Sunday, August 21, 2022

This Can't Be Real

      It's been one of those weeks that seems to last forever. I still haven't been paid by the TV station. I really shouldn't say the TV station because it isn't on them to pay me, it's on the branch of my company that deals with them that pays me, either way I still haven't been paid, now for the last 2 weeks. I really have no hope that I will get paid this week either. As it stand they now owe me 32 hours, 16 of which are overtime. I'll now a little later tonight if anything has changed in the area. If they correctly submit the time sheet to payroll, I'll see it on my past schedule, and then I'll definitely see it tomorrow evening on the paystub for this coming week. 

     I do have some good news. There is one financial institution that I've been dealing with down. I got the check yesterday, which is odd because I submitted a slip for direct deposit, but either way, the money is technically in my hands and it will be deposited into the back tomorrow morning. This seemed like the least complicated of the 2 so it stands to reason that it would be the first one to finally stop sending me hoops to jump through. It came at the right time too, but I won't bother getting into that, the first paragraph kind of explains it. 

    Oh, I did forget to mention that I did spend my last day at the TV station due to them not paying me. I doubt I'll be back out there again. I've lost trust in the field supervisor out there.

     It has been an interesting week for, um let's go with varmint, although I don't thing that is the proper term. At the space center site I saw an interesting bee, when I looked it up today it turns out that it was a Red Velvet Ant, which is actually a parasitic wasp. Turns out I've seen one of these before, but it was a female and the female of the species doesn't have wings, hence the reason I thought this was a bee. To give you an idea of what they look like, picture a bee, but instead of yellow, they have bright red, and the wings on the male are black. It's really cool looking, but it turns out that a sting from one of them is super intense, so much so that they nicknamed it cow killer. I didn't bother trying to get near it I just saw it on my patrol and went about my way. Still pretty cool to see.

    Today was even more fun. I was getting ready to do my patrol inside the building at the mainland location and heard thunder. Now this was important because they just cut a hole in the roof this week and it was of course leaking when it rained. I went to the door to see how close the storm was and when I turned around and walked back to begin my patrol. I almost stepped on what looked like a string or shoelace kind of thing, but I thought that it might have moved. I reached down to pick it up and throw it away, and it did move. That took me aback a bit. Turns out it was a very tiny snake. It was all black with a copperish ring around it's neck. I had never seen anything like it, and since it looked like a hatchling it's head hadn't fully developed so I couldn't tell if it was venomous or not. I erred on the side of caution and got a large cup and tried to get it inside so I could take it and put it outside. It didn't not want to go in the cup so I used the cup and some fancy footwork to guid it out the door. That's when I got a picture of it so I could look it up and compare it after my patrol.

     Turns out it's a completely harmless type of snake. It's a Ringnecked Snake that is pretty common here in Florida, but I have never seen one before in my life. This one was probably an adolescent due to it being around 5-6 inches. Full length is any where from 8-15 inches. They eat insects so no humans were in danger. Now, how did it get in? Well upon further investigation The facilities guy and myself determined that there is a very small gap at the bottom of one of the entry doors, which this little dude could clearly squirm under, which he did. 

     That's it for the excitement of varmint section of this little diary journal thing. Now it's time for Favorite Thing of the Week. I went with thing even though this is technically a video of a song, but, well you'll see when you watch it. I'm not even going to describe it. I'm just going to post it up here and let you watch it and then you will understand everything. 

     Now come on, if that isn't the greatest thing that ever was, I don't know what is. I bet you are asking yourself, "is there a full mascot band?". Why yes there is. if you look up Nyango Star, who that particular mascot is, you can go down a pretty deep rabbit hole of videos and you will see him perform with a full mascot band, and they only question I have when I watch it is, "How?" I bet you thought it would be why. Nope, the why is already answered, because it's epic. The how is what I need to know because they play guitar and bass with those mitten mascot hands and I have no idea how that is done.

     Ok, I'm out for this week. I'll update you on the pay situation next week. I still have options on getting it taken care of but I want to see if they make it right first. Peace in and goodnight.

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