Thursday, August 9, 2018

Be Like Dave

     It's the day I've been waiting for for a few weeks now. I can finally show you the review for Genna's Pizza Company. I really liked the way this video turned out, and the new things I tried with it, that I think worked. Let me know what you think.

     Oh, I also think I figured out the problem with the scheduling of the blog post. It's not completely my fault. I noticed today when I got home from my guitar lesson that the post hadn't launched like it was scheduled to. I went in and manually clicked the publish button. When I did that, it switched the little orange button that said Publish on it, to Scheduled. It should have posted, but at least it was something different. Here is the problem, when I've hit that publish button after scheduling things before, it simply published them, but it was different today. I will know if I figured it out on Saturday. I have the next chapter of The Patchwork Knight scheduled for Saturday morning. If it finally works, then it is one less thing I have to worry about when getting the PR out on time and together.

     I fixed the problem with the GoPro Hero 5 Session. I ground down the area that was holding the door on the side from opening. I didn't grind it all the way down, because I still want that structural integrity on the side of it, but I ground it down just enough to open the door wide enough to get the mic adaptor plugged in. I took my time with it, and worked it slowly, so that I wouldn't dig in to deep. It almost looks like it was always supposed to be that way. I smoothed it all out, so that it won't damage the Session or catch on my fingers when I am going in and out of there with it. Although I don't have to take it out of the cage for any real reason now. I do want to to a text video for it to see what it looks like with the filter on it. I may just make some video and then post it up on Wednesday for my mid week video. I have no idea what I'm going to talk about, and then there is the added non-bonus of me being on camera for another video. No one wants to see that. I do it for the PR under protest.

     A video was released today by Dave Grohl. If you don't know who that is, then I have to ask you where you have been living for the last ten years or so. Anyway, he posted a video that goes along with a new song of his, and this song is unique. The video is 31 minutes long, so I'm not going to post it on here, but I am going to ask you to look it up and give it a watch when you have the time. Here is a little history lesson for you about Dave Grohl.

     Dave Grohl was the drummer of Nirvana. The story goes, that Nirvana needed a drummer and he said he could do it, but he had never really played drums. He just had this insane drive to succeed. The of course became one of the biggest bands of all time, then Kurt Cobain took his life. When that happened, there was a ton of speculation about what was going to happen next. Almost everyone believed that Krist Novoselic would start a band and kind of pick up the mantle. Dave Grohl had quit music entirely. He didn't want to play without Kurt, but then the itch took hold of him again, and he started a secret project called Foo Fighters. He wrote all the songs, and played all the instruments on that first album. He had no idea that it would become a big hit. He had to put a band together so that he could go on tour. Within a year or so, he was once again in one of the biggest bands of all time. This time he was fronting it. The Fighters of Foo have been going strong ever since. He has had several side projects along the way. He did a hardcore punk album called Probot. He is the official drummer for Tenacious D. He was offered to tour with Led Zeppelin as their drummer for a potential world tour. He even did a stint with The Muppets. He has filmed documentaries about music, and with today's release, he did a single song that is 23 minutes long and he plays every single instrument on the song. It is remarkable. He has a little 8 minutes piece in the front of it, featuring kids that are learning how to play music, and this song is putting a spotlight on how music programs are disappearing from schools.

    I received the email announcing the video and song being out today, and at the bottom are all these links on where you can go if you want to play, or you can be a mentor, or you can learn how to play. and that is what the song is, it is called Play. He played instruments that he had never played before, or even knew how to play. At one point in the video he says, "by the end of this, I'm going to actually be able to play one of these instruments" of course he knows how to play several instruments, but the thing is, that he wanted to challenge himself to do something new and out of his comfort zone. He said that the most intimidating thing, was standing at the percussion table. Even though he is known primarily as a drummer, he had never played any of those percussion instruments. There is a story from when Nirvana did their Unplugged special on MTV, about how Dave was worried about the drums being too loud for an acoustic set. Someone handed him a pair of brush sticks. He had no idea what they were. They told him to use the brush end to play the drums. He tried them out, and said they were amazing. He had never seen or even heard of them before. You man know that that was one of the highest rated Unplugged that MTV did.

     This is a guy that said, I believe in myself. If he can do that, why can't you? He made an entire 23 minutes instrumental song, playing instruments that he had never played, or even knew how to play. He speaks of his worries and fears about how it is all going to go, in the piece leading up to the song. He overcame those fears. You can do anything you want to, you only have to put the effort into doing it. Dream big, but work harder to make those dreams come true, You could be the next Dave Grohl, and that is not a bad thing at all. Peace in and goodnight.

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