Sunday, August 28, 2016

When the Wind is Calling Your Name, Take a Look Around, it Just May Be a Person.

     A few things have happened since last we spoke. I decided that my next bike will be a super sport. Don't get me wrong, I'm not tired of Saki, I'm just looking far ahead down the road. I went to the dealer where I bought Saki, to look for a summer long sleeve shirt. Something with moisture wicking, that won't be hot but will keep the sun off my arms. It's still too hot for a jacket, so the long sleeve with the Stryker vest is the best option. While I was there, I did a little recon for a friend. He told me that the bike he wanted had been sold, but I found out differently.

     This was sitting right there in the showroom. The Kawasaki Ninja ZX 10R KRT Edition. It's a gorgeous bike, and something along the lines that I will be getting for my next bike. Once again, that is a long way down the road. I talked with the guy that sold me Saki, and he said he would give my buddy a deal, cause he personally loves that bike so much, that he wants to see it sold and to a good owner. It's a tough sell, because it is a very powerful bike. Personally, I think it is too much bike for my buddy, so it is up to him to keep both wheels on the ground.

     Speaking of my buddy, these things are all going out of sequence, and there is a very good reason for that, and I'll get to that later. I saw the bike on Saturday, and we first hung out this weekend on Friday night. We met up at the BBQ place that I'm not a big fan off. I got the pulled pork sandwich which is quite a bit better than their sliced beef. The sliced beef is rather chewy, and kind of bland. I could tell that he was a bit disappointed that I rode Saki up there. That meant that I wouldn't be drinking. Any chance I can get to ride Saki, I'm going to take. The bad part about it, it rained while we were there. He had a thing to do but wanted to meet up a little later for drinks. That meant I was going to have to park Saki for the night. I got home, and wiped Saki down, to get all the water off, and then I had to change because I was soaked as well.

     We meet up in Downtown Cocoa, at a little place that has an upstairs jazz bar. It used to be a speakeasy type of place, but that idea never caught on, but the jazz bar has. I can't remember the name of the upstairs but it was closed when we got there, so we went in the restaurant bar downstairs. That is called the Pub Americana. We had already eaten so it was just drinks for us, and it was a little sad that that was the course of things. I kept seeing these tantalizing looking burgers coming out of the kitchen. They smelled delightful, and ever since going to My Brother's Bar, I've been on the search for the perfect cheese burger within my vicinity. There is a place near my house that has outstanding burgers, but they all have a theme to them. I'm looking for that unadorned miraculous cheese burger. This could be the place. I will just have to go sometime with an appetite and find out.

     Anyway, we had a few drinks at the bar, and then I noticed that food was heading up stairs, so I suggested we give it another try. We were in luck. We could hear a jazz duo belting out the tunes, so we hurried up the stairs to find a hopeful open seat at the bar. it's not a very big place up stairs, but it's quaint and intimate. There were a few stools at the far end of the bar, which takes a little work to get to. The bar is pinned back near the outside wall with a small gap for the stools, so you have to suck everything in and slide sideways to get passed everyone. As we were getting to our seats, a rather attractive somewhat middle-aged woman started talking to us about why she was there instead of downstairs. It turns out that there was only one seat available downstairs and it was next to the pizza oven, so she took a shot with the jazz bar. I thought it was a little strange, but she must have seen us at the bar downstairs. My buddy decided that he was going to go for the wingman angle with this woman. I told him to forget about it, and to not worry. Mostly because, as I said before, it isn't in him to hang on the wing. Here is the reason why. I'm just not interested in being with anyone in any way right now. I know for some people, that that is very difficult to understand, but I have never been driven by sex. I don't need it. I enjoy it, but it is not a life essential for me. With that, she was able to eat her meal in peace, and I didn't have to make small talk to try and get something that I didn't need.

     We went out again the next night, this was after seeing the bike above, and he was all ready to be the wingman again, that is when I told him to just give it up, that he couldn't do it, but he insists that he is a good wingman. I don't know how he has come to that conclusion, because as far as I know, he has never done it before. This was when he finally realized how he has jumped in and directed women away from me in the past, and that is why he just will never be a wingman. We had some fun at the place we were at that night. There was some drama going on with the bartender and servers, and we managed to get to the bottom of it. It was far less than all the fuss over it. It turns out, that one of the bartenders promised that if they got to leave early last week, that they would cover for the other one this week. Well, something came up, and that same bartender had to leave early again, so yelling and shouting ensued. See, not much to fuss over. I got why the one was mad, but I told her to just blow it off, and that it was clear, that everyone saw what was really going on, and that is the revenge that she would get. It worked and she calmed down.

