Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Rain O'er Me (yes i know that isn't how it's spelled, it's a parody of the song).

     There are a few things to talk about tonight, so let's just jump right in on it. This one is going to be loaded with videos, so I hope you have some good quality time to sit down and read and watch. We'll start with the return of America's Got Talent. Ok, I was just looking up the videos, and maybe it won't be a video heavy night. I will however get the videos I want you to see, up as soon as I can, which will more than likely be Thursday night.

     It appears that the AGT Youtube page hasn't posted all the performances from tonight, so I will just give you a little about what I wanted to show you. As most of you know, I became a big fan of Grace VanderWaal after her first performance on AGT. Howie Mandel awarded her with the Golden Buzzer and sent her straight through to the live shows. Tonight was her return to the stage. I was a little worried for her. I found her Youtube page, and she has been posting a lot of cover songs on there, and they aren't all very good. She has limited playing ability on her ukulele, so she often times only plays chords that she knows, and they aren't always right. That being said, her voice is still great and unique. My worry, was that someone was going to convince her to play a covers song, in order to appeal to a broader audience. It's much easier to like a song, if you know it. With Grace however, her voice is so unique, that a cover would do her a disservice. You would spend too much time comparing her to the original artist, and maybe not like her version as much. fortunately, this was only speculation. She did another original song, and as soon as I find that video, I will post it for you to watch. You could tell that she was a bit nervous when she started out. It's an original song, so you can't tell if she was rushing it a bit, or that is just how it goes. Another great aspect to doing an original over a cover.. Once she heard the crowd cheer for the first time, a smile crossed her face, and she loosened up. She was fantastic, and I'm sure she will go through to the next round.

     As good as Grace was, she wasn't my favorite act of the night. That honor goes to Brian Justin Crum, who did do a cover, but he made it his own. He covered Phil Collins  "In the Air Tonight". It was haunting and down right beautiful. Once again, as soon as I can find the video, I will post it for you to see. This guys voice is uncanny good. He owns the stage like a seasoned pro, and doesn't back down from a challenge. Each song he has chosen, has basically been a small part of the story of his life. His first one was Queen's "Somebody to Love". His second song was Radiohead's "Creep", both of them relating to a time in his life. Early on, he was picked on, and he just wanted people to like him, later after he came out, he was the "creep", but now, was his moment to shine. When I get the video and you listen to the lyrics as he sings, it will all make sense. Where Grace was fantastic. Brian was superb. It was a truly flawless performance.

    Ok, time for Favorite Song of the Week. The song this week is one that I just couldn't get out of my head. I've listened to it several times this week already, and will more than likely listen to it a dozen times more. Here comes the crazy part, I've already posted this song as a Favorite Song of the Week. Can you guess what it is? I never said that FSOTW was going to be a different song every week. I didn't even lay down any rules for it at all, just that it was going to be my favorite song for that week, and this one definitely is, so here it is my Favorite Song of the Week, belongs to none other than Twenty One Pilots. Come on, like you didn't see that coming. The bonus is, that this time I will get to post the video that I want to, instead of what I could find through the pop up window. Here is the official version of "Heathens" by my favorite band, Twenty One Pilots.

     This is probably the first time that I hope, me writing about something, doesn't get it to leave my head. I want this song bouncing around in there for as long as possible.

     Amazon Prime has started their pilot season. That is where Amazon released pilots for possible series that they may do. You only get one episode, and then based on reviews, they decide whether or not to do a season of shows for it. I've watched 3 pilots. I don't know if there are more or not, but I'm here to talk about two of them. The first one I watched was The Tick. I've always been a fan of The Tick. He is an oddball superhero that is bit quirky, a little goofy, and a lot indestructible. They tried dong a series for the show several years ago, and it had potential, but Fox didn't want to spend the money on a fringe show, so it was canceled. This is where Amazon has a chance to shine, and in the first episode, they did just that. The show has good writing, and a really good cast. The CGI is relatively good, and gets you into the quirky world of The Tick. If you have a Prime account, you can watch it for free, and I recommend that you do. It's a full half hour long, so it won't take up too much of your time, and it's only one episode, so you don't have to worry about getting wrapped into binge watching, yet.

     The second show, and the one I thought was the best of them, was Jean Claude Van Johnson. the name sounds a little like Jean Claude Van Dam right? Well that is because he stars in it. Here is the premise. JCVD is retired from making movies, and just lounges around the house, eating Pop Tarts, and picking up women, but then he sees an old flame, and decides to un-retire. Here is the thing, what he really retired from, was not acting, but black-ops spying. That's right JCVD is a super spy, and his movies were only cover stories to get him to places that he had a black-ops mission. I won't tell you much more about it, because I really want you to watch it. JCVD takes the piss out of himself, and is self deprecatingly hilarious. The show is an absolute laugh riot, of the highest order. It is a must see, and I really hope that this one gets picked up, because I want seasons, not just a season of this. It has the potential to be one of the all time funniest shows, and I beg of you to go check it out.

     A couple of work related things and then I will leave you alone. I only have a 3 day work week this week, and it kind of blows. I'll get over it though, and move on. I'm looking at it this way. I get more time to ride Saki, and walk around to hatch Pokemon eggs. Yeah, I'm playing Pokemon Go. Don't judge me, it's fun.

     Speaking of Saki, here is the other work related thing. Every day that I ride in to work, a woman there always tells me that she hopes that it will rain, so that I get rained on riding home. Here is the way I hear that in my head. "I hope that you crash and die.". Seems a little dramatic right? Well, when you are on a motorcycle, you won't optimum riding conditions, and when those conditions change the slightest bit, the chances of you getting injured go up drastically. Wet roads, means slick conditions, especially here in Florida. Black ice is real, and it can put a bike down in a second. Rain also decreases visibility, not only mine, but other drivers. I'm small enough on a bike as it is, when a cars visibility is decreased, my chances of getting hit go up exponentially. As you can see, I'm not quite as dramatic as you would believe at first. That is why, when she tells me that she hopes I get rained on, I only hear, I want you to die. Here is the question for you. Do I mention this to her, or do I just leave it as is? Right now, I'm just leaving it lie, but I'm more enraged by it every time she says it, and I'm compelled to tell her what I think. I would be polite, but still let her know that she is being a prick.

     That's all I got tonight. I have to wake up early for my mid week Friday. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Sometimes people are making a joke without realizing they are being an ass. I used to have a class with this Very attractive girl who happened to be thin. I made comments about her being "skinny" (I meant it as a compliment, or I was thinly veiling jealousy). After months, she finally was candid with me that my comments were hurting her feelings. Yes, I was abashed and felt terrible... but not as terrible as I'd have felt if I continued to hurt her feelings.

    Point being, if this woman is just trying to "be funny", she will want to know that her comments don't sound like jokes. If she is really a prick, then good on you for calling her out. At the very least, she will be unlikely to continue those comments.

    That, in a large nutshell, is my input.

    1. And fine input it is. I will call her out on it next time, and tell her what it sounds like to me. I think the intent is humor, it just doesn't come off quite that way.
