Saturday, August 27, 2022

Where Dogs Lie

     I really don't have a lot to talk about this week. I did finally get paid by the Orlando site, and the supervisor is already wanting me back out there, but I haven't fully decided if I will go back. Even though they finally paid me, I don't have any confidence in them paying me on time from here on out. The supervisor did tell be that a lot of people were asking about me this past week since I wasn't there. I did enjoy the experience of being out there, so I really don't know what I'm going to do come next week when she texts me to ask my schedule.

    I was offered a shift this Sunday much closer to home, which I would love to get those offers more often, because I would much rather take them than go to Orlando. I accepted the shift which is going to be an 11 hour overnight beachside. The pay is much more than I normally get and when everything is said and done, I'll have 3 hours of overtime on top of it. The site is an armed post, but I was told that even though I'm licensed to be armed, I'm only going to be there for traffic control. The pay is still the same whether I'm carrying a weapon or not. Honestly, I don't know why this is an armed post. It's in a pretty safe area and there aren't any high value targets as far as I can tell by what and where the site is. It's just baffling to me. Anyway, this means I will do my normal Sunday shift from 8-4, then I will run home, maybe eat something and go to sleep to try and get some rest to be at this new site at 10 until 9 in the morning. This also means that I will miss the Artemis launch, but this was a special request from the field supervisor and he is the one that decides if I go to any high value posts in the future. I can't turn down the opportunity or the money. The plus side is that rain is forecast for the launch time, so there is a good chance that it won't go on Monday morning anyway and I won't miss it. 

     That's all I got for work related stuff. The pooches are doing fantastic. Both Morty and The Chonk have lost weight and are looking really good. They are all resting right now so I have a little quiet time while I write this. They should be relaxing until bedtime then it will be a slight madhouse as I try to get under the covers before they jump on the bed and make it impossible. I may not interact with humans on a regular basis outside of work, but the dogs and I are doing just fine.

     Ok, time for Favorite Thing of the Week. There are no pictures of videos for this, because it's basically a testimonial about a TV show on HULU. I was once again late to the party, but I've apparently showed up at the right time for big news. Only Murders In The Building is the show I'm talking about and they just put out the final episode of season 2. I thought it was on another streaming services which is why I wasn't watching it. Ok, I guess I should really give you the what it's about and who is in it before anything else. The show is created by Steve Martin and John Hoffman. I have no idea who John Hoffman is, but we should all know Steve Martin. It stars Steve and his good friend Martin Short as well as Selena Gomez. Now if you know Steve and Martin's relationship, it is understandable that they would be great together in the show, but Selena Gomez is a talented young woman who you may or may not know and she would seem like the odd person out. That isn't the case at all. She fits in as if she has been part of the team for decades. Her chemistry with Steve and Martin is second to none. The moment it really clicked for me was I think in episode 2. There is a scene where they are all coming out of an elevator and she says something snarky to Steve Martin's character. His reply is, and I'm paraphrasing here, "I wish you weren't so mean." to which she replies in a perfect deadpan, " I know that you do." and it is easily one of the funniest moments I've ever seen in TV. I think that's the real thing about it, even though she is the young gun, she plays the role as if she is an elder states person, and it's easily believable. She is an old sole type of character and it's priceless. Ok, now what the show is about. The whole basis is that a murder happens in their building and they come together over their shared interest in a true crime murder podcast. They decide that what the police say happened isn't the case and decided to create their own podcast called "Only Murders in the Building" and solve the murder. If you have HULU definitely watch this show. I believe there are 20 episodes right now in the first 2 seasons, and they have announced that there is going to be a season 3 which will have Paul Rudd as a pivotal character. Can't tell you more about that without it being a spoiler. Now for those of you who don't have HULU, do the free 7 day trial and watch these 2 seasons. I easily watched both seasons in 3 days, so you should be able to do the same. Trust me it is easily bingeable. Once it hooks you, you won't want to stop watching it. 

    Ok, that's all I got. I'll let you know how this new overnight posts goes next week. It should be a bit of a breeze. The hard part will be staying awake, which I already have my plans in order for it. Of course that means my plans will fail for the most part and I won't get a few hours of sleep between shifts, but I'll make it through. I'll have Monday day, through Wednesday to recover any missed sleep. Peace in and goodnight.

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