     Earlier that day, yeah I know I'm going back and forth, but like I said, it's all for a reason, and it will make sense when it is all said and done. Anyway, earlier in that day, after going to the motorcycle dealer, I headed out to just ride around. Of course, as soon as I got on Saki, it began to sun shower. Once again I was wet, but it was light rain, and I wasn't going to let it stop me. I picked out a road that I was hoping was going to be more than it was, but turned out to just be a straight shot to another larger road. I was a bit bummed, but since I was over there, I headed north towards Titusville. The road I was on, has a good long stretch of just nothing, so I opened Saki up. I saw traffic ahead of me, so I began slowing down, which was perfect timing on my part, because I sheriffs deputy was sitting in wait. Saved again. I continued on further down the road and finally hit Titusville. It was a few miles in when I passed something called Perimeter. I had remembered my ukulele teacher asking me if I had been up by the small airport there. I went by the road and remembered he mentioned that there was a nice twisty road there. It was the airport, so I turned around and headed back to that road hooping that was the one he was talking about. It was. It was a fun little road, ti ran about 3 miles I think. I took it pretty slow when I headed down it, but then when I got to the end, I turned around to go the way I had come, and I sped up the pace a bit. It was a lot of fun. At one point, I took the corner real tight, and was leaning over the grass on the side of the road, and the thought went through me head, that one wrong move and I would end up in that grass, and that would be a real bad thing.

     As I was heading out of the road, two the bikes were parked a long side of the road. It looked like one of the guys needed a short pitstop in the bushes. I'm sure they were then going to head down that road to do exactly what I had done. I'm also sure that they were going to take it much faster than I had.

     Ok, here is the part where all this out of order stuff is going to make sense, and it is because of two things. One, I got some really great news from two of my friends on two different days, and Two, I watched to really good movies on two different days. By going out of order on all those other things, allows me to group these final things together.

    The good  news. I found out on Saturday, that a friend of mine is going to be a father for the first time. He sent me a video since I'm no longer on Facebook to see these things (still not missing it). He sent men his gender reveal video, but the truth is, that I hadn't even known that his wife was pregnant. He assures me that I was still on Facebook when they announced it, but at the end, I really didn't look at anything, so there is a very good chance that I missed it all. Congratulations go to him and his wife on their expecting.

     Other good news. I got this one this morning when I woke up. One of my best friends in this entire world, and truly one of the best people in it, si now engaged. It's about time too. It seems like she has been dating her boyfriend for decades now. I know that is nowhere near the case, but it seems that way. I got to meet him last year when I went out to Portland to visit, and he was perfect for her. I had meant to ask her if they had talked about getting married, but I somehow forgot about it amongst all the catching up that we were doing. Another big congratulations go out to the bride and groom to be. I hope I'm invited to the wedding.

      Lastly, I know, this has gone on long enough right? I saw to fantastic movies this weekend. The first one was on Friday morning, and it was Brooklyn. It stars one of m favorite actresses Saoirse Ronan, and I'm sure you just pronounce her name wrong. It sounds a bit like Sur-sha. She was quite marvelous in the film. I did miss the first 10 minutes or so, but I did that with the second film as well. That didn't make a difference on how I felt about these two movies. Brooklyn takes place, in of all places, Brooklyn, in the early 50's. All I'm going to say, is watch it when you get the chance.

     The second film  was In the Heart of the Sea, starring Chris Hemsworth. You know, Thor. This movie is Ron Howard's take on Moby Dick. It looks at it from the perspective of Melville as he hears the story that inspires the book. I'm a sucker for movies about writers and how they came up with their story, so true or not, I really loved this movie. There are some great action scenes in it, and a turning of a man's perspective. The hunt foe the great whale, doesn't go quite like you would expect it to. For that reason alone, you should watch this movie. If you need another reason, it also has Frank Dillane who plays Nick in Fear the Walking Dead, and also Tom Riddle in Harry Potter.

     Well, I've said it all, and perhaps too much. I still have to come up with a title for this thing tonight. Peace in and goodnight.

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