Saturday, August 6, 2022

Just A Little Ri Ri Appreciation

      Just had to start with a picture of Ri Ri, cause she was looking too cute. This was one of the many occasions where she hops up in the chair with me. Sometimes she snuggles and other times she does what she is doing here, which is sit at the end of the chair and wait for me to pet her. The pups are still getting along splendidly. Chonk had an issue this week with some stomach issues, but they seem to have cleared up. I think it was all stress related. Last week he got under the fence and chased after a man and his dog. The thing is though, he only wanted to play, but the man treated him as if he was attacking and ended up hitting him. I didn't know about the hit until a day or two later. I was getting things ready for work and I let the dogs out just before I leave, which is about 5 minutes while I get my bag ready. I went out to get them and only two dogs came in. I searched the back yard and then went out front hoping to find him, but no luck. I hopped in the car and rode around searching for him. I saw the man outside and he stopped me and said that my dog got out, and that he had went after him and his dog. I apologized and mentioned that The Chonk is very friendly and the man agreed. I asked him if he saw which way he went and he pointed in a direction. I apologized again and thanked him and then drove off again. I went the wrong way and turned around to see The Chonk walking across the road. I drove up to where he was and told him to get in the car. He was happy to see me and skipped the passenger door and ran around to my side, so I had to get out and let him in. That's when the man drove up and asked if I had found him. I said I had and thanked him once again for his help. I got all the dogs inside then went to work. As soon as I got home I secured the fence so The Chonk couldn't get out again and went about the rest of my day which was me going back to work at the TV station for an overnight after doing my morning shift.

     I slept most of the day, but the dogs kept barking and waking me up. Turns out it was that man coming to my door. I knew this only because I noticed a letter left on my car as I was driving to Orlando at 70 mph and nearly crashed the car. I pulled over and took the letter off my windshield and went to work. When I got there I finally had a chance to read it. I won't detail the whole thing, but he decided to tell me once again what had happened and then mentioned that he hit The Chonk. Here is the thing. The Chonk clearly only followed him and was wanting to meet his dog. If he really wanted to hurt the dog or the man, he would have done it. The fact that this man hit my dog and The Chonk didn't tear his hand off is testament to just how gentle The Chonk is. I have not, nor will I go over to talk to the man. He had his one moment and I am keeping the letter, cause if anything happens to my dogs, that letter is going to the police. It details in his own words his willingness to harm an animal. The real reason I haven't gone over this is because I want to tear his head off, so I'm keeping my distance and calming my rage. You don't hit my dog. 

    Anyway, I believe the stress of that day and that moment brought on The Chonk's stomach issues, so this week was about giving him as much love as possible to settle his nerves. He really is a big ol' softie and like I said, that man had his one moment. He gets no more.

     Other than that, this week has been rather dull. I'm still trying to put in as many hours as I can. Last week was 48, and so is this week. It's going to be tough to get another 60 hour week, so I just have to take what I can get. The good thing is that the TV station has now been fully staffed, but the supervisor out there is still giving me a day or two, because she likes the job I do. The problem with taking a job under your market value in order to get to that big picture, is that it is difficult to pay bills, and yes, I'm still waiting on getting money from the accounts that were involved with my mom. That's right 5 months later I'm still dealing with financial institutions, that every time I jump through a hoop, the set a new hoop up.

    Ok, before I get to Favorite Song of the Week, and yes there is one this week, I wanted to give you a recommendation. It is The Sandman on Netflix. This is based on the Vertigo comic, which was a subsidiary of DC comics. It was created by Neil Gaiman. If you haven't' listed to the Audible presentations, which you really should, you would notice that it is following that story to a degree. The casting is exceptional and the guy playing Dream is clearly taking from the Audible presentation of James McAvoy's performance. He mimics his cadence and dialogue perfectly. I think I'm 5 episodes in and I'm loving it. I did see that critics are panning it, but I've never listened to critics about anything so I just sit back and enjoy it. As soon as I'm done with this, I will be firing up a new episode. So, if you want a visually beautiful show with an intriguing story, give it a try.

     Ok, now for FSOTW. I just discovered this band and they are not new by any means, so I'm very sorry I've missed them until now, because there songs bring me so much joy. I feel that there music is kind of a very strange mash-up of every style possible, but most would call it metal or maybe even anime rock, ( I don't know if that last one is a thing, but I like it. ). Here is kind of the best way to explain it. It is 3 young Japanese women that are kind of like pop idols fronting a death metal band. I'm sure that makes no sense cause I'm even shaking my head trying to come up with the right way to say it, and I think I'm failing miserably, so I'm just going to let you watch the video so you can see. Oh, I should say that it does seem that all their videos are of live performances, they don't do any cinematic type of videos for any of their songs, at least none that I have found, so this may not be as clear as the album track, but it is what they actually do and it isn't lip synching or anything like that, they are actually playing and singing, and it is fabulous. I present to you Babymetal with their song, "Gimme Chocolate!".

     I know what you are saying, "I don't understand it.". Here is the thing, there is nothing to understand, just enjoy it. I've been listening to their first album for the past couple of days and it makes me so happy. Isn't that really all that matters? I will slowly start listening to all their albums, but I just can't stop listening to the first one right now. 

     That's all I got for tonight. Have a wonderful week. Peace in and goodnight.

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