Sunday, August 7, 2016

Truf, Suicide Squad, Saki, and Baseball.

     There is a lot to talk about tonight, so let's just dive right in. First and foremost, I have some fantastic news for you. The Truf is safe and sound at home. she is currently sleeping in her bed, and happy as can be.
     That picture was taken right after she got home. She was very hungry, but I think that was more because she was safe, and not because she was malnourished. A woman in the neighborhood behind mine, found her in her yard shortly after I believe she went missing from my backyard. She took her in for the night, and then took her to the local Humane Society. A very good friend of mine helped me greatly in finding Truf. She mentioned a few things I should do, and after posting flyers all over, I finally started taking her advice, and called Animal Control, which led me to a website, that my friend had also said to check out. I went to the site, and lo and behold, there was Truf right on top. I called the contact number, and told them I was on my way up. I had to prove ownership with pictures and vet records, but as soon as the woman at the desk saw the flyer I had made, she knew it was her. I couldn't be more appreciative of the woman who found her, and kept her safe over night, and everyone at the Humane Society for taking care of her until I could get there. I will be taking a big donation of food, blankets, and toys as soon as I can to them. Which, by the way, is a good thing that you too can do for your local Humane Society or pet adoption center. They always need things like that, and it is a great way to get a RAK out there. Just a little food for thought.

     A friend of mine emailed me about what the subscription emails look like. I happened to know about this little problem that she was brining up, and was thinking about talking about it sooner, but kept forgetting about it. Here is the thing, when I added the subscription button on the page, I thought that it would give you a reminder that a new blog had been posted, and would provide a link for you to go to it, not give you the entire blog in an email. I subscribed myself, just so that I could know that it was working and what it all looked like to you the reader. I thought it was a kind of cool that it came out like this, but there was one problem. The media players that I post from time to time, do not translate through to the email, so you are missing out on some really cool stuff. That being said, the best way to experience this blog, especially when I posted a video of embedded song player, is to come to the site, and read it from the direct source. Not to mention, that if you read it in the email alone, I get no sort of feedback, and it appears that no one is reading this at all. I've said all along, that I do this more for me, than you, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't affect me when I see 0 page views for something I wrote. Listen, I get it, it's super convenient to read it in the email, but even once in a while, just click on the title of the blog in that email, and read it directly from the source. It's like spring water, it's always best from the source.

     Ok, I'm done with the begging, let's get onto the rest of the weekend. While Truf was missing, I walked around my neighborhood a lot. I needed to clear my head a bit before I made one more pass, and got Saki out, so we could take a ride to the bank, and then a little extracurricular ride. It felt good to just free my mind, I was in a bad place, I was thinking the worst, and couldn't see any other outcome. I was lost. The ride worked, I got home, made that one more pass around the neighborhood, and then sat down to do the phone calls and website stuff. After I got her back, it was time to relax a little with her, and then celebrate by riding Saki some more.

     I decided to head to the tattoo shop, and talk to my artist. I hadn't been in since I went to Colorado, so a visit was over due. As soon as I got there, he said, "come here, I got something to show you". We headed to the back storage area, and he brought out this small case that looked like it could be a soprano banjolele. It was, and it was a old one. If I had to guess, I would say it was from the 40's easy, and possibly sooner than that. He needed to get it strung, but it was super cool. I told him, that as soon as he got it strung I wold show him a few chords he could play to get things going.

     While I was there, I talked to him a bit about my friends tattoo design. He told me that he was going to paint it, and then see where it goes from there, and then once he had that down, he would get the sizing she wanted when she was there. The sizing is the simple part of the whole thing. He can just punch in a few numbers on the printer, and it will make the stencil what ever size he wants. He told me a few ideas, and said it was just baffling him. I told him that he was just over thinking it, and if he would just let it flow, he would get it with no problem. I'm not worried at all, that he will have this down when she comes to get it done. he works best when he is in the crunch time.

     My drinking buddy wanted to meet up for drinks, but I was on Saki, and not about to drink, besides, I wan't in the mood to drink. He met me up at the shop, and we decided to go see Suicide Squad instead of hitting a bar. It was a much better idea. DC finally got it completely right, well, completely might be over selling it. I did have 2 problems with it, but one I will hold off on until a later time, if the topic comes up. The one I will mention, is that, I believe the under utilized Jared Leto. You don't seem to get a sense of whether or not, he is good as the Joker. Don't get me wrong, the small scenes that he has are good, but you really don't get a sense of who his Joker is. Margo Robbie simply steals the show. She is fantastic as Harley Quinn, and it's not the outfit. She really pulls of being a sociopath with a wild sense of humor. I could see an entire movie of her as Harley Quinn. As long as the writing was as good for her character in that movie as it was in Suicide Squad. The movie was visually stunning, and the humor was off the charts funny. I want to see it again.

