Sunday, July 17, 2016

Rocky Mountain High

     This is coming in rather late tonight. I've been fighting with my internet connection. This is also going old school tonight. That is where I type this up from my Mac instead of my MacBook.

     I want to start of tonight, by mentioning the horrific act that took place in Nice, France. Once again, hatred has reared it's ugly head, and once again, many innocent people lost their lives. As soon as I find a complete list of the victims, I will post it here. There are only a few names available at this time, but I urge you to ignore the name of the person who did this act, and concentrate on those who were victims of it. The person that did this, needs to be forgotten, he needs to be unknown. The people who died as a result of this cowardly act, those people need to be honored by remembering their names. They are the light in the darkness.

     I got back from my short vacation tonight, and it was marvelous. I'll give you the summary of everything that happened. I landed in Colorado and was picked up by one of my favorite people in this world. We headed of to the house to put my bags up, and then we went for breakfast. After that,w as a few rounds of putt-putt golf to waste some time before we had to head to Red Rocks for the Twenty One Pilots concert. It was amazing.

     This was taken right after we got to our seats. Mute Math was about to go on stage. If you take a look at those clouds off in the distance, they were providing their own light show, which became even more impressive when the sun went down. Pictures really don't do justice to this venue. It is a gym of a concert venue. You will find nothing like it in the world, and I'm so glad I got to see Twenty One Pilots there.

     The next day, we headed into the Downtown Denver area, to take a tour of Coors Field. I'm a big fan of the Rockies, so to get to see the ins and outs of the whole stadium, was kind of a big deal for me. The team was off for the Allstar Break, but they have tours all the time when the team is away. I think it was a little cooler, to see the place with only a crowd of about 20 people or so. We had the whole park to ourselves.

     We went everywhere; in the press boothes, the visitors clubhouse, the luxury suites, and even the field, as you can see by the pictures. It's a beautiful stadium, and if you like baseball, and you find yourself in Denver, definitely go and watch a game there.

     From there, we made our way to a small baseball museum called the National Ballpark Museum. The mainly focused on ballparks that were built at the turn of the last century, and they had artifacts from just about all of them. It was a small place, but it housed some impressive stuff. it's right down the street from Coors Field, so once again, fi you find yourself in Denver and you like baseball, look up the museum. It would be a great thing to do before heading to the ballpark.

     My Brother's Bar was next on the schedule. We walked their from the museum. It took us a little under a half hour. It is the kind of bar I would find myself in on a weekly basis. It is the epitome of the dive bar. It is also where Jack Kerouac went when he was in Denver.

     Last but not lease for my second day in town, was Lakeside Amusement Park. It's a very old amusement park, and looks every bit it's age. It is rumored to be haunted, but I didn't get that feeling at all, however, this picture tells a story. It's an abandoned ferris wheel that sits right in the middle of the park. It is mostly state fair type rides, but they have a really cool old wooden coaster called the Cyclone. I'm sure it is a take on the one in Coney Island, but that doesn't make it less cool. I got to ride it twice, with the final time coming to end the day at night. It was wild, we sat in the front car, and I could swear that the wheel left the track a few times. That's just good old fashioned fun right there.

     The next day was a bit more relaxing. We only did a tour of Coors brewery, and then headed to a great burger place called Bob's Atomic Burgers. We got some burgers to go, which were really good, and headed to another brewery right across the street from Coors. It was called Barrels and Bottles. I had a Melvin IPA, and an Orange Creamsicle Blonde. Both were really good.

     Today was my last day there, and we took it down an even lower notch, and headed to the dog park. This was no ordinary dog park though. It went for miles, and head trails zig zagging across the whole thing. There were small streams and lakes for the dogs to play in, and it was just fun watching all the dogs having such a good time.

    My flight was delayed by 2 hours, so I'm writing this at 3 in the morning now, so I'm going to wrap it up here, and get to writing the 365 then some sleep. Remember that this Tuesday, starts the new schedule on here. I will now be posting Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday nights. The 365 wraps up on Monday, and I will be deleting my Facebook account on Tuesday night directly after posting on here. I hope you enjoy the ride that we are on. Peace in and goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. I still dislike that you're deleting your FB account.
