Monday, August 1, 2016

Friday Night Drinking

     It was a rather weird weekend. Let's just start with Friday. My drinking buddy texted me in the afternoon, wanting to head out for drinks. I'm still in a no spending mode, so I really wasn't up for it. He said it was all on him, and to come out. After a couple hours, I headed out and met him at a place of his choosing. It was a BBQ place that he likes. The food is so-so, but the service is good, and the bartenders are friendly. When I got there, he already had a woman with him, which meant that I was going to be a third wheel for the night. I'm not very fond of being the third wheel, but he apparently needed an excuse if it failed, and I was going to be it, but we will get to that later.

     I have no idea how much we drank at that place, but it was quite a bit. What to do after drinking a lot at one bar? Go to another bar to have more drinks, of course. That is what we did. We made our next stop at my favorite watering hole, and had couple more until they closed down. They close at 10, so that meant we just had to go somewhere else to drink. Mind you, I'm still a third wheel at this point, and he is working hard to get her to go to the next place.

     I mentioned to him about how I went to the gay bar a few weeks ago, and how much fun it was, so he wanted to go. We started making our way there, but his date decided that she was going somewhere else. I was drinking whiskey up unto this point, but since the alcohol selection at the gay bar is the worst of the worst, I had to switch over to beer. Now at this point, I can remember having two drinks at my favorite watering hole, and I was starting on my first beer. We were just sitting there while he texted his lady friend. I needed something to pass my time, so I just started talking to random people. It's sort of against my nature, but when you have nothing to do but stare into your beer, you change your nature.

     People do like to approach me, mostly because of the beard. I've learned how to deal with that, and turn it into a positive. It's always a good conversation starter, but since I was the one striking up the conversation, I had to do to them, what they do to me, and that is find something unique about them. Once I did that, the conversation normally turns to the beard, and it takes off from there. I'm taking to a few people, and my buddy tells me that his lady friend is on her way, and he is going out to the parking lot to meet her. I'm ok with that, I'm talking to about a half dozen people at this point. I'm pretty sure that most of them don't know that I"m straight. There were a bunch of ladies out for the night, and they asked me to dance with them while they braided my beard. I obliged, and got to dancing. They had to move on to their next stop after one song, so I headed back to my beer. My buddy was still gone, but once again, I had a crowd of people now.

     A lesbian came up to me, and told me that she had to take the braid out of my beard, because it was off to an angle. She seemed a little upset about it, so I let her do it. You never argue with an angry lesbian. She wasn't really angry, but she did insist on taking the braid out. I then started talking to an older gentleman and what turned out to be his foster son. I thought it was a May/December thing at first, because the younger guy, kept calling him daddy. That is not unusual in the gay community. It was the younger guys birthday, and he was out to have a good time. The older man told me some of his story, and how he was his foster father, and that younger man wasn't gay, but he had Aspergers syndrome. and that he had never had more than one beer at any given time. That night he was on his sixth one. He was having a good time, and wanted his foster father there having a good time too. He new that his father liked gay bars, even though he wasn't much in the scene anymore.

     The father had come out when it wasn't very good to do so. He came out in 1969 living in the South. That time period and that area of the country were definitely not places that you would feel comfortable if you were gay, but he did it, and survived to tell his tale. He had also stopped drinking 26 years ago, so he was just there, in reality, supporting his son. It was a very cool thing to see, and they were interesting people to talk to.

     The night was just starting to turn in a slightly odd direction for me. I stuck up a conversation with some woman, just as a transgender woman came by that I know. I said hi to her. She must have forgotten that I'm straight and started hitting on me. I had to let her down gently. She was fine with it. I'm good at getting people to feel good at not so good things. My buddy had finally come back, about the time the other woman I was talking to, asked me if I had ever kissed a plumber. I said no, and she then asked me if I wanted to. I was already several upon several drinks in at this point, and said, sure. I thought she was kidding, and then she leaned in, and we kissed. She was a good kisser, or at least from every perception that I had, she was. We sat and talked for some time. Somehow the conversation got to sex. That's when she bit me. I know what you are thinking. You must have really pissed her off to get her to bite you. Not at all. She told me that I had to bite her neck and pull her head as she was orgasming. I asked her to show me, so that I knew what she meant. She then bit me on the neck. I can still feel the bruise that it left. Shortly after that, she told me that we weren't going home together. I really didn't care. My goal was to never go out that night so anything was pure bonus.

