Saturday, July 9, 2022

Learning Is Fundamental

      I know I said I'd have last weeks video up for you to watch, but I have a new one that I had to get in for you instead. This is just one of the things that I may see when I'm driving in not work. Once again, I should warn you that it says it's processing, but I have no idea if it will actually load or not. I did post this to my Instagram story so you may have seen it there, but this is the Space X Falcon 9 coming home after it landed back at the pad, or the land landing site, as opposed to the drone ship that sits out in the Atlantic ocean. This is the second time I've had the good luck of seeing it drive down the road with its KSC police escort. I still have that other video of last weeks launch and I'll try to get it loaded up for you next week.

     It's been an interesting week. As part of my job, or maybe it's kind of a perk, I had this app called Daily Pay. The idea is that once your daily pay is submitted, you can draw it out through this app and put it in your bank account. There is a catch of course. The amount they allow you to have isn't necessarily your full pay, and they also charge a fee to do it. I of course will never draw from that and will just wait for payday to arrive. The good thing about it though, is that I can see if they maybe missed a day or got my hours wrong. Well this week there was a bit of a surprise when I saw the first day roll in there. The amount they said I could have access to was a little bit more than usual. That made me go in the app to see what exactly was going on. It looks like I got a raise, which is really weird because all the other officers constantly talk about how much they are making and the pay seems to be set in stone. From what I've been told raises are only given out when the contract changes and then everyone gets the raise. The exception is of course the supervisor who of course makes more. Now, no one has said anything about getting a raise, and I truly won't know for sure until Monday evening when the pay stub for this coming week is available for me to see. I will know for sure when I can look at the standard pay rate. The only reason I can think of this being true is from wha the facilities manager said to me on that night that we had the fire sprinkler mishap. He said to me as he was leaving that he was going to make sure that my effort and professionalism were acknowledge. This could be the way it is acknowledged. I'll let you know for sure next week. I still won't know the why, but I will defiantly know the what is.

     Oh, I got a picture for you. The Chonk's new collar arrived, and it's marvelous. As I mentioned before, I thought that The Goonies was the way to go with him because after all he is The Chonk. Well here is the collar on him. I'm holding it a little awkward so that you can see his name embroidered into it. 

     He seems to like it, but I'm sure it's more of him putting up with my dorkiness. I just have to tell you how lucky I am with all these pups. They are truly the greatest. The get along so well and even Ri Ri has given up on being grumpy and I think she might be a little in love with The Chonk now.They are all laying down sleeping right now, and The Chonk is in the chair next to me snoring up a storm.

     I'm picking up my first extra shift this week. I will be doing an overnight this Monday at a local news station in Orlando. I have no idea how it's going to go or what I'm exactly supposed to do, but I'll figure it out. I don't even know what the pay is. On the app where I can claim shifts they give the day/time/location/&what the requirements are, but they don't mention the pay, so I may not know until, well the time is submitted to that Daily Pay app. I really didn't want to drive all the way to Orlando but this was one of the closest shifts available, and probably one of the most interesting ones for me. I did change my requirements in the app for travel time, I guess the default was an hour and it was originally at distance traveled which I set at 50, but with this change, they were giving me offers for over a hundred miles away, so I lowered the travel time to 30 minutes, which should keep my close to home, and maybe I will start getting shifts offered in my county. Oh, one other thing about this whole shift claim thing. So far it hasn't shown up in my schedule. I did get a text confirming the shift and that I would get another text 2 hours before the shift, but my field manager can deny any shift claim that he wants, and I'm wondering if he pulled me off the shift. I guess I will find out Monday evening about the time I'm planning on leaving. Yes, I'm leaving about 2 hours early to drive 50 minutes. I want to get there early to find out what the site is about and read over the Post Orders. Post Orders are basically a few pages of documents that tell you exactly what you need to do and even lists procedures in the event of an emergency. It's basically the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) of the site. With that and the officer on duty I should be able to learn everything I need to know about what they do and expect there.

     Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I started to learn Spanish. When I was in high school, I made the mistake of taking 4 years of Latin. Ok, it gave me a good base for understanding language in general, but I was never able to truly speak or understand any other language, and being in security, I'm in contact with a lot of Spanish speaking people. This isn't some creepy desire to know what they are saying, but a desire to better communicate with them. There are two lovely women that I speak to regularly, but I have so speak slowly because they don't understand me. Turns out I talk rather fast, so I'm learning so it will be easier for them and I also get the benefit of learning something new and exciting. I chose the app Babble to learn on and they had a 4th of July special that if I pay a one time fee it basically opens up the app so that I can learn any language that they offer. Once I'm done with Spanish, I might go for French or maybe even Japanese. I don't know, the door is open to learn and I'm going through it.

     Ok, that's about it for me. I just took a quick look at the preview of this post and it appears that the video is there. Success. My dogs are of course my Favorite Thing of the Week, so no song this week. I hope you all have a wonderful week and maybe go learn something new. Peace in and goodnight.

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