Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Rover Has Landed.

     Strange title right? This is one of those few times, where I have a title before I even start writing. It will all make sense later, but right now, we have to delve into that part of me, that is self questioning and full of doubt.

     Oh joy, this sounds like it's going to be a fun one. I get it, people don't want to know about their own self doubts, much less someone else's. This all started when I was listening to podcasts today. I know, if you have been reading this for any length of time, you know that Tuesday is an unusual day for me to be listening to podcasts. Well, this is an unusual week. I didn't work yesterday, because my place of employment had not regained power. That right there threw off my listening schedule. Then I came to find, that the Howard Stern show is off this week. That altered my listening schedule even more. Since I wasn't at work last Thursday due to the hurricane, I didn't get to listen to my podcasts on my normal day, and had quite a few built up. With no radio show to listen to, and several episodes of podcasts, it seemed fitting to listen to them today.

     Here is the thing, they mostly seemed to have a theme. It wasn't planned and totally coincidence, but there were talking about following your heart.. Oh wait, ti gets even better. I was catching up on recorded shows, before The Flash came on, and those shows, including Flash, all had a hint of that theme as well. Weird right? Is the cosmos trying to tell me something? I'm taking it as a yes. So, it's time for me to take more chances and follow my heart more. Now, when I say more chances, I don't mean anything stupid or deadly, or anything that can harm anyone else. That would go completely against who I am, but what it does mean, is that maybe it's time for me to break some of my own rules.

     I guess the first rule, and easiest to break, would be asking out one of my bartenders. I do have one in mind, and I think I can do it in a way, that doesn't make things awkward. Should it be this weekend? I don't really have anything planned, I just have to make sure that my drinking buddy is nowhere near the area, when I do it. The greatest wingman in the world, will dive in for the kill, if he sees that there is even the smallest possibility that I have a chance of succeeding. I'll keep you all up to date on how everything goes, when it goes.

     The other thing I can do, is to simply follow my passions a bit more. Writing of course is a big one, but so is art. I need to get the pad and pencils out a bit more, and focus on creating. I can feel ideas in the back of my head. They aren't fully visualized yet, but they are there, and waiting to come forward. It may just take a little coaxing on my part. I do believe that when the art comes, so will the stories. The go hand in hand. Every drawing and painting have a story, and usually it is up to the viewer to find that story. The artist has their own version, but they generally want the interpretation to be up to the eye of the beholder. I can create a story from the image, and bring a whole world to life, and that is what I want to do.

     Playing the ukulele more and better, is another one. I want to learn more, and play more. I know that all of that will come with time, but I need to put more effort into it, and make the songs come to life. Paint a picture with the melodies, so to speak.

      Here is where that title is going to come into play. I need to ride my skateboards even more. I walked out this morning to a package on my front porch. I had no idea it was supposed to be there, because no shipping information was sent to me, but I finally received my brand new 121C Boards Rover. It was part of a Kickstarter campaign that 121C Boards did for their brand new short boards. I already have one of their Aileron, and now thanks to the Kickstarter, I have the Rover. As you can see that it has red wheels, and will match pretty well with Saki. The put cutouts in the front of the board so that you can attach it to a back pack with a carabiner, which just so happened to be one of the stretch goals that they achieved. The bottom picture shows the top of the board with the carabiner attached to it. I really can't wait to go riding around on this and my Aileron more often. So as the title says, "The Rover Has Landed".

     It all comes down to taking risks based on my passions. The last one to talk about tonight, is beer. Yeah, you heard me. I do have a passion for beer. I want to learn how to brew properly, and maybe, just maybe, I can leave my job and work in a dream. That dream would be working in a brewery. I would pretty much do anything at this point, but I think brewing itself would be the smartest way to go about it. If I knew how to do it right, and on a large scale, I could do anything in the brewery. I could even try to stick my foot in the door as an assistant brewer. Crazier things have happened. How great would it be, to ride Saki to the brewery every morning to brew beer? I know what you are saying to yourself, "I thought you didn't drink when you were on Saki?". I don't, and brewing isn't drinking. Of course I would taste it throughout the process, to see how it is coming along, but I would never have a full beer while on the bike.

     Speaking of Saki, I guess there is one more passion, and that would be riding. This is a rebirth of an old passion, that is growing stronger every day. I want to find more time, places, ways to ride. I will, that is a promise to myself. I love hearing the roar of the motor, and that feeling when the bike gets light, as it cuts through the wind over the road. It's the place where human and machine become one, and just connect in a way that can't be described. You are just sort of there for the ride. The bike will do most of the work. It wants to ride as much as you do.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week, and it's a good one. This song came out a couple of weeks ago, by a band that only formed a couple of years ago. They are a duo, that have a great throwback sound. It's a bit 80's mixed with 70's, with a touch of today. I think this song should be a hit, and it should be a hit now, but that's just me. Give it a listen and see what you think. This is Capital Cities with their brand new song "Vowels". Enjoy.

     It's time to hit the sack. I think I will be working this Friday, which will still only be a 4 day work week, but at the other end of it. I'll let you know who the dive into the deep end goes. Peace in and goodnight.

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