Thursday, October 6, 2016

Matthew is Knocking on My Door.

     Today has been rather unproductive. That is the thing about hurricanes, they lean you towards waiting around. You have to wait for it to show up, you have to wait for it to go through, and then you have to wait for the aftermath to clear. Right now, we are in the 15-20 mph winds, and occasional rain. The power is clearly still on, and the local channels broadcast nothing but hurricane coverage. I get that people need to know things, but they don't need to hear and see those things every 5 minutes. Local stations should really consider,  just giving briefs from time to time, and leave normal programming on, so that people can get away from what's going on. Floridians know what this storm is. We have lived through them before, and we know what to expect. I know that their are some transplants that have no idea, but telling them over and over, does nothing. I'm sure that they got it the first half dozen times that you said it.

     That's my rant about the hurricane. The bulk of the storm isn't supposed to hit until tomorrow some time, which would be Friday. We will see how long I keep having power. I'm sure it will go out, my particular block in my neighborhood, always loses power. Once it is gone, it will probably be out for a few days or so. It normally takes about 3 days to get it all back up and running, but who knows with this storm.

     I moved the last remaining things in the house, that I needed to get in. Garbage cans and what not. Gotta keep those things from flying around and doing damage. I also backed my car as close to the garage door as I could. It is supposed to help keep everything in place, but the real reason is, so that you can drive off in a moments notice if you have to. All but two of the storm shutters are closed. I need a little natural light, and to be able to see what is going on outside. I'm sure that once the storm hits it's peak, I will head out on the porch and watch it. That is something that I have always done. I'm always fascinated by the power of storms, even afternoon lightening storms. I am as secure as I am going to get, and there is no need worrying about things that are beyond my control.

     I watched the first 4 episodes of Luke Cage. The first episode was loooooong. It was only an hour, but it seemed to go on forever. Good news is, that it gets much better in the 2nd episode, and is continuing to grow at this point. If you don't know what Luke Cage is, it is a Netflix Marvel show. Superhero stuff. It continues the DareDevil, Jessica Jones part of the MCU [ Marvel Cinematic Universe]. I believe that The Defenders is the next part of it. That is where everyone in the Netflix thing comes together like the Avengers. After that, I think it is on to the Punisher. I could have those flipped around though. It will be good binge watching for years to come.

     Howard Stern finally put up a list of the artist and what song they are doing for The Beatles - Revolver tribute. If you go here Revolver  you can see the list for yourself. I'm pretty excited about it, and I hope I still have power on my phone to listen to it Friday evening. I've heard clips from some of the songs, and they are fantastic. Jewel's version of "Eleanor Rigby" in particular is great. It has this funky french sound to it. Before I even read her quote about the song, I thought of the french connection. I'm looking forward to hearing the whole versions of the ones that have been sampled, and the rest of the songs, that I haven't heard.

     It is abnormally early for one of these posts, and that is because of the sitting around doing much of nothing all day. I'm lazily tired. I'm going to hit the sack, and wake up to much stronger winds outside. I'm hoping to make the scheduled post on Sunday, but that may not be possible. If there is a way, I will get a post up. I haven't missed a deadline on this yet, so wish me luck. For you subscribers, if you don't see anything in your email on Monday morning, you know that at the very least, the power is out. I'll post as soon as I can, if I miss Sunday. It will be a special post on whatever day, I get the power back. In the meantime, peace in and goodnight.


  1. Hopefully if power goes out it won't be long Brad Allen headed his crew that way yesterday. Love ya

    1. The power went out very early this morning. We were the first in the neighborhood to lose it. I'm sure it will be out for a few days at the least. No internet either, so this is all from my phone.
