Saturday, July 30, 2022

Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Work

   Ok, let's write. It has been a long two weeks. Everything will be explained, but first I just have to say that I'm exhausted. I have been working my normal sites as well as that new fill in site at the TV station. They really like me out there, so I've gotten more hours than I bargained for. I guess we should start with last week first though.

     So, last week they had me out there at the TV station for only 1 day. I was ok with that cause I was scheduled to do a double on Sunday. Come Saturday morning, I get a text saying that I'm no longer working a double and will only be working my normal shift and another officer will be relieving me. I was bummed, because that double was promised to me weeks ago, but this other officer apparently begged them to take it away from me so he could have it. They did so I just had to deal with it. Let's get to Sunday. I had cancelled all my arrangements to have the goof troop taken care of since I wasn't going to be gone from the house for 16hrs (really 17hrs) and went about my day. When it came time for my shift to be over, beggar boy was nowhere to be found. I went and did what was required of that time frame and took care of things then texted my supervisor. Here is the thing, the guy that was relieving me, generally only works 1st shift which is my shift at that post, they gave him the second shift. When my supervisor called him, he said he wasn't informed that he was supposed to come in and that he wasn't going to. Here is the thing. I was informed, as I told you by the field supervisor, then I contacted my supervisor to fill in him and he told me that he was also informed by the field supervisor, that would only lead me to assume that my field supervisor filled everyone in, since I personally saw the texts that he sent my supervisor. The replacement as protesting not getting first shift like he wanted. Here is the kicker. I had already reported that officer for, let's just say doing things he wasn't supposed to be doing. After this little incident they are saying that he won't be allowed at any of those sites anymore, but we will see. Anyway, I got my supervisor to come in and relieve me for an hour so I could take care of the pups, then I ran the double minus an hour. The next day I was out at the TV station for what was going to be the first of two days working the second shift. Went through the shift with no problems and got home just before midnight and went to sleep. Now, but phone didn't something it never does. It went into "do not disturb" on it's own, but the dogs still woke me up at 7:30. I let them out and then fed them and finally looked at my phone. It was full of texts and missed calls from the supervisor at the TV station. She had a family emergency and asked if I could come in to cover her shift as well as mine. I said, 'just let me get cleaned up and I'll be there, it should take me 2 hours". It's close to an hour drive to Orlando. I hopped to, got cleaned up and showed up about 10 minutes earlier than what I had stated. Got to work and slayed it out there. My supervisor out there called to check on me to see how everything was going and to give me an update on her situation. It was going great as I said, and then she asked If I could come in the next day to work the second shift so she could recoup. She had only slept a couple of hours that night and also the night before. I of course said I would be there. Let's just compare that to the guy that said he wouldn't come in cause he wasn't informed. That last day was the end of my work week and I clocked 68.25 hours. My check this coming Wednesday should be pretty good, which is very much needed.

      Now to the exhaustion. This is definitely taking a toll on me, but I've done 3 of my normal 4 days so far, with the last tomorrow, and then I hit an overnight tomorrow at the TV station, with another overnight on Monday night. Right now that has me scheduled to be off Tuesday and Wednesday, but I'm waiting on that one, cause there is a good chance that they may want me for one more day at the TV station. I've been told they really like me out there, and I had a few people tell me how glad they were I was there. Yeah, they actually said that.

      That leads into the praise I received Thursday at my normal site by one of the really important people there. What he said floored me because I'm only out there 2 days a week , which had me wondering what the hell do the other officers do out there. I'm hearing things may change soon, not so good for some, but really good for others, and when I say others, I mean me, but it is only talk right now, so I won't really go into it.

     Now for a little fun. Now I know I said that I would never show you a picture of me in uniform, but there was a selfie station up at the job site, and they really wanted people to use it, so I was asked and I couldn't say no. You have to satisfy the client. Now when I say selfie station, it was a backdrop screen with an iPad type of tablet in front of you taking the picture and it added different foregrounds. I went with the basic Starliner, so you will now finally get to see me in uniform. 

     That is the first and hopefully the last time you will see me in uniform. I was happy to do it for them, because that location is my absolute favorite site to work at. Once again, also where I got an avalanche of praise from a VIP there just before taking that picture. 

    Ok, I should probably go make dinner before I pass out. One more day of my normal post then 7 hours after I leave that one, I'll be at the TV station, doing the overnight for Sunday and Monday. 

    I could share a video with you, but I'm actually too tired to look it up and post it on here, so you will just have to take what I give you. I hope you have a wonderful week. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Love the picture! You look great in that uniform. Glad to hear the jobs are going (generally) well. :-) ~ moi

    1. Thank you Anonymous, although you gave away your identity with the "moi". Love you always.
