Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Schedule Is On Fire

     It's been a weird couple of days. I've gotten a lot done, but I feel like I've done nothing. The really weird part is, that I don't think that is a bad thing. It means that the new schedule I have created for myself is working. No, I'm still not going to fill in the details of the schedule, just know that it is in place and it's working as it should. For example I now have The Patchwork Knight written through the month of September. Not bad right? I could sit back and relax for a while if I wanted to, but that isn't part of the schedule, so that won't happen.

     Normally, this would be the time of year that I take two weeks off from social media and basically completely minimize my online presence, but since I have so many things that are depended on me being online, I don't think I'll be able to do that. Although I have everything ready for the PR, but I did run into a problem today. For some reason the blog didn't launch as it was scheduled to. It was scheduled but for some reason I had to do it manually. Even though I seem to have that problem fixed for the scheduled chapters of The Patchwork Knight, I don't have it fixed for the PR. Oh, that reminds me, for some reason Medium stopped posting the link for the latest Chapter on there to Facebook, so I have to post that manually as well. Just a few of the reasons why I can't step away and gain some peace of mind.

     Speaking of the PR, there isn't a single view on the blog despite it being live for over 3 hours at this point. Granted I didn't post anything promoting the blog (only the video) because we want to guide traffic to the YouTube page. I did check the numbers on the video, and they are abysmal. I need to figure out a way to fix this problem, but I don't know where to start. I will share the video here with you though.

     Get used to that thumbnail design. That is going to be the go to from now on. It's simple and I can write whatever I want in those three little bars. The colors will change, but it will always be that design.

     If you follow me on Instagram there is a chance that you saw the picture I posted up yesterday. If you didn't, I'm going to share it again. As you an see, Saki is still up on the stand, but now the fairings are off. Why is it so? I'm not going to tell you, but I was busy for a couple of hours yesterday taking care of something that is going to make Saki stand out. In the next couple of days, I'm going to shoot a video explaining that picture and everything that I did. It will be out this Wednesday, so you have something to look forward too. I will also have to get a video ready for the following Sunday. I have this Sunday taken care of with another Remember When. I need an idea for that Sunday video though. I have a few things I can do, but I want to know what you want to see. Give me an idea, and I'll see if I can put it together. Is there any topic that you want me to talk about? Is there anything you want to see in the area? Is there anything you want to see me try and do on Saki? If I can attempt it I'll make a video for it. Leave a comment below on what you want to see.

     Oh, I wanted to talk about guitar class tonight. I was leaning how to use a slide. If you don't know what that is, it is a piece of glass or some type of metal that you put on one of you fingers and slide it along the strings to get a really cool sound. It seems really easy right? Just slide it along the string and voila! you have a cool sound. It's not that simple, there are rules to it, and when it is done right it does sound really cool. I have some work to do, but my teacher said that I'm getting it rather quickly. There is one problem though, I don't have a slide of my own to practice, so I did order one. It should be here next week. Back to the rules. You can't just slide it anywhere and get that good sound. You have to focus it over the fret, and it has to be certain frets to get it to sound right. Of course that all depends on what key you are in, but for what I was doing today. I have certain frets and areas that I have to hit, and it gets a little complicated at times. I think I have the basics now, I just have to be able to remember it when I get that slide in the mail. I went with glass, which is what I've been using in class. I also ordered a little something extra. It's called and ebow. That is a little battery power tool that you lay over three strings. It rests on the two outer ones, and uses electricity to create a constant harmonic on the string in the middle. It sounds a little like a violin and can be used for a ton of applications, even slide. I'm going to have a lot of fun with this, and I can't wait to take it to class to really learn how to use it. I'm still hoping to at some point create my own music for these videos. It's just going to take a lot of time and learning. That brings us to tonights lesson. Go out and learn something new. It's never too late, and you are never too old. Peace in and goodnight.

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