Sunday, August 12, 2018

I Need Help

     It was a very strange week. This was the first week that it felt weird to not have any place to go. I need structure and right now there is none. I wake up, make breakfast, and then either write, paint, or film a video. I need to create a schedule, so that I have a plan for each day. I can't keep going on with this chaotic type of pattern that I'm in right now. This has actually caused me to start going down the spiral, and that is definitely not good. It didn't help that the PR is grossly underperforming this time.

     Since I'm on the subject of the PR. I created a new business card as you may remember. I ordered a limited number from the site I used to create them. It's called It's a great site that has helped me out a great deal with creating the logos, images for title page backgrounds, and the thumbnails for YouTube. It's free for the most part. You can create a membership, or you can pay for individual things if you want, but you can do pretty much everything you need to, for free. I did have to pay for the business cards, but it was only $12.50, that only gets me 50 cards though, but it will give me an idea if we want to go with that design in the future, then we can figure it out form there. Oh, and I'm still waiting on the stickers for the CS. I have had no word from the Sticker Guy, that is the site, on if they are done or if they are on their way. I figure if he is going by business days, they should be done based on his 10-15 day estimate on Monday or Tuesday. That will be 15 days since I ordered them.

     That is added on to other things that has bummed me out this week. Let's just get into that. You know about the lack of structure for my day, you know about the PR underperforming, you now know about no word on the stickers. Here are the other things. My partner felt short again. The schedule has been set for the release of these reviews for weeks now, so it's is imperative that we get on top of it when they are released and promote that they are out there in the world. He waited a full 24 hours before he did anything. The weekend is when we get the vast majority of our views, and if you take an entire day away from that, we only lose. That is one full day of promotion that we lost. He had his excuses, but I don't care about excuses, I care about actions. He told me that he did some things to promote, and they seem like good things, but I have seen no results from any of it yet. I'm hoping that it will pay off as the week goes on.

     I have also not gotten out to film anything for a Wednesday video or for a video that should be scheduled for Sunday. I haven't been able to, because of this spiral. The panic attacks are starting and when that happens, I can't get out and ride. I will fight through when it comes to driving some place, but I just can't muster up the courage to do it on Saki. I was planning on going out later this evening at sunset and maybe shoot a video around this small lake, but the rain is rolling in, and it doesn't look like that is going to happen.

     I'm not sure when I will be able to shoot anything at this point. I'm going to Busch Gardens with a friend of mine tomorrow, then I have a PR to do on Tuesday, this one was a bit of a surprise, because the previous schedule had us doing it in another two weeks, and then I'm scheduled to go meet with someone on Wednesday to take about the PR and how to maybe get more views and subscribers. My week is jam packed up until Wednesday. I might be able to go out Wednesday morning and shoot something, quickly put it together so that it will be ready for a 5 PM release. I'm going to have to scramble and that is just mounting on top of the spiral.  I'll get it done, I set a schedule and I'm going to stick to it. I only will have to figure out what that video will be, and then what will be the video for Sunday.

     There are a few good things that have happened. I am determined to create a daily schedule for myself. That is a good thing believe it or not. It will have to wait until Thursday though before it can kick in. I will be working on it Monday and Tuesday. I get to go to Busch Gardens with a pass that my friend got for free, that is a really good thing. I get to eat pizza on Tuesday, when is that not a good thing. I do believe that I finally figured out the camera to where I want it. This is still a work in progress though. I figured out the settings I like it is all a matter of adjusting for light to get the affect that I like best. No, I don't have any pictures to share, because I only did test shots. The first pictures should come on Tuesday night from the PR. I solved the problem with scheduling posts on here. This is a big one. I finally got it to work. The Patchwork Knight that was released yesterday was scheduled to release and it went on time. That eases a lot of pressure off of me for the PR. I have a months worth of The Patchwork Knight scheduled and ready to go on here. I'm way ahead of the game and I'm nearing the next transition point in the story, and I'm really excited about that. I released a new video today. It is a Remember When, but it is the first video with the new thumbnail that is going to be the standard for Remember When from now on. I will go back and create the thumbnail for the rest of them later this week. This is also the last video that I use that particular musical sound that was Remember When. The next one that is scheduled to release in two weeks has new music with it, and I think I like it better. First though you need to watch the latest video. This one took me way back.

     I'm really excited for you to hear the new music. I also watched a new series on Netflix. It was released Friday and it is great. It is called Insatiable, and you may have heard about it, due to the controversy about the main character. Before I get into that, I do think that the people that are passing judgement on it, haven't seen it yet. Here is the plot as it was promoted. A high school gets thin and pretty and wreaks havoc on everyone that did her wrong in the past. The main Character is named Patty, and she was nicknamed Fatty Patty. Patty is played by Debby Ryan, and she does a great job. I'm not going to tell you what happens and why the reviews more than likely are form people that haven't seen it. I am going to tell you to give it a try, and judge for yourself. The plot is not what they promoted it as. It is far more complicated than that, and creates a dialogue beyond the idea that you have to be pretty to be popular. I watched the whole series between Friday and Saturday night. I'm not even sure how long each episode is. I didn't care. There are 12 episodes and they move real fast. They are full of everything; humor, intrigue, morality, drama, and even a touch of suspense. I'm sure it won't be for everyone, but sit down and watch the first episode and see what you think.

     I need to go and relax for the rest of the night and get ready for Fear the Walking Dead. It's the mid season premier tonight, and I want to be there for it. I'll get some pictures form Busch Gardens to share, and I will have pictures from the Canon that I'll take during the PR. You'll see if I have this camera thing down.

     Oh, I almost forgot, there is one last thing. I need help. I have an idea for a few videos, but I need people to help me out with it. Here is the idea. I need shots of me on the bike from a chase card. Chase car is a bit of a misnomer, because you would in fact be in front of me. I'm going to need a driver and cameraperson. I will teach you everything you need to know to get the shot that I want. I will lay out the idea for you, so you will know exactly what I want, but I can't shoot this stuff by myself. I need help. You can either leave a comment on here, and we will work things out on how to get in touch with each other, or you can message be on Facebook or Instagram. I really need help on this, and here is the bonus. I will give you a credit in the video for what you did to help out. I'll discuss details on the shots when I hear from you. Peace in and goodnight.

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