Friday, September 30, 2016

First Ever Friday Night Edition!

     I totally expect you to read that title with a huge amount of excitant. If you didn't, go back and do it again. I have a need, and that need is for speed. Wait, that is a totally different blog. Did I mention that I am very drunk at this point?  I can not tell you how much I had to drink until I see my receipt from tonight, and I dare not look at it right now. It might push my down a spiral that I'm not willing to go down.

     Let's start with the day.. I guess I should tell you, that the reason I am writing tonight, instead of waiting for Sunday night, is because I have so much pent up emotion and anxiety, that I have to let it loose. I do believe that I said that this could happen from time to time. If I didn't, well I'm telling you now.

      The day started like any other, I woke up, took my walk. Ok, it wasn't like any other. I would normally be going to work, but since we are short on orders, this is then typical Friday. I wake up, make breakfast, take a walk to hatch pokemon, and then get on with my day. That usually means going to the bank, (which I did), and then whatever. Which I did, but that just doesn't seem enough to warrant a blog post.

     I went to the bank and then I headed to the tattoo shop, to drop of a chord sheet for my artist. If you have no idea what I"m talking about, you may want to read the post before this one. I was on a mission to ride. I have a great bike and I love to ride it. You have seen the pictures of Saki by now, so I'm not going to bore you with more of them. I got a text from my drinking buddy. I asked him if he had his bike road ready. He said that he still needed to tune it, and that he would work on it tomorrow. Also, he said that he didn't ride in this kind of heat. He then asked me what I was doing. I told him, that I was riding around in this heat, and that I would help him tune his bike, so that he could sit and stare at it, since he seems to have no plans to actually ride it. I brushed him off, since he said he was meeting up with an old friend tonight, in Orlando. I wasn't in the mood for his passive aggressive behavior.

     I ended up going to my favorite watering hole, and low and behold, they changed the tall glasses on me. There were quite a bit smaller. Since I was  feeling that they were over pouring me all along, I wan't upset by it. I just wanted Jack and Coke, with a bacon egg and cheese burger. That is what I got,and I got it without passive aggressiveness.

     It was a fun night, but it was a bit mixed. I was pressuring myself to come up with an idea for a book, but it wasn't coming, and the drinking was compounding things. I was getting a bit depressed. It was definitely sending me down the rabbit hole. I couldn't come up with anything that I thought was original. It was mind numbing.

      An older couple sat down beside me. I knew them, but to by name.We have been in the same are several times without being formally introduced. I began talking with the gentleman about the Beatles. We have mutual appreciation for them. After a while everyone started talking trivia. This is where I shine I have a trivia mind. It isn't much use for anything else, but I am a wiz at trivia. They were astonished at my knowledge of events that should far exceed my age. Turns out, I am much older than they think I am. That is my hidden secret.

     That conversation was over, and a new one was around the corner. A couple came in that I had talked to before. I have no idea what their names are, but they are good people, and that is all that matters. We talked New Orleans, Motorcycles, food and drink. That is all I really need to have a good time. All the while that this was going on, a friend of mine was there with his girlfriend. His girlfriend is the only woman, that I can't put in the friend zone. I see her, and I'm instantly attracted to her. It was a distraction to say the least. I have tried to put a blind eye to her, but I just can't. I immediately become overly mysoginsioc, and want to have sex with her. That is where my thoughts go. I can't seem to stop it. I want to, but I can't.w There is this weird ultra attraction that I have to her, the I just can't shake.  

     Let's move on to tomorrow. I'm going to head to Daytona in the morning to take a look at some Moto Guzzi's. I found a dealer in the area, and I just want to take a look at the bikes. What's better than riding on a bike to look at bikes? I know my buddy would have nothing to do with it. I'm sure he would say something like, "I got a bike.Why do I need to look at blkes". Maybe because bikes are beautiful in all that they have to offer.

       After I get back from my ride, I'm going to head to a brewery for a sour event. That's right, sour beers. I do love sours. I'll tell you all about it on Sunday. It should be a good time. I'll get to seem all kinds of old friends there.

     I'm getting too tired to write this, at this point, so I'm going to leave you a picture of my in a new shirt that I got from one of my favorite people in this world. By the way, this is what I look like when I'm going on a ride. Notice the braided Viking beard. That is what I call it, because Viking beard sounds  much more manly the braided. The shirt reads, "Hooray Everthing", and has a unicorn pooping a rainbow. truly the greatest shirt ever. With that, I bid you peace in and goodnight.

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