Sunday, October 16, 2016

Plans? You Don't Get to Have No Plans.

     The weekend didn't go quite as I planned it. I worked Friday, which hasn't happened in quite some time, and it felt good. I planned on doing nothing that night, and that's what I did. I went to the bank, and then stopped by the tattoo shop to talk to my artist. Just seeing how he faired in the storm, and all. He came through it pretty good, he only lost a few limbs off a tree, and that was it, He didn't even lose power where he was. After that, I went home and watched a few more episodes of Luke Cage. Episode 7 was another slow one, Not as slow as the first episode, but still kind of slow. I think they are setting up for a big finale. I originally thought that this took place in the timeline before the Jessica Jones season, but I was wrong. This is a little while after that. I know this for certain now, because Rosario Dawson showed up. She is the one character that has made it through every series so far. She was introduced in DareDevil, then showed up for a couple of episodes in Jessica Jones, and is now in Luke Cage. I'm wondering, if she is going to be the glue that brings The Defenders together. She is appearing to be the common thread. Outside of DareDevil, these are all comics that I didn't really read, so I don't know much of the mythos behind them all. It's fun getting to know them though.

     Saturday came along, and this is where things went awry. The plan was, to wake up before sunrise, and ride Saki out for a little sunrise photo shoot. I did rise before the sun, but I went by the spot on Friday night that I was going to do the shoot, and I saw a bunch of no trespassing signs, and it threw me for a loop. I still think I can sneak the bike up close to the building and get the shot I want, but I lost the nerve, so I decided that later in the day, I was going to head to this motorcycle shop in Melbourne, to check them out. That didn't work out either. I texted my drinking buddy to tell him something, and he was working on his bike, and needed a pair of vice grips. I went to the local hardware store and got the smallest pair that they had, because he said that is what he needed. I got the right size it seems, but on the way to his house, was a bit of an unexpected adventure of sorts.

     I was riding his way, and since it is Biketoberfest in Daytona, there are a lot of bikes on the road. I went riding by a guy on a Harley, and gave him the thumbs up, because he had a nice bike. We ended up at a stop light across three lanes. There was a car in between us. When the light turned green, I took off the way I normally do, and I heard him goose his motor. He wanted to show off a bit..I couldn't let him have all the fun, so I rolled the throttle hard, and blazed out. He hung with me until we hit 45 MPH, that is when I shifted into second, and left him behind. Now, he may have just bailed on trying to keep up, but when I hit 3rd gear at 80, he was long behind me. I had to start slowing down though, because my exit was coming up fast. As I turned onto the ramp to get on the Beach Line, the traffic was stopped dead. It appears that there was an accident somewhere up ahead, so I weaved my way up to the front of the exit, one of the benefits of being on a bike in traffic, and saw that the accident was right where the two roads merge. The story I was told, was that a bike went down with two passengers on it. I never saw the bike, but I did see them load a single stretcher onto the Life Flight. It was interesting to watch that helicopter come in and land on the highway, and the paramedics load up the wounded person. I have no idea what happened to the other rider. People told me that their were two bodies lying in the road, so it's possible that the other person didn't make it. I can only take a guess at what happened, and my thoughts are that a car clipped the bike, sending it down. With the road merging right there, I'm sure the bike was accelerating hard to get up to highway speeds, and if a car came into their lane, they didn't stand a chance.

     While I was standing out there waiting, I talked to a few people, and the guy who had a truck that I parked Saki next to, asked me how this made me feel, since I was on a bike. I told him that it didn't bother me, and that when I merge onto a road like that, I look for a wide gap between vehicles to hop on the new road, then I can just gun it and get going without a problem. He said he used to ride, and did the same back in the day.

     That stop, delayed me by about an hour, maybe more, but they finally opened the road back up a few minutes after the chopper took off. I worked my way up to the front of the exit just as they opened it up, and I was off. I was in a pack of about 6 bikes, and all of us took to the wide open road.

     I finally arrived at my buddies house, and we got the bike running. It needed a few adjustments on the idle, but I think we nailed it down. He didn't want to ride it though, because his registration had expired, and he was worried about being pulled over. Here is the thing though. During Bike Week, and Biketoberfest, the police don't really hassle motorcycle riders, because most of them are from out of town, and bring in a bunch of money to the area, so they kind of just turn the other way, as long as you aren't doing anything really stupid. I told him this, but he just didn't want to risk it. By the time we were done, it was too late for me to head to that shop in Melbourne, so I'll have to go down there some other time.

     I went home and made some dinner and was planning another night of Luke Cage viewing, but, that wasn't happening. another buddy of mine wanted to meet up for a beer, and since I hadn't seen him in a while, I just went with it. This was a bad idea. One beer was never what happened. He was drinking sort of slow, since he and his wife had been drinking long before I even showed up. I went with Jack & Coke instead of beer, and 1 turned into 4. The place we were at, started closing down, so he suggested that we head to his place for a few beers there. I should have called it a night. I was planning on doing the Saki shoot in the morning, but the theme of the day was plans not going according to plan. I went to his house, and didn't get home until 3 in the morning. There went the waking up before dawn idea. This not only ruined the photo shoot plan, but it also ruined another plan that I had for the weekend, and that was to crack a thousand miles on Saki. I fell about 11 miles short. I would have done that easily riding to the location and back home, but it wasn't to be. I will just have to crack that thousand mile mark riding to work this week. It's not as fun, but it should still be somewhat satisfying.

     Speaking of riding to work, it looks like this week is going to be rain free, so I should be able to ride every day this week to work, and then to that shop this weekend. I do have a wine tasting on Thursday to go to, but don't worry, that won't interfere with the post on Thursday night. I don't plan on drinking too much. I'm hoping that it will be a school night, and that I will have to get up and go to work in the morning. Hangovers don't make for good work partners. Peace in and goodnight.

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