     While we were in the theater, it poured down rain. I could hear it durning the movie, but I wasn't completely sure that it was outside, or in the movie. The scene that it happened during, it was raining in the movie, so it was a bit perplexing. Sure enough though, rain water was puddled everywhere. My buddy asked me what I wanted to do. He was suggesting that he give me a ride home. There was no way I was leaving Saki in a strange parking lot. I just got the Truf back, I wasn't leaving Saki hanging. He apparently doesn't like riding in the rain. Who does? That wasn't going to stop me from riding home. The rain sucks to ride in, but it isn't the end of the world. The worst part was that I don't have a visor wiper on my gloves, so my vision was going to be obscured. Mu buddy still wanted to go out drinking, and he wasn't going to take no for an answer, so I told him, I would head home, change and then we would meet up somewhere. He agreed, so I rode off. Just before crossing a bridge on my way hoe, some idiot decided to cut me off. fortunately, I am ultra focused on Saki, and saw it coming, so I slowed down in anticipation of it. He used no turn signal, and just cut over real aggressively. I'm sure when he saw me waving at him and my headlight in his rearview, he knew he did something really stupid. First opportunity that I got. I throttle up, and bolted around him. I didn't want him in front of me at all. After I went around him, he slowed down a great deal, and turned into a completely different driver. A driver that doesn't cut bikers off.

     Before we go any further, I forgot that I took a picture of Saki one day this past week, and I wanted to share its with you. So this picture is Saki under the trees where it sits in the shade when I'm at work. Saki looked too cool, so I had to snap a pic. Here it is.

     My Arai helmet is on the tank, and my Icon gloves are on the seat. Saki likes the shade, and so do I. That way I don't have a hot seat or handlebars. That's a good looking bike, don't you think?

     Anyway, back to Friday night. My buddy decided he wanted to stay close to his home, so I had to drive out to the Port. It's his favorite place out there, called Fish Lips. I'm not all the fond of it. I find it rather boring. He likes it cause they have a dance floor, and he can pick up lonely women there. My day had already been made with The Truf being safe, so I couldn't care less about hooking up. I think it drove him bonkers that I was watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics rather than be his wingman for the night. Like I said, i just didn't care. We got our last drink and headed out to the dance floor, cause there were people dancing. We got out there, and realized that we should have stayed where we were. The best dancer on the floor, was a woman with a cast on. That should tell you all that you need to know. He was upset by the music the DJ was playing, but I told him, that he was playing to his audience. They were older, so he played older music. They were the only ones dancing, and I wasn't going to perform any magic and get people out on the floor that night. I was taking the night off.

     We left there, and went to a little Irish Pub that we like. There was a guy there playing keyboard and singing. He was pretty good, but like most places like that, no-one applauded for the talent, and I end up being the only one clapping. When we walked in the door, there was an attractive yet unusual woman sitting at the bar. She was sort of my type, weird. My buddy parked right in front of her, to order drinks, and I noticed her tattoo. It was a skull and crossed bats, on the back of her arm with the word "Slugger" underneath. I told her that it was cool, and she said it was her nickname in high school. I asked if she was a big baseball fan, and she said "no". I was a little confused, but people get tattoos all the time that don't really represent what they really want. She told me she was a bit of a fighter, so I suggested that she get it redone with boxing gloves underneath. She then told me that she was a good softball player. It all made sense now. My buddy decide that since I was having a conversation with her, that he was going to use his new, but yet never tested powers as a wingman. Within a few words of speaking to this woman, I knew that she was there with someone else, it was only a matter of tie before they showed themselves. I was going to let him do his best, knowing full well, that there was no chance of anything coming from it. He threw a game of pool to try to get her to play me, but she turned him down. Then her date showed themselves, it was the keyboard player. I stifled a laugh and just went on playing pool with my buddy. His new found powers need some tweaking. He will keep trying, but I still don't hold out much hope. It's just not in him to not be the guy with the girl, even if it's one that he doesn't find all that attractive.

     Real quick, before this goes on far longer than it already has. I got to watch some Rockies games this weekend, because they were playing the Marlins. It was a great weekend for me. I could watch the RAYS game, and then turn over as soon as it was done, and watch the Rockies. I have to say, the Marlins broadcast team, shows the worst angles for a game. I don't know if it was because they were in Denver and they only gave them certain areas to shoot the game from, or if that is their normal style of shooting. It was just awkward. The announce team was pretty good though. They kept a good vibe going even though on Saturday, they were getting trounced. They were't down on the Rockies, they just tried to keep a positive attitude about the whole thing. It was refreshing to watch. The RAYS announcers are the same way, that is why I love watching the games. I can't watch nationally televised games, because the announcers are so bad. They pick a side and then blast the other team. It's ridiculous. They are supposed to be unbiased for those broadcasts. They aren't being paid by the team, they are being paid by the network, and aren't supposed to have a favorite team. The RAYS and Rockies both won pretty big on Saturday night, and they both lost today, but I did get to see Ichiro Suzuki hit his 3000th hit. It was a triple off the right field fence at Coors Field. He is only the second player in history to record his 3000th hit with a triple. The first player to do that? That was the guy managing the team that was playing the RAYS. Paul Molitor. He was a fantastic player back in his day, so for him and Ichiro to be the only ones to do that, is a pretty neat thing. To the credit of the Rockies fans in the seats at Coors Field, they all stood and cheered for about 15 minutes for Ichiro. He is one of those players, that no matter what team he is on, you always root for him to do well. Even if it's your team he's playing against. You just hope that he is the only one that does well.

     This has gone on far too long now, so I must say farewell. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. I'll make sure to click the link from now on. I'll admit to being one of those that rather lazily read CS from my email.

    1. I figured as much, since you didn't say anything about Aurora's version of "Life on Mars".
