Tuesday, August 14, 2018

My Feet Hurt

     I don't know where to begin tonight, so let's just do this thing in order. I woke up early Monday morning to get ready to go to Busch Gardens. That didn't happen. There was a bit of a snafu with the tickets so plans were changed and we instead, went to Universal Studios. I wasn't upset in the least, because I love Universal, but yesterday kicked my tail inside and out.

     I kept with my longstanding tradition of getting a pass and then promptly losing it on The Mummy  ride, but this time, it was even worse. See, The Mummy ride changed the lockers around, and you used your pass to get one and then needed that pass to unlock your stuff. Guess whose pass was needed to unlock the locker? Yep, me. Fortunately the staff member was very helpful and was able to open the locker for us. I did have to prove the stuff was really mine, and my proof was my green wallet. Unfortunately I actually kept my wallet with me, so It was looking like I was trying to steal someone else's stuff. I figured out another way though. I took my phone out and said, "Oh, wait, I can unlock my phone with facial ID. Boom it opened and our stuff was confirmed ours. I was so lucky that wasn't the one time that Face ID didn't work.

     I did have to go to guest relations and get another pass, which was easy, since no one was there. I walked right up, explained what had happened, and the gentleman there got busy and issued a new pass. Free of charge mind you. They are supposed to change a fee of like $10 or something like that, but He felt sorry for me, and gave it to me with a hearty, "Enjoy the rest of your day." I couldn't be more thankful for his kindness and generosity.

     We wandered the park, hit rides, finally stopped late in the day for a bite to eat, and that is when the pain set in. I don't know what happened. I was fine when we sat down, but when we left, my left foot began hurting me, bad. It felt like someone was stabbing a pencil into the lower side of my foot right in front of the heel. It was excruciating, and yes there is still some pain now. Not as much though. I hobbled over to the Hogwart's Express, which is the train that will take you from one park to the other, and then we worked our way around Island's of Adventure for one last ride for the day. We were going for The Hulk. Halfway around the park and both feet started hurting now. I was miserable. We got to The Hulk and it was a 50 minute wait. I threw in the towel. I couldn't stand there and wait in line with that pain for 50 minutes. It was just too much, so I told my companion for the day that I was sorry, but I couldn't take it. She was understanding and we finally made our way to the car.
     Oh, I forgot to tell you about the car. She let me drive her car, which was a Subaru WRX. If you don't know what that is, it is basically a toned down Rally Race Car. 300 horsepower all wheel drive, and it was a manual transmission. I love to drive stick, but the clutch on this car was the stiffest I had ever experienced. Before you ask, no, I did not drive the wheels off of it, to see what it would do. Not my car, so I drive it with respect. I could feel the power though. It had a very smooth power band that could get you in trouble if you weren't paying attention. It was crazy at night too. The steering wheel had all these lights all over it. I was amazed, I had never seen anything like that before. It was a blast to drive, and a beautiful car.

     I know I said I was going to have lots of pictures, but since it was Universal and not Busch Gardens, I didn't see a need for pictures. I've posted pictures from there before. Despite the pain in my feet, I had a great time. I'm pretty sure that the pain was caused because I have basically not done much walking around in the past two months, and then yesterday we walked 7 and a half miles. That isn't including the amount that we walked when my phone was tucked away in a locker. I'm sure you could add probably another mile to that. My feet have just gotten too soft, so I'm going to have to work on that. That will all be part of that schedule I was talking about.

     On to today. As you know, we had a PR to do today, and I had my doubts about this place because they used a conveyor oven instead of a brick or wood fire oven to make their pizza. My doubts were for nothing, this place was really good. I won't spoil the review and tell you everything, that will all come in about 4 weeks. We got to talk to the owners, who were really friendly and dug what we were doing. They gave us a tour of the kitchen and showed us where they grate their fresh cheese daily, and make their dough. Their sauce is made daily as well. It wasn't a dine in restaurant, but they took care of us while we were there as if it were one. It was really a great place. The name is Luna Blu Pizza Co., so if you are in the area of Port St. John give it a try. Although if you go before you see the video, you probably won't watch the video or read the review, so hold your horses and just wait until that comes out.

     Finally time for Favorite Song of the Week. Guess who released the third song in a three song series of videos? Wait, you seriously can't guess, I've only been talking about and posting this band for the last month and a half or so. I even told you that they had one more song coming out for a three part story line with the videos they were putting out. Ok, you have it now right? One more hint? Ok, fine, it is none other than Twenty One Pilots. I don't feel like I need to tell you anything about them, especially if you have been reading this for any length of time, so let's just get to the video. Again, they released a song that sounds like nothing they have done before. I can't wait until their new album Trench comes out. I have a feeling that it is just going to be a journey from song to song. Anyway here is Twenty One Pilots, my favorite band, with "Levitate".

     The album is available for pre-order, so if you are ahead of me on this news, you know that Jumpsuit rolls right into Levitate, as tracks one and two. with Nico and the Niners all the way down at track 9. That makes me wonder if this three part story is in that order as well. I haven't gone and watched them in that order yet, but I might do that tomorrow.

     I am exhausted. The pain in my feet has taken toll on me today. As I said, it is significantly less than last night, but it is still there. I need to try and go out and film a video in the morning and then put it together and have it ready by 5 PM tomorrow, otherwise I ruin my streak of on time videos. I also have to squeeze that meeting in with my partner and that guy that might have some information on improving our views on YouTube. I don't know what this is really going to be about, but listening costs nothing, and it could work for us. Who knows. I'm going to hit the sack and pass out. Oh that reminds me. If you have an ALEXA you can have it play thunderstorm sounds, by saying just that. It will play mild rain with the occasional distant thunderclap for an hour, and it is great to help you go to sleep. I have been doing to for the past week or two. Goodnight and peace in.

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