Saturday, August 13, 2022

Fire and Flame

      It has been an up and down week. Sunday was a crazy day in which I did my normal morning shift, then went back in at midnight for an overnight shift. I followed that with an overnight shift at the TV station. I kind of consider that an up, because I really enjoy my job, even though overnights are really stressful. Here comes the down. I didn't get paid by the TV station. Now, it's not the TV stations fault, it is the fault of the branch of the security company I work for out there. I've been told that it is being taken care of, but I have yet to see any proof of that. As it stand right now, they owe me for 24 hours of work, 16 of which are overtime hours. I am going back this Monday for another overnight, but if I get my pay stub for this coming week and don't see any of those hours there, that will be my last night at that site. The way I see it, is they are taking my time, and now they are taking my money so, if I can't get the money, I'm taking back my time.

     That lack of money this week really hit hard. I'm finding a way to work through it, but I'm so tired of this coming from behind every week. I'm still looking at the big picture, but it's starting to get very cloudy. Here comes some more of the up. I got notified this week that the company I'm contracted to is going to have a meeting about the supervisor at one of the sites. That is as far as I know about that. I have an idea what that means, but I've been told things like this so many times now, that I'm just taking a wait and see approach to it all. I'm considering that an up with an asterisks.

     Here is the next down. The Chonk decided to find the one gap in the fence he could fit underneath and managed to get out again. I was able to track him down pretty quickly and he jumped right in the car with little effort, but I really worry about him, because of how intimidating he looks. He isn't intimidating at all other than his appearance, but that is enough to get someone like the neighbor that hit him to do something like that or even worse. I fixed that new spot and have a plan to do more, but of course that costs money that I just don't have. I'm still waiting to hear form those financial institutions that I've been dealing with to find out what new document I need to fill out that they could have told me about months ago again. If I can finally get that money it won't solve the problems, but it will at least give me some wiggle room. Oh Chonk was chasing a car this time so no people were involved, hence the reason he wasn't stressed out this week. I should mention that my course of action worked and his stomach issues have been resolved. No messes to clean up this week, that's a down with an up.

    Ok, next up. I got to work on Thursday and I was waiting to clock in since I always get there about a half hour early, and a women that is somewhat new to the site came up to me and said she had been looking for me for weeks. I immediately responded with, "How can I help you?". She then said that she had something for me and handed me a gift card for the grocery store I go to. I of course said thank you but then asked what it was for. She told me about how nice I had been to her for offering to open the gate for her to leave through. Here is that part of the story. She has a roller bag that she brings to work and to get in and out of the property, you have to go through a turnstile. I saw her struggling so the next day I was there, I told her that if she wanted I would open the gate for her so it would be easier for her to get out at night. I followed up on my words and opened the gate for her whenever she asked. I simply saw it as my way of helping out the client. She is a contractor like me, but she is still a representative of the client, plus I'm there to help out in any way I can, and when I see a need, I fill that need. It's one of the reasons the client really likes me at all these sites. I will always go above and beyond. I thanked her again and told her how much I appreciated it, as well as let her know that my offer for the gate still stands, whenever she needs it. That of course was an up.

     Oh, but that up comes with a down. My supervisor came back in from opening the gate and began talking about her, and I mentioned how she gave me the gift card for what I had done. He told me that she gave him one as well, but that she meant it for me. Since she is very polite she told him to keep it even after she realized that he wasn't me and he kept it. Not only that, but he really made no effort to figure out who was the security officer that had helped her out. From what he told me, even though she was vague about who it was, I could have figured it out very easily. Here is what he said that she said. He wears a white shirt like you and a hat that says security. Seems almost impossible right? Only if you decide to not think about it. Now all of the guards have white shirts, but two of us rarely wear the white and go with a blue that used to be the standard uniform, so you can take them out of the equation. Now that leaves 3, but really 2 since the supervisor has already been eliminated. Now, just to throw a wrench in the works 2 of us wear hats that actually say security on them. That would be myself and one of the guards that we already eliminated because they normally wear a blue shirt. Also I should point out that she would never have any contact with him because during the week he works overnight and would never see her. The other guard that it could possibly be doesn't wear a hat at all, which only leaves me. I went the long way for that deduction, to show you that if he put any thought into it, he could have figured it out, he was just too lazy to. If it had been me, I would not have accepted the gift card and would figure out who it was and then tell her when he was expected back and that I would send him to her office when they arrived for work next so that she could give it to him in person. There is no way I'm accepting praise that belongs to someone else. This goes back to the reason that the company may actually be having a meeting about the supervisor. Anyway, that was a clear down.

     The rest of the week was just kind of meh, but today I took it upon myself to do extra training. My company has these online training courses that are generally assigned to you when they are needed, but I'm not waiting anymore and I'm going to work my way through the entire curriculum. I got a big chunk of them done today. There is still a ton more stuff, but I was one training session away from finishing an entire section. There are about 30 sections or so, and to date, I've only been required to finish 1 and a half.

    I'm calling that an up because there really is no other way to look at learning. learning something new is always an up. There is one more up before I get to Favorite Song of the Week, oh and this has a twist this week. One more up for the week. I got to ride Saki to work last night and since I was out on Space Center property, I decided to take it upon myself to get a picture in front of the VAB. It came out pretty cool so I hope you enjoy it.

Ok, now it's time for Favorite Song of the Week with a twist. The twist is that it is two videos of th same song, but these videos are how I found out about BABYMETAL. The first one is from a young french woman who just destroys guitar. I love watching videos like this of people that are insanely talented. She hasn't posted a new video in a few years which has led to some speculation of what happened, but I dug deep and it seems that she is studying to be a lawyer in Paris and that is the reason she has not uploaded any guitar covers. I think in this particular video she is 16. If you ever played guitar hero and got to the end you heard this song. It's by a band called Dragon Force and they are known for being incredibly fast and incredibly technical, so I present to you Tina S. with her cover of, "Through the Fire and Flame".


     Super talented right. Well he videos led me to the next one, which in turn led me to BABYMETAL. This next is another cover of the Dragon Force song but it's a drum cover. I hope you really listened because the guitar isn't the only insanity going on in that song. The drums are epic and this next performance is from a young Japanese girl named Junna. Her energy is just absolute joy to watch. She is still posting new videos so definitely go and check out some of her other stuff. I give to you Junna with her cover of, "Through the Fire and Flame"

     See, her joy is infectious. Well Junna did a cover of a BABYMETAL song which got me watching their videos, and now I'm a huge fan of all these impressive ladies. I consider all these videos an up. They bring me so much joy and happiness joys washes over me when I listen to BABYMETAL. I have listened to all 4 albums now. They have 3 studio albums with a live at Budokan, which I believe is their 10th anniversary tour. Go give them a listen, they will make you happy.

     That's all I got this week. Have a wonderful week for me. Peace in and goodnight.

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