Thursday, July 28, 2016

Give of Yourself.

     A recurring theme kept happening today. It started with the podcasts that I was listening to, and it ended with Hillary Clinton's speech at then Democratic National Convention. That theme was public service. I have always been a long standing proponent of RAK (random acts of kindness), and charity. Public service however is a different kind of charity. It's giving of yourself in a selfless way. Giving you time, is maybe the most selfless thing that you can do. It's easy to give a contribution to a cause, but when you give your time to that cause, you are giving so much more. Don't get me wrong, this isn't belittling giving contributions. I'm just pointing out, that when you give of yourself, you give much more.

     I was listening to Greg Fitzsimmons podcast today, and he was talking about a charity bike ride he did about a month ago. It was for a group called Best Buddies. It helps people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The founder is Anthony K. Shriver.. That last name might sound a little familiar. Yes, it is those Shriver's. You know, the ones related to then Kennedy's. This all brings me to the public service of the Shiver's and the Kennedy's. There is a reason that the Kennedy's are seen as America's Royal Family. The Shiver's and Kennedy's also founded a little thing none as the Peace Corps. You may know of their great outreach programs that help underdeveloped countries, and people living in poverty. The Kennedy's also founded the Special Olympics, to give a spirit of victory to those with disabilities.

     Greg mentioned that at one point during the weekend, that he had a chance to talk with Joe Kennedy Jr. Joe, told him about how when he was young he went to the Dominican Republic to dig latrines for Haitian workers that were living in deplorable conditions in the Dominican Republic. He talked about how, even though he was blessed with a silver spoon at birth, that with that spoon came responsibly to help out those that are less fortunate than you. He gave of himself, like most of the Kennedy, and Shriver children have done throughout the years. They could have thrown money at the situation, but instead, the gave of themselves as well as the money.

     I know what you are saying. "They have money and can take the time because of that to do these things.". Yes, they do, and I don't expect anyone to head off to a foreign land to dig latrines. Here is what you can do though. Look around for a cause that you can relate to. Once you have it picked out, go to them and find out information about how you can volunteer. Maybe just do it 1 day a month for a while, to see how it goes. If that works out, and you can afford more time, move it up to twice a month.

     You will be losing time, but you will gain so much more in return. If you are helping out people, you will see how you affect their lives, and the smiles that are on their faces because of your kindness. If you are helping out animals, you will see the love that they give you in return, and the joy you will get, when you see them go to a forever home. Those things, those are priceless, and are worth far more than any bit of money.

     Take a chance, and give of yourself. Peace in and goodnight.

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