Friday, September 16, 2016

Dali and a Double Header.

     This is another one of those nights where I really have nothing to write about. There's a couple of things, but they are rather short, and I could probably fit them all in this first paragraph if I chose to do so, but I'm not. I'm going to draw this out as long as I can.

     I'll start with the winner of AGT. I can tell you, that it was one of my favorites. I can also tell you that there were a couple of surprises along the way. Sophie Dossi and Tape Face didn't make it in to the final 5. I had an idea that that would happen. I loved their acts, but they were a bit different and obscure for the general audience. Those two weren't a surprise. What was a surprise is, that after they narrowed it down from ten to five, the took it another step further and reduced it to the top three. Brian Justin Crum, did not make the top three, which was a bit of a shock. He even mouthed the word "WOW" when they eliminated him at number four. He had an enormous crowd reaction every time that he sang, so it was understandable that he was a little shocked himself. He took it in stride, and had a laugh about it. He smiled, thanked America for voting for him, and said that we will be seeing more of him soon. I believe that we will see much more of him. He is far too talented not to have a very good career in music.

     I guess you know who the winner is then, since Brian didn't make the cut, and that leaves only one more favorite of mine. I had a feeling that she had the potential to win it all from the bar beginning, and she did. Grace Vanderwaal won the night. They narrowed it down to two acts, which were of course, Grace, and a kind of magic act called The Clairvoyants. They were a very good act, and if they won, I don't think I would have been floored by it, but I would be a little surprised. This season (and i've only been watching for 4 seasons now) was by far the best season for acts that I have seen. any of the top five or maybe even most of the top ten could have taken home the victory. Grace bawled her eyes out. They were tears of joy, and she thanked everyone between sobs. My only thought now is, when does her first album come out. She sang four original songs throughout the contest, so that is about half an album right there. I do think that she needs to sharpen her skills on the ukulele a bit, and I'm hoping that she will do that before the release an entire album. I could easily see her releasing "I Don't Know My Name". I could see that being a hit song right out of the box. It was received so well that on the results show, they had her play it live again. That was the first song she sang, and could be the very reason that she won. I think that song alone, carried her through the competition. Keep an eye out for her.

     M friend got her tattoo yesterday. They had set a time of 3 hrs for the whole thing, and after I saw the plan, I knew there was no way it was going to be that short of time. I managed to show up for the end of it, which put it at about 5 1/2 hours. It looked amazing. I would show you a picture, but it's not my place to show you her tattoo. After everything was all wrapped up, we went for a few drinks and some dinner. While we were sitting there, she mentioned something about the conversation she had had with the tattoo artist, which is of course, my tattoo artist. She said that he was very fond of me, and that he told her that I was a really good friend, and that friend like me were hard to come by. I was floored. That is maybe the greatest compliment that I have ever gotten. It warmed my heart to hear someone thought that way about me. I told her the story about how I met my artist. I had walked in to see the owner of the shop, but he was busy at the time. He called for my artist to come out and see what I wanted (it wasn't as rude as i seem to be making it out. i'm just trying to keep things somewhat brief). He came around the corner covered in paint holding a paint brush in his hand. I knew right then, that this was the guy. We vibe right off, with the idea I had. He threw in a few ideas, and that is how we have done it ever since. I bring him a rough sketch of an idea, and I let him run with it. It has fantastic results. I'm not done yet, I might just try to work my way into just a single tattoo. As of right now, I say that I have three. My original tattoo on the inner right wrist, the love symbol on my left ribs, and my left arm sleeve. Yes you could argue that the sleeve is comprised of a bunch of tattoos, but where is the fun in that?

     Here is something cool that I found out yesterday. MLB released all the schedules for 2017, and the RAYS have a scheduled single admission double header. I couldn't be happier about that. It's on a Saturday, but it didn't matter what day it was on, I'm getting tickets and I'm going. Tickets won't go on sale until sometime in February, so I have plenty of time to wait, before I can get them. It's going to be exciting, I've never been to a double header, and anymore, they do day/night double headers, which means that they clear out the crowd after the first game, and bring in a new crowd for the second. This is going to be one crowd for the entire game, with an intermission between games. It's going to be a fun day. I can see it now, Dali and a double header. I think I just found my title for tonight.

     I have tomorrow off again. I'm getting a little tired of only working 4 days a week. I feel unproductive when this happens. I'm going to have to find something to do tomorrow. That search will start with riding Saki, but I have to see the weather. It's been rather erratic lately. There was supposed toe be a high chance of rain today, but I had a feeling that the rain would hold off, and it did. Me and Saki rode to work today, and Saki stayed dry under the trees. I might hit downtown Cocoa and try the place with the great looking burgers. I'm going to leave it to a spur of the moment kind of thing. I'll just see where the wind takes me.
     Once again, I say that I have nothing to say, and then I write a book. I won't keep you any longer tonight (or today by the time you read this), so I'll leave you with this ending. Oh, you already know what it is. Peace in and goodnight.

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