Sunday, November 6, 2022

Let's Save A Life

    Ok, so it's been a while. I really just didn't have the desire to write, despite there being a lot to write about. Let's see if I can get you up to date quickly. I've applied to a ton of different places with very little to show for it. I'm in the process of an investigation for a clearance for the one job that is still a potential. This process will take quite a while, up to 90 days. The job is great, just doesn't pay what I really need to truly survive, but the rewards of personal experience make it worth while. I'll discuss those in a bit.  I have maintained and even upped my training with my gun. I think it's incredibly important as a responsible gun owner to know everything about the gun and improve on how you shoot it. I've made a ton of small changes that have improved my shooting, and I've also learned a lot about tear down and maintenance of weapons in general. I'm considering building a gun, for the simple reason that I will appreciate it even more knowing every little piece of it. That's a ways of though. The dogs are great although they are buttheads a lot of the time. The Chonk hasn't tried to escape at all lately, but I still don't trust him in the yard alone yet. That about sums up what you've missed.

     That's just a little puppy appreciation photo. Ok, now on to those personal rewards. This week they came about especially because of a small event that took place. My supervisor went on a short vacation , and he brought in a person that I'm not a real fan of. Well it turns out most of the people where I work are fans of them either. It was kind of an eye opening experience for them, you would say. I got a ton of compliments on everything from just my general personality to how I handle things. One contractor that is on site a lot even went out of their way to stop by the office and literally yell out. "The A Team is back!". That was in part to me having to go to another site for 2 hours one day instead of my normal site to start the day, but it was also because they really didn't like the fill in. I was also on the phone with someone that I deal with quite a lot in dealing with the public experience there. Basically tours at the facility. They felt the need to tell me on that day that they reached out to one of my supervisors to tell them, and in their words, " He is really great at what he does.". It meant a great deal to me to hear that. I think I do a pretty good job, but it always is a big deal when someone else that is rather important notices. I'm sure my other supervisor that went on vacation is going to hear an ear full on Monday when he comes back about putting that person as a fill in. I'll hear it on Tuesday. Oh, I'm currently working 6 days a week right now. I actually enjoy it.

     More new news. I've been looking at ways to improve my skills and performance as it relates to security but in ways that can benefit in other areas, and that has lead me to looking into some basic types of EMT training. I can't, although I kind of would love to now, go to a full EMT course, but I can learn some civilian things that most people don't even consider. I of course know basic first aid, CPR&AED, but I want to up my game so I started looking into courses on packing wounds and applying tourniquets. After talking with a great friend who is in the medical field, he pointed me in the right direction to find really good courses that would give me the skills I'm looking for. I found a 2 part course that teaches in essence an immediate responder trauma course. It's just what I was looking for. Assessing wounds then caring for them in a manor that could prolong life. I already finished the online portion and crusted it with a perfect score. I just have to take an in person course that will apply that knowledge on Dec. 1st. Once I complete the course I will be certified to apply tourniquets properly, assess and pack wounds. With being in the gun community now, I'm in areas where simple accidents can lead to life threatening incidents, so once I have this class under my belt I will be able to handle some of these incidents. I will also begin caring a simple trauma kit with me where ever I go. Turns out EDC trauma kits are a thing. Oh, EDC stands for Every Day Carry. Most people use that in reference to concealed weapons and what they have them each day. For example; watch, wallet, phone, keys, concealed weapon. Personally for me, it's; watch, wallet, money clip, flashlight, knife, phone, and concealed gun. That's not when I'm on duty of course. although I have a knife somewhere near me at all times. I just thing a knife is a very valuable tool to have.

     Once I finish this class, I'll let you know what I think about the whole experience. Right now, I'm thinking it's something most people should try and learn. They way the world is now, it's not a matter of if you get involved in an active shooter situation, its when. Knowing not only what to do to save your own life, but what you could potentially do to save other lives is a good thing. The one important fact I've learned form the material I've studied so far, is that most deaths are a result of bleeding out, and if you know how to stop that bleeding, you can give them a chance to get to a medical professional and a chance to live.  That's no small thing.

    I guess I'm keeping it short tonight, but I'm going to try my best to write every week again. Let's start off small and see where it goes. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. So happy you are liking your job. Sounds like your doing great Love hearing this. Love you little brother

  2. I have no idea why that says anonymous

    1. Don't worry, I know who it is and love you too.

  3. Was *just* wondering what the heck happened to you! Thankfully, see your Wordle (sp?) posts on IG, so knew you were around (just not blogging). The furry kiddos are looking good!

  4. The one is Quordle, but kind of the same thing. Gotta keep that brain power working. I do Wordle as well each day, but it doesn't have an easy post button like Quordle does.
