Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Something Old, Something New, Something Bought, and Something Cool

     Let's just get this out of the way right off the top. I promised you a picture of my brother and I, and here it is. I have to warn you, this picture is of two of the goofiest looking fools on the planet, so look upon it with caution.

     It took my four attempts to get that picture. Apparently I don't know how to use my own phone for a selfie anymore. I'm going to take that failure as a good thing. It was really good to see him after a couple of decades or so. I also got to meet his wife for the first time. They have been married for 7 years now. There stay here was short, but from what they told me, was very pleasant. Oh, and they ate very well. A couple of the places were PR recommendations, so it's good to see, that what we say holds true for other people. They did get to see a launch while they were here. Not a big deal for my brother, because he lived here for a few years, but his wife had never seen a launch before. It is an experience for someone that hasn't been jaded by rockets blasting off their entire life. Don't get me wrong, I still get excited by them, it's just that I don't have to see every one now.

     Something happened the other day when I was sitting down to write a chapter for The Patchwork Knight. I was worrying about that chapter. I had no idea what I wanted to do with it, or where I wanted to go. I sat down, pulled up a new post to start writing and wrote in the title. I figured that was was far as  I was going to get, but then I tabbed out the first paragraph, and it just began to flow out of me. I'm not going to tell you which chapter it is, but it wrote itself. I had nothing to do with it. I was just the utensil for the words to find their way to the screen.

     Here is the reason I was doubting myself. Recently someone told me that they read a chapter and that it was nothing but filler. I asked them which chapter it was and told them why it was important without saying the actual reason why. There is a lot of mystery involved in The Patchwork Knight. I'm sure you have picked up on that by now. Trust me, I hadn't really planned that either. Some of it was from the beginning, but not all of it. Anyway, that got me thinking that maybe they were right, and it was nothing bur filler, and that I was just creating content for content purposes. I can truthfully tell you that that isn't the case. I have an opportunity here to write a story like none other before. If I was writing this in a traditional format, I would have to split it up into at least three books. The first book would already have been finished, but the way I'm writing this, the rules are off. This is a new style of writing. It's a bit episodic, but I have a chance to write a story that is fully story driven. I can take as much time as I want to build the characters. I don't have to get it in fast to keep people interested. When I started this it was with the idea that you would get a chance to see a story in a way that people rarely do, in the rough draft form. Now that has evolved into, you are getting a chance to see a story in all of it's thought. A lot of times things are left out, because they are deemed not important to the story, but I'm writing this as everything is important to the story. Every chapter has a reason for why it is what it is. It may seem like filler, but it is a slow build to an epic event. If you stick with me on this, I promise you that you will get an ending that you won't expect, and all the mysteries involved in it, will be answered.

     I got something in the mail today for the GoPro Hero Session 5 that I use for the filming in the car.

     I'm sure you are looking at those pictures and have no idea what they mean. Well here it is. The Session 5 is just a cube, what I have on the front of it now is a filter. It will help eliminate those light flares that we get in the car when we are driving at a certain time of day. It comes with that cool little lens cap and everything. I do have one problem though. The Session 5 fits into a cage that holds it so that I can mount it on different things. When I have that filter on and tightened down, I can still fit it in that cage, but it sits a little different. In order to use the mic and mic adaptor that I got for it, I'm going to have to make some alterations to either the cage, or the Session itself. On the side of it, is a small door that covers the exposed jacks for the charger and mic adaptor, not to mention the SD card. The regular Hero 5 Black has s removable door, but the session doesn't, so If I want to use that mic, I have to break the door off, and that would mean that I could never use it for anything else that would involve water. it would lose it's waterproofing. What I can do to save the door, is grind down the cage around where the door opens. I have a Dremel and a dream, so tomorrow, I will be taking a little off the side of that cage so that I can get that door open and use the mic again. These are the things you have to do if you want to get good quality audio and visual for a video. The first video this will be used on will be for Bruno's in Cocoa Beach. That won't come out until next month I believe. We aren't even filming it until the 25th. By the way, that date being so far out has me stir crazy.

     Because of being stir crazy, I designed the new business cards, front and back. I just have to wait until we are low enough on our current cards before I can order them. I get the feeling that I will be the one having them made. Which reminds me about stickers. I haven't heard yet on my stickers being finished, but it should come either by the end of this week or the beginning of next. We are on business day 11 right now, and the guy said 10-15 days. I may be creating stickers for the PR as well, so if you want one, let me know. That is going to be from the logo I am painting. That is still coming along well. I'm going to be working on it tomorrow. I'm hoping to have it about 3 quarters done, but I'll know more when I sit down and begin painting tomorrow. The pepperoni is taking much longer, and I'm not liking what I'm doing right now, so I have to change something in my technique.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week, but I do have a little tiny rant that has to do with last weeks song. Not the song itself, just that an America's Got Talent contestant did a version of the song on the show tonight. She said that it was Prince's version of Nothing Compares 2 U, but it really wasn't. Technically it was Prince's song. He wrote it, but the version she sang, was actually Sinead O'Conners version. Remember that opening line I told you about? The It's been 7 hours and 13 days? Yeah, that's the one. She sand It's been 7 hours and 15 days, which is the Sinead version. It shouldn't bother me that much that it wasn't the right version, but it did, and I don't really know why Anyway back to FSOTW. This is from a band out of New Orleans, they came onto the scene a couple of years ago with an alternative hit "Wild". It did very well on the charts, but they have a new song that they released last week, and it is great. I love the song, and the video. It's just fun. Here is Royal Teeth with "Never Gonna Quit".

     To me, they have a bit of The Cranberries vibe to them. I know, it isn't really pronounced in this song, but if you listen to their other stuff you will hear it. This one has a little inspiration from another New Orleans band called Better Than Ezra. Love that band, but tonight goes to Royal Teeth, but feel free to look up BTE, you won't be disappointed.

      Time for bed, so that is all until Thursday, where I will have the latest video from the PR. This is that one I've been dying for you to see. Peace in and goodnight.

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