and it felt really odd. I know what you are thinking. You didm't write Tuesday night, you just copy and pasted. I did do that, but the format didn't work on here quite as well as I wanted it to. The post in preview was going well beyond the border, and was bleeding into darkened areas on the template. I had to edit it, and retype everything word for word. I did get to correct a few mistakes as well, so it all paid off in then end.  I'm sure that I will get over it, but I may have to rethink my three times a week post idea. We will see how it goes first.

     I got a new vest in today for riding. It's chest and back armor, so that I have a little protection when it is too hot to where a jacket. It's an Icon Stryker vest. I'll try to get a picture of it for Sunday nights post. I tried it on, and it feel real comfortable, but the real proof will come when I ride with it on. I"m hoping that the rain chances tomorrow are low enough to roll Saki out to go to work on.

     I honestly thought, that by breaking this up, it would be much easier to write, but I don't have a lot to say tonight. I guess I could do a little promotion for my Instagram account. Thanks to the brilliant idea of a friend of mine, I am posting a "Picture of the Day". I was doing that on Facebook, but when I deactivated that account, that fell away. Actually I stopped it last week before I left for Denver, but I have brought it over to Instagram. If you want to follow it, and see a picture that is either; funny, inspirational, touching, or just down right cute, click on this link. Counterfeit Squirrel on Instagram
For right now, I am only posting one picture a day, so if you go to the top corner, and hit the three dots and click on "turn on notifications" you will get an alert when I post. I may randomly post a second picture from time to time, but that will usually be something that I think is worth sharing. for instance, I might post a picture of the new Icon vest, or something like that.

     I will go through what will seem to be phases from time to time. I might get a few animals in a row, or funny signs outside of bars, but that is just how I find them. I don't have photo credits for the pictures, because that is how I find them, but if I ever come across some with a photo credit, I will pass that along. The idea behind it, is to brighten your day, and to be notoriously positive. I think this world needs a little of that right now, and this is just the little bit that I can provide.

     Which reminds me, speaking of the world needing positivity right now. This is on the other spectrum of that. I still have not found a full list of the victims of the Nice attack. If anyone out there knows of such a list, please pass it on to me. Either leave it in the comments, or email it to me. I believe my email address is in the very top right hand corner of this.

     I"m going to see an old friend of mine this Sunday. She has masterfully taken up photography, and has asked me to be her first human subject. I'm not all that fond of getting my picture taken (let's face it, i'm not all that photogenic), but for her, I'll do anything. She has been there for me in some of my darkest times, so if getting my picture pays her back in any way, I'm in. I'll ask her permission to share the picture on here this Sunday night, if at all possible.

     That's really all I have for you tonight. I hope for an adventurous weekend to report on for Sunday, but I can't make any promises. Peace in and goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing you. Thank you for your kind words. :-) I keep thinking/hoping to get some good B&W shots of you. :-) And of course you can use them in any way you like. :-)
