Saturday, July 2, 2022

Exciting Stuff


     Exciting stuff going on at the ol' work site this week. The picture above is the SLS (Space Launch System) heading back into the VAB. This was a planned return despite what a ton of people will try to tell you on social media. The first launch is scheduled for late August early September. I've been seeing it out on the pad for some time now, as a matter of fact, I got a picture of it and then cropped it so you could see it from what it looks like to me.

     Once again, the phone doesn't really get it as I see it but you get the idea. There was also a launch on Friday and I got the best perspective I could so that you could see it from the pad as it took off. I'm really hoping that this will upload.  

     Ok, the video is uploaded and it says that it's processing, so I'm hoping that you'll get to see it. 

     It's been a long week. I was called into work unexpectedly on Wednesday. Now, I'm not complaining about working, I will never complain about that, but I will complain about being called in and then being lied to. My supervisor tried to tell me that he submitted the schedule last week and that it was up on the app, but I look every morning as well as several times a day, and it wasn't there in the morning, but was miraculously there after he called. Here is what really happened, because he forgets that I was standing there when he took me off the schedule for Wednesday the week before. I had mentioned that the schedule was weird not that I wouldn't work it, but I don't want to take days away from someone else. He messed up and then tried to blame it on us not knowing we were supposed to be there. He had to call in someone to cover the secondary site we work, because he left it unmanned and was going to have to scramble to get someone in on the shift I did if I wasn't able to make it. The new guy is nice, but sometimes nice guys don't get things done, and he is that type.

    His call interrupted my plans for that day. I was slow cooking a roast when he called and I had to pull it out a little early so that it could sit and cool down for me to wrap it up and put it in the fridge. I did get one small bite and despite the early stop time, it was perfect, but I knew that by putting it in the fridge early it wouldn't be the same and I was right. The fridge dried it out a bit, but I'll just heat up the rest and use a dijonaisse with it. It will be fine, but not what I had hoped for. 

    Quick pup update. 

     The Chonk is fitting in nicely and has found his way into the old chair. This was a Baby Girl thing as well. She was the only one that would sleep in that chair and now The Chonk has taken it as his bed. For the most part though he sleeps as close to me as possible. Right now he is under the foot rest of my recliner, just snoring away. At night he still hasn't made it up onto the bed, but that seems to be his choice, because one morning last week he did get up in the bed and kiss attacked me. He instead sleeps right at the edge of the bed in the doorway so that I can't sneak past him. This has caused some issues with Morty and Ri Ri. Morty has to jump over him when he leaves in the middle of the night and if Ri Ri hasn't beaten him to the room then she gets blocked out and has to sleep somewhere else, because she will not try to nudge her way past him. Other than that, they have all be so great together. I couldn't ask for it to be any better than it is with them.

   Well with picking up that extra shift, I did get a full 40 hours this week, and I'm still waiting on news of a possible transfer, but I'm no longer holding on to hope for that anymore. It may be a lot of hot air, in the meantime I've put my application and resume out there for other agencies to see if they can give me fill in time for my schedule or a better offer than what I have.  I'm in a wait and see holding patter for now.
     I really haven't thought much about Favorite Song of the Week, so the picture of The Chonk above will have to suffice for Favorite Thing of the Week. It tracks pretty well though, although the one addition would be my whole fur family, but I don't have a picture of all of them this week. 

     Have a great week. Peace in and goodnight.

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