Tuesday, August 30, 2016

She Walked out of My Car, and Then Out of My Life.

     Have you ever had one of those moments when you are so caught up in that moment, that it isn't until the very last second you realize that you've just made a huge mistake? I have, and that is where we are going to start tonight.

     Several years ago, I had a plan. I was going to set up a friend of mine with another friend. I had it all worked out, that it would be a chance meeting, and we would see how things went from there. Here was the scenario. I would take this one female friend out for a visit to a planetarium, and while we were there, my other friend would just happen to show up. I would introduce them, see how things go, and if it looked good, I would ask her if it was ok to give him her number. That was the plan, and it worked flawlessly. The end of the story, and don't worry, I'm not going to gloss over the whole middle section, I just thing it is important to get to the end first. The end of the story is that they went on to date for some time. It didn't last forever, but what ever really does?

     Here is that whole middle section. I was thinking that this was just two friends going to a planetarium to see a comet through the telescope, and maybe talk a little until my other friend would show up. I piked her up, and we made our way to said planetarium. We were there early, still daylight and all, so the best viewing wasn't going to happen until nightfall, so we decided to walk down a nature trail that was near by. It was great, we talked as we strolled down a canopied trail of palm fronds, live oaks, and pine trees. It was a beautiful trail. To this day, I can't remember exactly what we talked about, but I can remember that it was real, and it was in the moment. We walked as far was we could get before the light began to fade, and we made our way back to the planetarium. We got in line, and went up to the telescope so that we could get our brief view of the comet with a name that I can't remember. It's remarkable that I remember anything from this night at all. We are engulfed in conversation on the roof waiting to take our turn when my friend shows up. I introduce them, being the good cupid that I am, and I watch for signs that things might be going well. It appeared that they hit it off, at least to a point that they were smiling and friendly with each other. We all got our turn to look at the comet up close, and then it was time to head home. We said goodbye to my one friend, and I took the lady home. It was the second she stepped out of the car, that I realized that I made that huge mistake.

     In that time that we spent to together talking and strolling through that nature trail, I learned a great deal about her, and it made me feel closer to her, closer than I had ever thought I could be to her. I had never felt that before, and to be honest, I don't know if I have since. I had told my friend that I would help I'm out if he was interested, and I kept my word. He said he was, and the rest is history. My loyalty to him kept me from a possible life changing moment. I don't blame him for that, It wasn't his fault, and I don't blame myself. It just wan't meant to be, or at least I tell myself that all the time. I think about that night quite often. It was truly one of the best nights that I've ever had, and maybe it's best that it was just that night. Who knows how things would have ended up, if I had went back on my word, and asked her out instead. Would my life really have changed, and if so, to what end? Would it have been better, worse? Would I be living somewhere else right now, doing something else? Would I ever have started this little blog here? These are all questions that I will never have answers to, and that doesn't bother me. So why do I keep thinking about that night? I really don't know, and me writing about it tonight, is possibly my way of letting it go. So many times I have written about things, and they have just left me. I was able to get the weight off my shoulders, not that this bared any weight on my shoulders, but it is still a memory that pops up from time to time, and today was one of those times. If this is the last waltz with that memory, then so be it, it's time.

     On to other things now. I have a video for you tonight. Of course I do, it's Favorite Song of the Week time right? Well it is, but not right now. Right now, I have Grace Vanderwaal's latest performance on AGT. She did another original song tonight, and I believe that it was her best performance yet. She had those same little moments of nerves until the crowd roared, and she melted into herself. I really think this girl has a chance at some big things, and it is really cool to see her beginning. Let's just get to the video so you can see for yourself.

     Now that's talent right there. She just has a way of making you happy and cry at the same time. It's a remarkable feeling. Tomorrow we find out if she made it into the finals. I hope that she does, I want to see what she can do for her last song in the finals.

     Now, before I get to FSOTW, I have to talk about someone that entertained me, as well as everyone else in this world. Swirling in the ether tonight, is the nervous ball of energy that was Gene Wilder. He was in many movies like Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Silver Streak, Stir Crazy, The Woman in Red, and my all time favorite movie, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. For years, I wanted to go to the chocolate factory and ride in the flying elevator with Gene Wilder. I will always love that movie, and the childhood memories that I have of that character. From the second he walks onto the screen, and a hobbled old man, and his cane gets stuck in the brick causing him to somersault directly into you hearts, to the moment that he starts to sing "Pure Imagination", I was enthralled. That movie made me a better person. I didn't want to be like those other kids. I wanted to be like Charlie. I wanted to make other people happy, hence me setting up my two friends. See this all comes around. Gene Wilder would tell you himself, that he wasn't a comedian, but he was one of the best comedic actors ever. When ever I'm clicking through the channels that that movie comes on, I stop what I'm doing and just watch it. About a year ago, I'd heard several rumors that he was going to be in the movie adaptation of Ready Player One, and I was excited that I was going to see him up on the screen once more. He isn't listed in the cast for the movie right now, but he could be an unlisted character, so that his appearance would be a surprise. I'm holding out hope, that he will be there on that screen. His passing isn't a tragedy, it's a triumph. He died at the age of 83. He created many great memories, and now he is swirling with Gilda. The most heartwarming and funny couples to ever grace this planet. This weekend, I believe I will bust out Willy Wonka, and relive my childhood.

     It is now Favorite Song of the Week time. This one is going to seem kinda of odd, with most of the content of what I've written so far, but when you really listen to it, you'll begin to understand. Eunice Waymon was burn in small town in North Carolina, in 1933. She would late change her name to Nina Simone. Now that name might just ring a bell. I first heard this song, when it was done by Michael Buble. He does a remarkable version, but Nina's version stilled my mind, with it's soul, and feeling. she gave it a grittiness that I hadn't heard in music at the time. Now Michael's version was many years after Nina's. Nina wasn't even the first artist to do it, but she did it better than anyone. She recorded it for her 1965 album I Put a Spell on You, and that is exactly what she did to me when I heard it. Have you any idea of the song yet? Do you know Nina Simone? If not, then you are about to. Here is Nina Simone with "Feeling Good".

     Now that is good music right there. I had a few more things I wanted to talk about tonight, but I can save that for Thursday. I've taken up too much of your time tonight. Peace in and goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. You've held on to that memory for almost 20 years. I'm sure she also has fond memories of that evening.
