Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sometimes It's The Little Things That Make A Difference.

     I've been busy with the small things this weekend. I broke the camera out, and got some decent shots. I edited two of them and left one of them as is. It was just too good to do anything with.

     Can you guess which one is untouched? 1,2,3? I won't tell until someone asks. I also put together a little video for this morning yesterday. It was a fun one to do, and one that I've been wanting to do for a while now. I think you will figure out why once you've watched it.

    That's right, the stickers are finally here. Just follow the instructions in the video to get your very own Counterfeit Squirrel sticker. Here is one more picture just to really get a good look at it.

     When I was finished with that video, I stopped by a housewarming party for some good friends of mine. I hadn't seen them in over a year, so it was really good to get in touch with them again. I only stayed briefly because of my very special gift of social anxiety, and I also needed to edit that video and get it uploaded for release this morning. While I was there though, I did get to see a few other friends that I hadn't seen in the same amount of time of longer. It made the panic attack that was going on inside of me a little bit easier to handle. 

     These panic attacks are getting a little worse and a little more often, but I'm dealing with it the best that I can. I won't let them stop me completely, and I have gotten my schedule together and it will start tomorrow morning. I'm not going to give you the details, but I will tell you if it makes a difference in how I'm feeling.

     On a different subject, I finished the painting for the PR logo. It didn't come out how I wanted it. I'm afraid I just don't have the skill to do what I want to do. It's a bummer, but I think it came out ok. If you have been on any of the PR social media accounts today, you would have seen it. I put it in place, but just in case you haven't, here it is. I really wanted it to be more photorealistic, but as I was trying to go deeper and deeper into it, I was getting to the point where I was going to really screw it up. Since I have put a lot of work into it, that was the last thing I wanted to do. I know what you are think, "you could just paint over the mistakes" It's not that simple. When the mistakes keep getting bigger and bigger, it becomes demoralizing, and just eats away at your self esteem. This is the best I could do, and for me, it wasn't good enough, but it will do for now. Maybe if we can get this thing really going, we can pay someone to do exactly what I want to do with it. Until then, this is the official logo for TPR, and yes I know I always shorten it on here to just the PR, but TPR is what it really is. We have the new business card, we now have the logo, and we are going to be working on a massive project that could be a game changer for us when it comes out. I'm not going to give you any details, but I will tell you when it comes out, so you can check it out.

     Now that the PR business is out of the way, there is one more thing that I did this weekend, and I just finished it. A couple of weeks ago, I ordered these pens that are made to paint the logos on your tires. I came up with this idea out of no where and started looking things up online to see if it was really a thing, and it was. I wanted a way to get some purple on Saki without repainting it, something I need a lot of money and time to be able to do myself. Anyway there is a company called Tire Ink that makes these paint pens just for painting on your tire, and they just so happened to have purple, red would have been my second choice had they not had purple. Here is how it looks.

     Pretty cool right? That is the practice for when I get the new tires put on. I'm going to do that in a couple of weeks. The company says that one pen can do a single car, so I'm covered with the bike. It gives it that little pop of color that makes me happy. With that done. I did find a place to put my own sticker on Saki, here is the pic of that.

     If you look under the R on the side of the bike you will see that CS logo. I do think that if I reorder these stickers, I will go bigger the next time. Those are 2 1/2 inches so I can go 3 or 3 1/2 for the next one. That of course adds cost, but the next ones I will sell, if there is enough demand for them. I'll figure out the price once I have to order them, but I can't see them being more than $5. Until then, watch that video above to find out how to get your hands on the ones I have now for free. I have already handed out a few of them, and of course I put a few on my own things, but I still have at least 80 more. First come first serve Y'all. 

     That was my weekend in a nutshell. I'm going to go around next week to get things set up for that special project. I only have a week to do the set-up and then two weeks to put it all together. This is going to be a lot of work, but I'm pretty sure that what I see in my head, I can do. This isn't like the painting, I knew there was a shot I wouldn't pull of what I wanted, but I had to try. This I know I can do. I can't wait to share this with you. Peace in and goodnight.

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