Thursday, September 1, 2016

What is Your Ukulele Called?

     I just finished watching Brooklyn again. This time, from start to finish. It really is a fantastic movie. If you get the chance give it a look.

     Now on to bigger and better things. Well, just things really, there is nothing bigger and better about them. I watched a video this week, by Prince Ea. If you haven't heard of him, you should take the time to get to know about him. He posts videos on Youtube, that are not only inspirational, but just plain good for the soul. His newest one is about spreading negativity. The funny thing about it is, what he is talking about, is the very reason I deactivated my Facebook account. People were posting too much about the negative things that they hated, rather than post about positive things or things that they liked. I even brought up one of his points to some one a very long time ago, and it was about why are you spreading this thing that you hate? Don't you realize that you are feeding into what they want? There was no answer for that, and I believe that it was the first time that thought was ever put in her head. It didn't change the way she posted about things that she hated, but I'm hoping that she at least thought about it each time. Oh, and if you didn't think I was going to post Prince Ea's video, you were kidding yourself. It's worth a view.

     I subscribed to his videos quite some time ago, so when he posts something that I think you can get something out of, I'll share them here. That doesn't mean of course, that you can't just go and subscribe to his channel. It's worth it.

     For the first time in a couple of months now, I'm working all 5 days this week. It's unreal, I know. I might be the only person alive, that actually wants to work at my job the allotted time that I am supposed to. I will however be off this Monday for Labor Day, but that is a holiday, so there is nothing I can do about that. If the skies are clear, I will just have to take Saki out for a ride. This week hasn't been good for Saki. It's been rainy all week because of Tropical Storm? Hurricane Hermine? I'm not sure what it is at this point. It's not like I couldn't turn on the TV and just find out. After all, the local media goes crazy when a storm comes to town. The do hour to hour coverage, and break in to every show, while putting a crawl underneath and above every show, including their own news coverage. For those of us that have been here for a while, don't care about the coverage. We have a pretty good idea of what the storm is going to do, how powerful it is, and how much alcohol it is going to take to get through it. I'm not even bothering with this storm. It's far North of where I am, and it isn't that strong. That doesn't mean that it won't cause damage, but for the most part, Floridians now how to handle a storm. The State government would have you believe that we are clueless, but as is always the case, we are the ones that rebuild and recover from these storms, with little help from them.

    That is enough of a storm rant for me, I finished up my Nina Simone song in ukulele class tonight. It ended up being a lot more interesting than I thought it would be. There are some funky chord changes near the end that you wouldn't expect. Speaking of ukuleles, I'm getting closer to my build date with Mya Moe. For those of you that don't know, Mya Moe is a ukulele build company in Washington state. The make wonderful custom ukuleles, but, they are going to stop building custom ones very soon. The announced a week ago, that they only had 50 build slots remaining. I was lucky enough to get in on one of the final build slots. I already have a beautiful ukulele by them and am very much looking forward to this new one. My original is a High G Myrtle and spruce tenor. the new one is going to be a Low G Chocolate Heart Myrtle, and Red Cedar top, with a cutout tenor. Here is a link to the build page if you want to take a look at the set up for it. My new uke. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will see the wood that I selected for it. You won't be able to see the top until the put it on though. I guess I should give you a link to the original one as well, so here it is. My original uke. You can really see the transformation from start to finish on that one. When they start the build on the new one, I will post a link for updates on it, so you can watch it being built as well. I have to come up with a name for the new one, but that probably won't come until it gets in my hands. That is what happened with my original one. As soon as I picked it up, Cindy Lou was born. It just hit me, that it should be called Cindy Lou Uke, Cindy Lou for short.

     Well, I'm going to call it a night, and get to bed early. I have no plans for the weekend, and it looks like it might be a miserable forecast for rain most of the weekend, so we will see if any fun can be had. Fun that doesn't cost anything, which is normally not much fun at all, but I'm going to make the most of it. Peace in and goodnight.

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