Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Don't Give Up.

     I've been thinking the past few days, and it's time for a change in my life. I'm going to be a bit selfish with my time. It seems like, for the most part, that if I want to hang out with friends, I have to do it on their terms, and never on my own. That is where I'm going to be selfish. I have always changed plans, and rescheduled things to hang out with friends when they've wanted to, but when it comes to me making plans for friends, they never come off. So I will make no plans for friends, I will only make plans for me, and those plans will be solid, I will not change them, if someone wants to spend time with me, they will have to find a way to fit into my schedule. I know, it sounds harsh and arrogant, but that's the way it is.

     It appears that it is going to rain all week due to a tropical system floating over the area. That means that Saki is going to have to stay in the garage. I'm hoping for clear skies at the end of the week, I don't want Saki feeling left out. We need to ride.

     I'm going to have a few videos for you tonight, so bare with me. There is one however that I won't be able to post, because it isn't up yet. I'm talking about AGT of course. It was Finals night, and the acts were very good. I have four favorites at this point, and I'm confident that at least one of them is going to win it all. They are, Sopie Dossi the contortionist, Tape Face, the mime funny man, Brian Justin Crum, the singer, and of course Grace Vanderwaal, the singer/ukulele player.

     I think Sophie managed to top her act from last week, which is very impressive Yes I have the video to show you. She is astonishing to watch. I don't think it was enough to win though, and you will see why with the other videos. Here is her performance.

     Grace, beauty, death defying and mind boggling body bending. She is incredible to watch, and remember she is 14 and self taught with all of it.

     Tape Face is up next. Now before his video starts, they did a little piece about his lead up to this moment. He is in a white room and gets a call form someone saying that he needs to bring his "A" game. He empties out his chest of "Stuff", and is left with nothing but a cassette tape that reads "B" game. He then flips it over to reveal his "A"Game. That brings us to where this video starts. His act is the most obscure act that you will ever see, but it is also the most outrageously funny act you will ever see. He takes the most inane things and makes them into something that is wonderful. He might be a real life Willy Wonka. Enough with all of this, let's get to the video.

     Tell me that you didn't smile when you watched that, and yes, I'm watching all of these again as I go through them. He is brilliant, and I think he chose Mel B. because he knew she would get that annoyed look on her face. I absolutely love his act, but again, I don't think it is enough to win, and you will see why next.

     Brian Justin Crum has been one of my favorites since the first time I saw him audition. His story resonates almost as much as his voice does. Through out this process, you could see him grow into a master performer, and tonight was no exception. He truly became larger than life tonight. Once again, he did a cover with his own arrangement and completely made it his own. I'm not going to be able to tell you anything that you won't be able to see yourself.

     Howie said its best, "Epic". That is a fitting word for that performance. Doing Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror", and turning into something that transcends even the King of Pop himself. When the stage lifts, it's like it is lifting Brian straight to the victory. As soon as this performance was over, and it was about half way through the night, I said that he just won it all.

     I believe that until the final act of the night, and I have good news, they just posted it, so I can show it to you. I bet you can guess who it is. I'm not even going to give this video an introduction, because it will speak for itself.

     If you didn't think it was going to be Grace, you clearly haven't been reading along this whole time. I honestly thought that after Brian's performance, she couldn't do enough to overcome him, but I think she might have. I'm torn between picking one over the other, and I was sure, I was going to be typing about how much I love Grace, but Brian took it all. I can't say that now. What do you think? Who won to you? Now there is a chance that one of the other acts could come out of nowhere to win this thing, but I think these 4 were the absolute top of the night. With the exception of Sophie, who I enjoyed but didn't think she could do it, but came on strong in the later rounds, I have had the other three as my favorites the whole time, and they made it all the way to the end, so I'm pretty confident that it is going to be one of them, and as I said, I'm torn between Grace and Brain. Regardless of what happens, those two are destined for greater things. They are only going to rise higher and we will be hearing from them for some time to come.

     It's on to Favorite Song of the Week. I saw this video late last week, and it became an instant favorite. I have been following the artist for some time now. I found her when she would still show her face, so I now what she looks like, and she is very attractive, so people thinking she is hiding a hideous face are out of luck. It is none other than Sia, and her new song "The Greatest" is a tribute to the victims of Pulse. There is a lot of symbolism from the very beginning when Maddie smears rainbows on her cheeks, to when the dancers all fall and there are bullet holes through the background at the end. I would tell you all of the stuff, but that takes all the fun from you looking it up. The impact of this video is powerful without knowing that it is a tribute, but when you know it, you can't help but get hit with the raw emotion that Sia, Maddie and the rest of the dancers put out. I really hope you enjoy this one, because I do so much.

     That was the last video, I promise. I'm sure your eyes are blurred now, from reading so much and not tears streaming down your face, so I will call it a night. I finish this tonight, as I always do, and always plan to. I may have rare occasions when it calls for something else, but for now and always, peace in and goodnight.

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