Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Be What Makes You Happy

Elijah Clayton

Taylor Robertson

     If you don't know those names, you should. Those are the names of the two men that were killed at the Madden tournament in Jacksonville Florida. Just one more mass shooting to add to the absolutely horrific number of them that have already happened this year. I do my best to bring the names of the fallen, so that they can be remembered, but even I can't get to as many as there are. I am happy to see that news services have finally begun to get the names of the fallen before they get the names of the viles that do these terrible acts. I will never search out or put the name of those that do these acts, but I will always do my best to give you the names that do need to be seen, heard, and remembered.

     A quick update on the Mom. She is doing well, but is still in the hospital. We are waiting on her having an ultrasound of her chest to see if her leaky valve has gotten worse and could be the cause of her collapsing. I believe, and I have no medical experience what so ever, that it was a combination of factors that became a perfect storm. As soon as she gets that ultrasound and gets cleared by the cardiologist, she will be able to get out of the hospital and come home. She was much more active today when I visited her, so I'm taking that as a very good sign. I spoke to her personal doctor today, and he wants her out of there as soon as possible, because her being there affects her dementia, and exacerbates the problem. When she wakes up confused in the middle of the night because she doesn't know her surroundings, it raises her heart rate, and could cause her to pass out again. He doctor ordered the test for today, but from what I could find out, they still hadn't given it to her. Maybe tomorrow she will get the test early, and they will release her.  Here is to hoping.

     With everything that went on Sunday, I forgot to post the video I released that morning, it was another in the series Remember When, and it's a little funny story about one time I went to Pizza Hut with my parent, a long long time ago. If you get the chance, go check it out on my YouTube channel. I do have another video going live tomorrow, that will answer the question of why Saki is up on the stand and without the fairings in this picture.

     That video will go live tomorrow at 5 PM New York time. I'll have it for you here on Thursday night. That only leaves me with one other thing, and that would be Favorite Song of the Week, except it isn't going to be FSOTW despite the fact that Twenty One Pilots released audio for a new song. Oh, don't worry, that will come next week. There just so happens to be something else that caught my attention this week and I found the full version of it.

     I'm not sure if it has made it's way to Facebook yet, but I have seen the shortened version of this video many times on Twitter. That brings us to what this is, and that is Favorite Thing of the Week. It is a short video of Toni Basil dancing. What? You don't remember Toni Basil? Ok, how about this. Remember the song "Mickey", hey Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey? It's all starting to come back to you now right? Ok, now that we have established who Toni Basil is, we have to get to why the is FTOTW. Most people do not know that Toni was nearly 40 years old when that song came out. Also, they didn't know that she was a dancer, teacher and choreographer. Very good at all of them, and she still does that to this day. This day making her 74 years old. Here is the full video of what has been going around, and it is way worth the watch.

     When I grow up, I want to be Toni Basil. How great is that? She moves with so little effort, and is just killing it. The guy she is dancing with is only a fraction of her age, and she moves just as good as he does. Watch this video and strive to be that. If you can't, just let it make you happy then. Peace in and goodnight.

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