Thursday, October 27, 2016

Good, Better, Best.

     I finally got some good news this week, but first. Oh yeah, there is a first. When I went to the bank to get a new debit card issued, they found two more charges added to the batch of other fraud charges on my card. That brought the grand total to, way too much. Apparently they were trickling in after holds were put on them. Here is where the good news comes in. They were able to track all the charges down, and I was reimbursed my money. When my card was usable, I went to the bank and did an inquiry just to make sure, and it's all there. Oh yeah, I have to correct something from the other night, it wasn't FICA that covers banks it's the FDIC. I got my initials mixed up. Either way, it should all be behind me now.

     I checked the tracking on the parts for Saki, and they are moving on schedule. I should receive them tomorrow, and depending on what time they arrive, I will either have Saki with a new back end tomorrow night, or Saturday morning. I don't have a light in my garage, so if it comes in in the evening, then I will have to wait until Saturday morning to get started on it. I'm really excited about this, and can't wait to get it all on Saki, so those lines are cleaned up, and that bulky awkward fender is gone.

     I'm off work tomorrow, because my company is getting in two new machines, and we are getting rid of one of the old ones. I will walk into a mostly new set up on Monday, but I plan on going by tomorrow and getting sneak peak at what everything looks like. Oh yeah, I work in plastics manufacturing, and they are mold injection machines. I'm not sure of the size of them, but the one we are getting rid of, is a 75 ton machine, so I'm sure that at least one of them will be that size as well.

     Often times, I get to thinking during my work day. I won't say that they are profound thoughts that no one has every thought before, but they are thoughts that are, maybe not so normal. Maybe other people have these thoughts, and maybe it's a bit of narcissism on my part. Anyway, the thoughts are about how a affect other people. Do I give them something that makes a change in them? Do they see the things I'm trying to do, and try to do them as well? Am I making an impact on this world in a positive way? See what I mean about narcissism? Anyway, while I'm having these toughs, I start thinking about the way people are posting things, and I have seen a change. Is it because of me? Maybe, but maybe they just want to do something more positive as well. Maybe they have seen that negativity gets them no where, and why waste your time with it. Maybe they whole current environment of the world has just gotten to them, and they want to see things differently. What ever it is, I have seen many more positive posts from people, than negative. There is a change happening, if you look around you can see it as well. It all comes down to choice. You can spend your time on negativity, or you can put something positive out in the world, and watch it spread. I know I've talked about RAK's before (Random Acts of Kindness), but I don't remember if I've done it here. So here is the goal for this weekend. Do one RAK for a complete stranger. It can be anything from as simple as holding a door for them to walk through, or putting a inspirational phrase like "You're Fabulous" on a post it note, and sticking it on a random car window, or even better yet, put it on a box of cereal in the grocery store for someone to find. If you want to go a little further, pick up someone's tab at dinner, or maybe buy someone a drink and not tell them who it's from. Give a sandwich to a homeless person, or help a lost child find their parent. There are so many things that you can do. Make that choice to be the positive force in this world. We can out number all the negativity that is out there, and you will see more of the change that I see. It's an amazing thing, and I can't wait to see how far it goes. Personally, I hope that it is an endless loop of kindness, but every good thing has an end. That doesn't mean, that we can't start a new beginning when that end comes.

     A friend of mine, sent me a message saying "I saw this and thought of you", with a picture of a sign that read, "Why do we only rest in peace? Why don't we live in peace too?". That's a good question, and eventually that picture will come up on my Instagram for Picture of the Day. Here is the answer, we can live in peace too. It all comes down to what you make of it. You make the choice to live in peace, no one makes it for you. You can't control what other people do, you only control yourself, and if you want to live in peace, you can. I couldn't be happier to know, that when someone I know sees something like that, that their first thought is of me. You know what that means? I do have an affect on the people I know, and it seems like it's a good one. Peace in and goodnight.

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