Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Stranger Things than 3 Libras

     I could swear that earlier today, I had an idea of what I was going to write about, but then again, I think that idea was about writing about not being able to have anything to write about. Let's just dive right in to the Favorite Song of the Week. I did have an idea of posting a song that isn't a favorite, or that I even like it, but it is getting a lot of play right now, and people seem to like it, even though I simply just don't care for it at all. That of course would diminish what the Favorite Song of the Week is, so I chose something else, and It was a song that I heard yesterday. This one goes back a few years, but it is such a great song. A Perfect Circle is the band, and it's an offshoot of Tool, with Maynard James Keenan doing the singing. I'm not sure, but I do believe that the band has broken up, and has no plans to do anymore albums under A Perfect Circle. Maynard is far to busy with Puscifer, Tool, and whatever other project he has going at the moment. So let's take a quick jaunt back in time for a little "3 Libras" by A Perfect Circle. It's one of my truly favorite song by them.

     I hope you enjoyed that, because I sure did. Now let's get on to Stranger Things. No, not let's not get to some strange things, but let's get to Stranger Things the series of Netflix. I finished it up today, and I have to say, I wanted more. This show is like watching a sci-fi show that was created and shot in the 80's. It is pretty fantastic. I do have a slight problem with the final episode though. It leaves way too many unanswered questions. It does leave the possibility for another season, but I don't know how they can do it without rehashing this entire season. I think they wrote themselves into a hole. I hope that I'm wrong about that, but it looks that way to me. I'm not going to say any more about it, but go watch it. I think you will enjoy it, and maybe you will get a different thought about the ending than I did. If so, let me know your thoughts, I would love to hear them, and discuss it with you.

     That brings me to something else I wanted to mention tonight. When you leave a comment, I try to respond if I feel it merits it. The thing that I think is happening, is that you don't see my responses. There is an obvious reason for this, and that is that you aren't notified of my response. This is an easily rectified situation. Whenever you leave a comment on any of these posts, there is a small box right below your comment that says, "Notify Me". If you click that box it  will send you a notification whenever someone replies to your comment. If you don't have a blogger account, I'm not quite sure how it works, but I can take a guess. My guess would be that it would ask you for your email address so that it can notify you. Once again, this is a situation where I do not see your email address. I'm sure someone does, but it's not me. If you have an account, than it simply uses the email that you provided during sign up. Easy peasy. Yeah, I just wrote out easy peasy. I must really be tired.

     It appears, that there is a strong possibility that I will go kayaking this weekend. This is something that I've never done. I have had plenty of people telling me that they were going to take me out kayaking, but it never happened for one reason or another. There is a slight possibility that this won't happen this time, but that is more of a logistics thing rather than someone just blowing the whole thing off. If I don't go, that just means I get open time to go ride Saki, and that is always a good thing.

     Just before writing this paragraph right here, I added the title to this. It is rather challenging to come up with a new title for each post. When this was the 365, it was easy. I would just write the day # then Diary / Journal Entry. No fuss no muss, but this is a whole different beast, and it deserves a title each time. I usually try to tie it into something within the body of the post, like tonight. I combined the Favorite Song of the Week, with Stranger Things. I know, it's not all that witty, but I"m proud of it. There have been other times where I have just thrown things out there, in hopes that it stuck. I'm going to work on being better at creating the titles for this. I think that might be the weakest part of this.

     Well, that is it for tonight. Hump day is right around the corner, and I can't wait to get over it. It's supposed t be sunny tomorrow, but the forecast called for rain for the first two days of this week, and no rain has been seen around here, so I'm expecting a deluge for tomorrow, because I will be riding Saki to work based on the current forecast for tomorrow. Wish me luck, but then again, by the time most of you read this, it will be tomorrow, and your wishes will be far too late. It's the thought hat counts though, so wish away. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Hope you had a beautiful ride to work

  2. I can't be the only one wondering what the other FSOTW would've been.

    1. Only because you asked, and remember, it really wouldn't have been FSOTW. The song is Disturbed's cover of The sound of Silence. If you look it up, tell me what you think.
