Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Truffel is Missing.

     I was hoping to have a fun post for you tonight. It would have explained a few things that have been brought to my attention about this blog and the email subscription service that goes along with it, but that just won't be the case.

     I sit here heartbroken tonight. The smallest of my two dogs, Truffel, is missing. She was in the backyard where she loves to spend time, and then she wasn't. I checked the neighborhood several times looking for her. I had no luck. My only hope, is that someone took her and she is safe, but I don't really see that as a possibility. She is very timid, and I am the only person that she will let pick her up, and that is reluctantly, and I can't hold her for very long. She doesn't like people, and she tends to run from them. I just can't imagine someone getting in my backyard and taking her, when my other dog is very people friendly, and will walk up to anyone for attention.

     This is the very same photo I used in the flyer that I will be putting up tomorrow. She is a tiny thing. She only weighs about 4-5 lbs. and she suffers from chronic seizures. I have medication for her, that helps alleviate the seizures, but it doesn't get rid of them completely. If someone does have her, they won't be able to give her her medication, and the seizures will become more frequent and worse. She isn't the crazy shaking Chihuahua, like most that you see. She will shake from time to time, but it is minimal at best. She always wants attention first thing in the morning, and that is when I get to pet her most. In the afternoons and evenings, she won't stand for it.

     The Truf is tough, she has had a rough time of it throughout her life. When she was young, she injured her ACL while running around the yard. As she got older, the seizures started. After that, she has some form of a heart attack, and she has battled through all of it. She got the best and worst traits of her breed. As you can see from the picture, she is adorable, she is the quintessential Chihuahua, but with that comes all those things above, and the losing of her teeth. She has lost her major canines, and a few other teeth, so her food has to be cut into small pieces, or she has to have very small kibble.

     I simply feel sick and weak. I don't know what to do. There is no closure with this, she is just gone. I don't know if she is safe, if she is injured, if she is dead. I don't know anything about what is going on with her, and that is the worst part. I'm going to call it a night. I'll get to all that other stuff I said I was going to write about on Sunday. I hope that I have news for you about the Truf. Peace in and goodnight.

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