Saturday, July 2, 2016

Skeleton Clique

     I had this brilliant plan of posting a bunch of photos of the new helmet with a review about it. I failed to take any more photos other than the one after I got it, so it will have to suffice for the review. Also, I have a few photos from the Twenty One Pilots concert last night, as well as a video of what I thought was the best act of America's Got Talent. I didn't want to burden you with a bunch of pictures and videos. I'm trying to keep it to a minimum, so on with the helmet review.

     There it is in all it's beauty. The new Arai XD-4. I also got my new Icon Overlord gloves in there. Quickly on them. They were discounted to a cheap price, and I wanted to try a glove a size down to see if they would fit better and not have all that extra dumb that my normal gloves have. It worked out perfectly. The fit is a little extra snug, but I expect them to break in in no time.

     On to the helmet. I got the chance to test it out in probably the one set of conditions that I didn't want to test it out in. That would be the rain. I really wanted a few hundred miles under my wheels before I got Saki in the rain, but the weather snuck up on me this Thursday, and I had to ride home in the rain. The helmet worked great. It is light enough that it doesn't affect me at all, and the fit is exceptional. I don't have that claustrophobic feeling that I have gotten in every other helmet, with the exception of my half shell. The venting was great. The front vent got plenty of air to my face, while the side vents minimized fogging on the shield. Since I did get a little bit of fogging, I alleviated that problem by simply cracking the shield.  The visor didn't obstruct my view at all. I had read a review that said it would cause you problems when you were stopped at lights, and that it would keep you from seeing them. I didn't have that problem at all. It also didn't catch any drag when I turned my head to check on traffic behind me. It is definitely the best helmet that I have ever owned. If you need a helmet, and are questioning whether or not this is right for you, I say give it a shot. It's not cheap, but if you are going to spend money on any accessory for riding, the helmet is the one to spend it on.

     Last night, I saw my favorite band at the Amway Center in Orlando. The show was better than I even expected it to be. In part, because of the woman I met standing in line to get in. She is an outstanding person, and I hope to see her again some time. Enough of that though. let's get to the show. I had floor tickets, so I knew I would have a good shot at standing somewhere with a great view. When I walked in, I noticed a small stage down on the floor. I had seen Fall Out Boy do that once before. They played a small set there, and let the fans at the back of the floor have a chance to get a little closer to the band. I'll get to more of the floor stage later. The opening act was a band called CHEF'SPECIAL. They were a reggae type band from Norway, and they did a great job of getting the crowd warmed up, and ready for the main show. They had a great sound and got people moving to the beat.

     The second opener was Mutemath. Thanks to the woman I met, I found out that they were a big influence on TOP. They started their set with the drummer coming out to the kit, and taping his headphones to his head like a madman. My new friend pointed this out to me, it's because he goes insane on the drums, and there is no other way to keep his headphones on. That was a show in itself. At about the second song, I came to the conclusion that I was mad, that I hadn't been listening to these guys. They were great, and they really charged up the crowd. Great songs, lot's of energy, and their closer was simply amazing. The entire band with the exception of the all purpose guy (he played guitar, keyboards, and anything else you could possible play) surrounded the drum kit, and all of them played it at once. The other guy had some sort of machine that he was playing all kinds of samples and sounds from. The whole thing was mind-blowing. I wanted more, but isn't that the best way to leave the crowd? Always wanting more?

     Twenty One Pilots took the stage, and the place exploded. The crowd went out of their minds, myself included. This was the best show that I've ever seen them do, and I've seen them 6 times now. The played their newest song from the Suicide Squad soundtrack "Heathens", and it gave me chills. The entire crowd new every word and sang along with it. The song is only a couple of weeks old. That is what this band does to you. You want to know every lyric to every song. My new friend had other friends there, that had seen 5 of the current tours shows so far, so they knew when things were happening, so at the right moment, we headed to the floor stage, to have a great view. I was in the second row behind the barriers at that point, and I did the one thing that I don't ever do at concerts, I took out my phone and took pictures. I felt the compulsion take over me, and I let loose. Here is what I got from that area.

Pretty close right? The did about 15 minutes of a set there, where they played some of their older songs, mostly off the first self titled album, and the unreleased album Regional. Once they were done there, they made their way back to the stage, and I had to take a couple more pictures, because we worked our way back that way for the rest of the show.

     Not a bad place to stand. I'm not going to tell you all the stuff they did during the show, because it is really one of those, you had to be there moments. I can say this though. I have no idea how they are going to pull some of the stuff off at Red Rocks, which is where I will be seeing them in 11 days. Even if they can't pull off certain things, it's still going to be an amazing show. I had such a great time, and met some wonderful people. That is the way it is when you are part of the Skeleton Clique.

     I'm going to finish up tonight with a video from America's Got Talent. The performer is named Brian Justin Crum, and he is a singer, maybe singer is a bit of an understatement. He took on a Queen song, and I'm one to be critical of anyone who tries to take on the legend that is Freddie Mercury. Freddie was the greatest voice in rock history. You an argue you with me all you want, but you will not change my mind on this, so when someone does Queen they better bring it. I don't think they have to sound like Freddie, but the definitely have to have extreme talent, and this kid does. Just watch for yourself and see what you think.

     So what did you think? I think the kid is good and he laid it all out there. I want to see what he does next. Peace in and goodnight.

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