Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Saki and the Unobservant Bicyclist.

     It was not a good day to ride Saki. Everything seemed like it would be a great day for it. I checked the weather report, and it said that there was little to no chance of rain. If rain did show up, it would be right around the time I got off work, but more likely later. That didn't happen, but I'll get to that a little later.

     As I was turning onto the rode that I work on. I noticed a guy on a bicycle. He looked right at me as I was turning onto the rode. He then looked behind him, and crossed the road right to where I was heading. I quickly came out of my lean to widen my turn so that I would go to the high side of him. He freaked and rode his bicycle straight at me. I had to jump on the brakes hard. If it wasn't for the ABS brakes, I would have endo'd Saki, and more than likely laid it down, because I was in a turn. I doubt he heard me when I yelled at him, because my visor was down. He looked at me, like he just escaped his own death, and there is a good chance that he did just that, but he didn't escape it, I did.

     These are the challenges of riding a motorcycle. People will look right at you, but they won't see you. Please, please, please, notice exactly what you are looking at, and register it in your head, so that you don't end up, hitting or being hit by someone on a motorcycle.

     Back to that rain thing. About mid-day, it began to pour, and it was that kind of pouring that could possibly last all day. I was bummed about it, but we did need the rain. I just began running though my head, all the things I would have to do different on my ride home. I've always been a proponent of visualization. It prepares you for things that could happen, and it is always better to be prepared. Then rain stopped after a half hour, so I figured Saki would dry off, but have spots, that I would have to rub out when I got home. No big deal. Oh wait, a half hour before I was to leave work, it began to rain again. No matter what, Saki was going to have a wet ride home.

     It managed to stop raining for the second time, 5 minutes before I was to head home. Saki was soaked, even though I parked it under some trees in the back of where I work. I would just have to go fast enough to get Saki air dried. When I turned onto the main stretch of road that I run down. I opened it up, to get around a truck. I saw that I had a small gap that I could fit through behind another car and in front of the truck, so I throttled up hard. That is when I saw the Cop, waiting for speeders. I quickly backed off the throttle, took a second and then changed lanes. I don't know how I escaped that ticket, cause before I slowed down, I was already doing 15 MPH over the speed limit. I was still going 10 over when I made the lane change. That was a close one. I got Saki home, and wiped it down, to get all the excess water and spots of it, and parked it in the garage.

     It was America's Got Talent night, and it was't starting off well. The first few acts were full of mistakes, and quite frankly weren't that good. I was beginning to think that I was going to be hard pressed to fight a favorite act of the night. That changed when Calysta Bevier came out to sing. She was flawless. The song choice was perfect for her (memories of her fight with cancer ran through my head as she performed), and her voice was fantastic. The night proved to not be as bad as I thought it was going to be, but Calysta remained as my #1 act of the night. Here is her performance for you to see and agree or disagree.

     That brings us to my Favorite Song of the Week. I've been hearing this particular song for a few weeks now, and the drum beat just gets to me. It's primal and just makes you want to dance. The band is Glass Animals, and the song is, "Life Itself". Well, lets just get to it, and forget all the rigamarole. I don't know anything about the band anyway, except that they have a great song.

     And with that I bid you farewell for tonight. Peace in and goodnight.

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