Sunday, October 2, 2016

Chucks, Beer, Brewing, and Beer. Did I Mention Beer?

     I'm not sure that I said everything I had intended to say on Friday night. Also, I rarely go back and read what I've written, and since I haven't gone back to read that, I have only a slight idea of what I did write. Needless to say (wow, i've been saying "needless to say" a lot lately), I was a tad bit on the inebriated side of things. I talked with some interesting people. I know that Sammy Davis Jr. and The Beatles were topics of conversation, and that my favorite watering hole switched the size of their tall glasses, and not in a good way. Oh well, they still did the trick. I also know, and this was one of the things that I managed to forget, is that I was racking my brain for story ideas. Nothing was coming, and it was really bringing me down, that is what spurred me wanting to write on Friday in the first place, that, and the passive aggressive behavior of one of my friends. We won't get into that last part though. It's behind me at the moment, and I'd rather not dig it back up.

     The writing thing however, we can get into. It has been quite some time since a story idea came to me, and wandering off into those little worlds of fantasy, are kind of cathartic to me. They relax me and take me to a different place. Even if it is a couple having a peaceful night alone. I step into that world, and live in that moment. No, I'm going crazy, and no I don't think that I actually live in the moment of something that is fiction. In my mind though, it is that other world, I get to step out of being me for a little while. When I write characters, I feel their emotions, and their thoughts. When I am done writing something like that, I am exhausted. It takes a lot out of me, but there is a great deal of pleasure attached to it. It's a feeling of accomplishment, that can only be experienced, and not told about. I miss that feeling. Something will come to me at some point, but in the meantime, I have this as an outlet. Me talking to you, whoever you are, helps keep my sanity, similar to how writing fiction does for me. Yes, I know I sounded insane earlier, and that writing shouldn't keep me sane, but it does.

     Oh, here is something I should have mentioned on Friday night, but the morning was so soberly long before the end of the night. I managed to order two near pairs of Chucks. The Andy Warhol pair I mentioned quite some time ago, is one pair, and I got them at a discounted price. The other pair are a black pair with pink skull and crossbones all over them. They are in honor of the band The Clash. I think they are arriving Tuesday, which will be perfect timing to get pictures to post of all of you to see.

     I had a lot of fun yesterday. I think I mentioned about riding to Daytona to look at some Moto Guzzis. Well, thanks to my drinking, I didn't wake up early enough to head there and see them, before I had to be back, to head to Titusville, to go to an event at the expansion of the Playalinda Brewery. It was Zwanze Day. It's a pretty big deal Begium sour release. It was kind of tasty. You needed a ticket to get that particular beer, and a buddy of mine had an extra one, that he offered up to me. I was already heading up there to meet with anther friend, so I accepted his offer. I had a few of the sours, I'm a big fan of sour beers. They are an acquired taste, but once you acquire it, you are hooked. I also got to try one of Playalinda's beers. It was called Key Lime Slice. It was pretty fantastic. They offer it with whipped cream on the rim, but I didn't want anything to do with that. The beer tasted exactly like a key lime pie. I really enjoyed it. I would have gotten some of the food, which looked fantastic, but my wallet fell out of my pocket in the front seat of my car, so I only had limited cash on me.

     I kept my drinking down to a minimum, and hung out with my friends for a few hours. When we all decided to leave the Brix Project, that is the name of the expansion, one of my friends mentioned that we should go to the original place and have a quick beer. I said I was going to head home, and there was no such thing as a quick beer. He pressed, and I caved.

     I had never been to the original brewery, so this was going to be a new experience for me. It's located in an old hardware store in downtown Titusville. Because of city ordinances, they couldn't change anything about the outside look of the place, so it says Hardware above the door. You have to know what you are looking for, or you are never going to find it. We got there, and a couple was getting up from a table, and called us over to take their place. We thanked them and had a seat. Everyone put in their order, I got the Skateboarders Pale Ale. it was a solid pale ale. This is where things got hilarious. One of my friends saw someone that they know, and this person, had never treated them very well at all. I won't use his words for her, but let's just say, she was short and dismissive of him. He only wanted to introduce himself, and compliment her on her brewery. Well, she wasn't having it. While he was telling these stories, they were the funniest stories I had heard in a along time. I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard. It didn't help that he was being somewhat loud, and she was within earshot of us. The good news is, that her and her friends were hammered, so I doubt they knew anything that was being said.

     Our quick beer, turned into an hour long stay, I told you there was no such thing as a quick beer. We headed our separate ways, but before we left, something really good came out of this whole really fun night. If I'm off again this Friday, I'm going to get to learn how to brew by the brewer of my favorite brewery. If I can learn everything I need to know from him, and he is very knowledgable on brewing, maybe I can work their as an assistant brewer. That would be kind of a dream job. He is wanting someone to take over doing the normal everyday type of beers, so that he can focus on the more off the wall creative ones. I told him that if he taught me, I would be that guy. I would only add in, that I would want to sit in on his mad science experiments, because I know they would be incredible.

     I didn't ride Saki the past two days, and this week looks bad. There is a hurricane coming up the coastline, that should keep Saki in the garage most if not all of the week. I have to keep Saki dry. That means that i will be cooped up in the car for the week. it's a good thing I have good music on my iPod.

     That's all I have for tonight. I'm sure I'm forgetting something, I always do, when I think back in my head what I wrote and what I was supposed to write. Peace in and goodnight.

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