Sunday, August 5, 2018

New Video And A Finalized Schedule

     I got a visit from my brother. It was the first time I've seen him in a couple of decades. It was good catching up with him, but it's not over yet, we have a lunch planned before he flies back to Texas. I'll try and get a picture of the two of us so that you can see how much we look alike.

     I've been writing like a fiend. I have a months worth of The Patchwork Knight ready to go, which leads me to something else. I found out how to schedule a post release here on blogger. There is only one problem, when I did it, it didn't' work. I scheduled the last chapter of The Patchwork Knight, but it didn't publish at the specified time. I did a test post to see if that would work. No bueno. I was hoping I found the solution to my publishing the PR at the same time as the video, but it seems I'm still going to have to do it manually. I have the rest of The Patchwork Knight that is completed up on the schedule so I will see next Saturday if it works. Maybe I just needed to give it more time than a day. If there is a way to figure it out, I will.

     When I haven't been writing I've either been painting the PR logo, which is coming along well, or I've been filming and editing videos. I have two more Remember When's completed and scheduled for release on YouTube. That makes three more to go with more to come. I have them spaced out over 6 weeks, so they won't all launch in consecutive weeks. I like having the time to come up with new videos to fill that alternate Sundays. Although, I did wait until the last minute this week to finish the video that went up today. I filmed it and put it together yesterday afternoon. It's something I wanted to do, and knew it wouldn't take much time to get done, so it was perfect for a sunny Saturday afternoon. Here is the video that launched this morning.

     After filming that I decided it was time to hit Baci for some dinner. I was leaning towards having their Breakfast Burger, but I had an open mind in seeing what was on the seasonal menu. They had a new burger so that is what I went for. It was a BBQ Bacon Burger, and it was fantastic. I still can't figure out how a place that is known for great pizza manages to make one of the best burgers in the area. I really think that they should create burger menu. They usually only have one burger on the menu at a time.

     I mean, just take a look at that, oh, and the fries are always amazing. It was a bit messy, like every BBQ burger is, but it was worth the mess. I only had a small puddle of BBQ sauce left behind on that little basket when I was finished. I may just have to go and make a video fo that burger. I do have some other food places I want to try out, but this one is a true winner.

     I'm planning on waking up tomorrow and going out to film for a video that will either come out the Wednesday after next, or the following Sunday. I already have a Remember When scheduled for this coming Sunday, and since this week is the review of Genna's Pizza, I'm not going to post a video for the CS. I don't want to overload you with things that take up your time. That is the schedule from now on, new videos every Sunday and videos every other Wednesday. I think it is a good schedule to keep things moving and not put too much on people's plate.

     I'm actually getting this done rather early today, so I'm going to go have an early dinner and then sit down and watch TV, until I become part of the chair. Peace in and goodnight.

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