     About 30 minutes later, she lifter her shirt up over her head, and showed me her bra. I was definitely getting mixed signals, but I was sticking with the more direct signal, and figured that we weren't having sex that night. Her best friend showed up shortly after that. He was a very large gentleman, and seemed to me to be rather gay. After several minutes of conversation, he told me that he wasn't.  Sometime during this conversation, a new beer showed up in front of me. Here is the thing about being the straight guy at the gay bar, and just being friendly and kind. People buy you drinks, and women feel way to comfortable around you. Even when they know you are straight, they still feel like you might be lying to them, or at least that is what I think is going on.

     At some point, I got whisked outside with the woman and her best friend. There were more people out there to talk to, so I started talking. The next thing I know, another younger woman, pulls me into an alcove to show me her breasts and pierced nipples. She was telling me that they were ugly and she hated them. I think I said that they can't possibly be that bad, and that is when she drug me in the alcove. I was right, they were rather beautiful. We walked out of the small alcove, and then she tells her boyfriend that I think they are beautiful. He agrees with me. It was just a weird situation.

     My buddy comes out with his lady friend, and says that they are leaving. They were closing everything down, so I was sure to be right behind him. I was completely wrong. it turns out that my new friends, the woman and her best friend, were very friendly with the bartender, so we got to go to the afterparty back in the alley behind the place. The bartender poured drinks for everyone. I opted out of a final drink, and just sat back there an chatted with everyone. I was told that I had to come the next night, which would have been Saturday, to see the drag show. That is where the woman and I would pick up where we left off. I told them I would. I didn't. I'll get to the reason shortly.

     This is getting kind of long, so I'm going to try to get to everything and wrap this up quickly. My buddy texts me Saturday afternoon, wanting to know if I want to hit a movie. Jason Bourne was the movie of choice, and I did want to go see it. I met up with him for the movie. It was pretty good. Not the best of the Bourne movies but still pretty good. When the movie was over, my buddy wanted to go get something to eat. I suggested a new place near the theater. While we were waiting to get called for a table, he told me that I nearly cock blocked him on Friday night. The reason, I had mention at some point during the night, that he was out with another woman a couple of weeks ago. Apparently his lady friend of Friday kept asking him about this other woman. He began to chastise me about the whole thing. This is the same buddy of mine, that every time I am talking to a woman, he jumps in, and directs the conversation to him. It even got to a point, that I picked a woman out, and told him that I was very attracted to her, to see what he would do. After a while, he began flirting with her. It's in his nature, and he can't control it. I could have pointed all of this out to him, but decided it wasn't worth the fight that was going to come out of it. He still thinks he can be a wing man for me. He can't. It's simply impossible for him to let someone else get the girl.

     We were told that there would be a 30 minute wait for a table. After about an hour of waiting, we finally got up and went to another place. We ended up at a Buffalo Wild Wings. I'd never been to one, so it was a new experience for me. The place was noisy, but everyone was friendly and the food was really good, so I can take a little excessive volume for that.

     When we were done at BWW, mu buddy wanted to know what was next for the night. He wanted to hit up the gay bar for then drag show. I wan't up for drinking and after him telling me how I ruined his chances, I really didn't want to go hang out with him. He knew that woman was going to be there and was wanting to see me. In my head, he was going to do everything he could to try and take her home. The best way for me not to let that happen, was to not go at all. He may have went, I have no idea, but I went home and watched a little TV before going to sleep. If he did go, I'm sure that he will tell me all about it the next time I see him. I'm also sure, that if he did, he will also tell me about how he hooked up with that woman. Like I said, he can't control himself when it comes to that. If he does tell me all that, I will just have to see how I react. Even though I don't care about that woman, I'm pretty sure, that that will end our friendship. More for the principal of that matter rather than the actual act of it. I'm kind of leaning towards not drinking anymore anyway. I'm not saying that I'm going to stop, I just don't see any benefits that come from it anymore.

     I'll let you know how everything goes. Peace in and goodnight.

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