Sunday, October 23, 2016

And Then There's Maude.

     Where do I start with this weekend? I guess that Friday is the best place to start. Friday became a mess. I had to make sure that the package that came for my buddy got to him. That wasn't all that difficult. I knew he would want to go out for drinks, so I could just get it to him when we met up. The problem is, that I would have much rather have been riding Saki. I had to lock myself in the box, so that I could get him his wine. It worked out in the end, because he gave me a couple of bottles.

     His plans change, so he wanted to bar hop. I knew deep down, that this was a bad idea, but I went with it anyway. This brings me to another reason why the night was a mess. With him there, I couldn't break my rule and attempt to ask my bartender out. I know that if he is there, it will be ruined, and I don't want to deal with that. I just sat there, and ate a French Dip which they have on the menu right now, and several Jack & Cokes. I really have no idea how many, because a very kind gentleman picked up my tab. He has done this before for me, and I'm alway grateful, but I would like to grab his tab some time. I have to work something out with the bartenders to get his in advance, so that I don't have to sneak around to get it.

     With our tab paid, that is when we decided to make the first hop, and hit another bar. I knew at this point, that all my plans for the weekend were shot. We ended up in the Village at another pizza place. this one is nowhere near as good as the one we just left, and the service isn't as good either. The have an upstairs outdoor patio though, so that creates a new environment. Guess what? The patio was full, so we had to go to the downstairs inside bar. Service was rather terrible, so after two drinks we decided to head somewhere else. That is when we found out that Jack was half off, so we ended up staying for one more. This was around the time, that we got into a conversation about him being my wingman. He started it up with asking me if he wanted me to be his wingman. First off, you don't ask if you can be someone's wingman, you just are. I then told him that he is terrible at it, and he doesn't know how to take a back seat. Also that he has hijacked my conversations with women in the past. His response to that. I didn't know you were into them. That is when I threw one of his statements in his face. "If I'm talking to a woman, I'm interested in them." He said that to me once, when he accused me of messing up his "thing". I probably made a big mistake at this point, because that is when I told him that I was thinking about braking my rule, and who I was planning on breaking it with. This cold blow up in my face now. We will just have to see how it goes.

     After the "conversation", we headed out. His suggestion on where to go? Anyone have a guess? Ok, I'll just tell you. He wanted to go to the local gay bar. I really don't know why he always suggested it, because he always seems super uncomfortable there. Personally I don't care. People are people to me, and everyone has a story they want to tell. I'm just the right person to sit and listen to it.
I ended up running into a transgender friend of mine, and talked with her most of the night. We talked about motorcycles, and she told me that she was getting a Hyabusa soon. I thought that was pretty cool, and warned her that that was a very big bike. I also talked to a guy from Dallas that was in town to help out his mother for a little while. My buddy ended up leaving and I stayed and talked for a little while longer. I also needed some of the alcohol to burn off.

     I finally made it home, and drank as much water as I could, but I knew it wasn't going to solve the problem that was coming in the mooring. Yep, mild hangover was on the schedule for the day. That meant no early morning ride on Saki and no photoshoot either. I also didn't make to either that place in Vero Beach or Universal Studios for the day. The day was a complete loss, so I just watched shows that I had recorded. I'm going to impose a limit on my weekend drinking. I know this is going to confuse a lot of people that I would normally drink with, but too bad. I have too many things that I want to do, and I just can't get them done if I'm dealing with a hangover. Creativity is gone, and so is any physical activity that I want to do. I'm over it, and it's time for a change. "But what about those two bottles of wine your buddy gave you?". Very good question. I will drink those, but it will take me some time to do it.  I've already set my limit on that. I only get to drink those, when I draw or paint. Not during, but after. It's kind of like a reward. I used to do that when I was painting a lot. When I would finish for the night, I would have a glass of wine. Since I'm real susceptible to hangovers from wine, I'm not doing a whole bottle in a night. I can span that over two night per bottle, and I'll be good.

     With yesterday being a complete loss, I made sure to get out on Saki today. I went for a quick ride this afternoon, and I should have worn a jacket, it was a bit chilly out there. Oh yeah, that reminds me, one positive thing did happen on Saturday. I finally ordered a fender eliminator kit and a new integrated taillight. Saki is going to get those line problems from that big ugly rear fender solved. I ordered it from Moto Dynamic. I found out about them a few weeks back, when I was looking up fender eliminator kits. This is the cleanest way to do it, and still have the safety of turn signals on the rear of my bike. Most people just take the fender off, and hang a new license plate holder, getting rid of the turn signals. A lot of kits will allow you to keep your existing OEM turn signals, but they are rather bulky. With this new taillight, I get the turn signals integrated into the taillight itself. When you hit the signal, the side you hit lights up in yellow and goes from the middle out in an arrow pattern. It's super cool. Once I get it and put it on Saki. I'll get a video of it, so that you can see how it all looks. I think it's going to make Saki look even sexier than it already is.

     The Walking Dead's new season started tonight. Don't worry, I'm not going to spoil anything, but I will say this. If you have had any conversations with me about this season finale, then you know who I thought Neagan was going to kill. I was right, and that's all I'm going to say. Oh, I will say this, I think it was a pretty boring episode. I'm sure that is just me, because I watched the first 5 minutes of Talking Dead afterward, and people were stunned and upset from the loss of a character. I just didn't feel that loss. Maybe it's because I prepared for it from the end of last season, or maybe it's because I realize that it's just a show, and I can't get that emotionally invested in it. It was one of those episodes that gets you to the real exciting stuff. It's necessary, but for a season premier, it was a bit odd. Once again, just my opinion.

     I'm going to call it a night. I guess I should say, that since I ordered that taillight and fender kit, I'm putting of the photoshoot until I get it on. I will make sure that there are before and after pics, so you can see how the lines of the bike change with a simple elimination of the fender. A title just came to me, and it's going to make absolutely no sense, until you get here, and then it's probably still not going to make any sense. I've just always wanted to use this particular line, at a time that would just baffle people. If you know what it's from, then bonus points to you. Peace in and goodnight.

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