Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Can't Win For Losing.

     Remember how I said that this weekend was a disaster? Well, it managed to continue into the week. Last night when I finished dinner, i developed this very odd cough. It sounded like I had fluid in my lungs, and it was difficult to breath. I took an extremely hot shower, which helped elevate some of the fluid in the lungs, but I still had the nagging cough. It made me feel woozy and a bit weak, so I went to bed early. I woke up with the cough near gone, but not completely, and my abs hurt like I did a thousand sit-ups. Coughing is the best ab workout ever, after all. I still have a bit of the cough, but it might be the shortest lived illness that I've ever had. That is assuming that this is on the out, and not sticking around.

     The good times don't stop there though. I got home from work today, and received a call from fraud alert. It seems that there were some dubious charges to my debit card. Charges to the tune of a few hundred dollars. Someone had skimmed my card, and I believe I know where. The only place that I used my card recently was at the gay bar, that my buddy suggested that we go to. a $9 charge for two beers, seems to be costing me much more. FICA should cover the fraudulent charges, but I still have to get a new debit card issued to me. Fortunately my bank prints them on premises, so I will be going there tomorrow afternoon to get one. Of course I will have to wait 24 hours before I use it, but that shouldn't be a problem. I won't need it until I need to get gas, or when I run my errands on Sunday. Let's hope that this weekend ends today, so that I can move forward.

     I got a decent picture of Saki on Sunday after I wiped the gunk and dirt off it, and this is the result. The main reason I'm posting the picture, si so that you can get a good look at that ugly fender on the back there. If I manage to do everything right, that fender should be gone on Saturday. My new taillight and license plate mount should be arriving on Friday. That is the day that the tracking notification is giving for arrival. I'm really hoping that I don't somehow screw this all up. I've seen a few videos of people that have put this particular taillight on, and they said it took about 45 minutes. I'm going to be taking pictures and video of the whole thing, so that if I do something wrong, I can go back and see what it was, and fix it. Hopefully that won't happen, and the picture and video are just something I can add on here, for all of you. I got to tell you though. I love that bike already, and when I get that funder off of there, and those lines are cleaned up, I believe that I will love it even more. Once I clean those lines up, I'll do that early morning photoshoot, and post some of the picture up here. I'm sure, that one of them will make its way onto my Instagram account That will be one of those few pictures outside of my Picture of the Day.

     I'm going to finish up tonight, with a bit of sadness. This world has lost two people, that brought joy to peoples lives through what they did. First is the effervescent Kevin Meaney. He was a stand up comedian of unique ability. He could make you laugh just by looking at him, but beside that, he was riotously funny. His stand up was based on his life and what he observed, with signature bits about his mother and the guilt she would lay upon him, and of course his lib synch version of "We are the World".

     You can see from the clip above, that he had some singing talent as well. It was more of a Broadway show type of voice, but it worked for his style of stand up. In my opinion, he was at his best when he was bombing. I know that that seems strange to say, but it's true. When he would bomb and the crowd wouldn't laugh at his jokes, he would bust out in a little song entitled "I Don't Care". It would do one of two things. It would either get the crowd back, because of how ridiculous it was, or it would completely baffle the crowd, which would sometimes make it even funnier. Here is a version of that song for you to enjoy.

     Kevin left this world at the age of 60, and as far as I'm concerned, that is just a bit too soon, or as he would say himself, "That's not right", in his mother's voice. If you listen closely tonight, you can hear Kevin singing in the ether, and making the stars laugh.

     Pete Burns was another that left far too son, at the age of 57. Most people know him as the gothic Boy George from that band Dead or Alive. Although accused by Boy George himself, for stealing his style, he was one of the truly unique people this planet has ever seen. He completely changed his appearance from what you knew him as to what he was at his death, due to a self proclaimed addiction to plastic surgery. He once said that the only thing that wasn't altered were the soles of his feet, and that plastic surgery was like buying a new couch. Even though his success in America was limited, he had many hits in the UK. He even appears on Big Brother as one of the most memorable contestants that the show ever had. People who like to judge would see the outside appearance, and miss the man that was underneath. From every account of anyone who knew him, he was funny, gracious and loving. In honor of Pete's passing, I bring you Favorite Song of the Week. He may have only had one hit song in the states, but boy was it a goody. I'm sure that Pete is in the ether swirling like a dervish singing this very song. Here is "You Spin Me Round".

     I now this was a heavy video night for you, but if you take the time to watch all of them, I'm sure you will get a laugh and the desire to dance, or at the very least, sing along. Live in this moment, and do the things that you want to do. You have no idea how much time you have, so make the most of it. Peace in and goodnight.

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