Tuesday, October 4, 2016

And the Winner for Strangest Opening Goes to...

     I know what you are thinking. Actually, I have no idea what you are thinking, I only know what I'm thinking, and a lot of times, those are rather unusual thoughts. That being said, I really had no better way to start this tonight, so why not go a bit weird.

     If you are in Florida, and you watch any news cast, it is the end of the world. The most devastating storm ever will careen into the state with a force that man has never felt. Our governor apparently learned the word catastrophic today. He used it about a hundred times in his news conference. I guess I should use it here to describe the impact on the Florida Coastline. It will be a catastrophic impact. There, I got that out of the way. Here is what a native Floridian does. He gases up his car (i'm using he because i'm talking about me), then he goes home, and plans what cocktails he is going to make to watch the storm go by. I'm not all that concerned about this storm. It's big, and powerful, but I'm not convinced yet, that it's going to come barreling into the Space Coast, like the meteorologists are saying. Want to know why I'm not convinced yet? Too bad, I'm going to tell you anyway. I rode Saki in to work today. I know, that really doesn't sound like a reason for why I'm not concerned about the storm. It will make sense when I'm done. The weather forecast for today, was rain and more rain. When I rode in, it was supposed to be pouring down rain, when I rode home, it was supposed to be pouring down rain. Here is the reality, I rode in under clear early morning skies. I rode home under clear afternoon skies. Now, it didn't rain during the work day, which was a pretty good thing. It gave Saki some bath time. This was beneficial, because when I got home, I wiped Saki down real good, and gave it that showroom quality shine. Saki looks great. With all that rain we were supposed to get, Saki simply took a shower. Like I said, I'm not all that worried.

     On to bigger and better things. As promised, I have a couple pictures of the new Chucks. I will be posting one on Instagram tomorrow, after I post the picture of the day. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you can simply go here Counterfeit Squirrel and you can see the pictures I post. For the most part, I have nothing to do with taking the pictures, I simply find pictures that I think people will like, and possibly put a smile on their face. I post one picture a day, but I may post an extra picture or two if something interesting comes up, like new Chucks. If you have an Instagram account, and like what you see, hit those three dots, and turn on notifications. That will let you know when I post a new picture. By the way, since I started doing picture of the day, tomorrow will be the first time that I will have posted more than one picture in a day. It is a very rare occurrence. With that, here are the pictures.

     The pair on the left, are the Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe Chucks. I've been wanting these ever since I saw them a few months ago, but alas, Nike bought out Converse, and whipped out my account, and would not let me into my Nike+ account. I had to use some ingenuity to get a new account, so that I could finally buy them. Here is the bonus, since I waited so long, and maybe other people were having the same problem that I was, I got them for 50% off. I'm completely pleased with them, and since I'm a sucker for Chucks and great music, I bought the pair on the right, which are in honor of the band The Clash. It's hard to see in the picture, and I'm hoping you can blow it up a bit, but those are pink skull and crossbones on them. In the picture to the right, you can see the bands logo on the upper tongue, and of course, the mint green tongue of the Marilyn Monroe shoes. The tongue on those, actually matches the sole. I didn't get a picture of that, but if I remember for Thursday, I will try to get one.

     I watched a new show tonight, that was pretty good. It's called No Tomorrow. The idea behind is, that a girl meets this guy, that has this crazy idea, that the Earth is going to be destroyed by a meteor in 8 months, so he is living everyday to the fullest, and he tries to talk her into doing it with him. He has a little book that he carries around called his "Apocalyst". It has a list of things that he wants to do before the Earth ends. It's kind of the "live by no rules, experience what ever you can"plan. It's fun in that, what would you do if you knew the end was coming. sort of way. The best part of the show, was when they took a ride in a dune buggy type thing, and Twenty One Pilots song "Tear in My Heart" was playing.  You all know of my love of TOP, so you should understand now, why I like the show. Here is the thing though. I always knew what that song was about, but I never really put it in context, until I saw they way they did it in this show. It all made perfect sense. Oh, and before you take a guess, it is not the FSOTW. I have something else planned for that. I can tell you that TOP is going to be the musical guest on Saturday Night Live this week. I will be watching it, assuming that I live through the catastrophic storm, that is coming, and I have power. I digress though. Back to the show. The guy ruins the girls life, but in trying to make up for it, he causes her to get an injury that in turn, saves her life, because doctors find a real big problem while she was in the hospital. That of course, makes her appreciate the life she has more, and she buys into his "Apocalyst". If you are up for a fun and senseless show, give it a try. It is on right after The Flash, so I'll surely be seeing it again.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. Truth be told, I really didn't have anything planned, so I could have easily just went with "Tear in my Heart", but it just didn't seem right. Give me a moment and I'll head over to Youtube and find something for your enjoyment. Alright, I found something on the first try. I was just feeling that I needed something with a little funk, and a certain band popped into my head. The first song I saw was the winner. I grew up listening to this band, and this song. I don't know much about them, other than, they had some great songs. It comes from the disco era. You know, that time when women, latino, and gay performers started getting noticed, and people took exception to it. They had to knock them back down, and the whole "Disco Sucks" revolution started. Well, let's take a step back into that era, and head straight on in to "Boogie Wonderland", that's right, the classic funk disco hit by Earth, Wind & Fire. I promise you, that you won't be able to stand still, so just get up and shake yo thing, and boogie on down.

     Now be honest, you were up doing the bump to that one, and if you don't have anyone around, you did it the way we did it back in the day, and you threw that hip into a wall or a door. That's great stuff right there. I think I need to bring the bump back. I was doing it a few years ago, on a New Year's Eve. I was a tad bit drunk. See I used to have this tradition, that a buddy and I would drink shots of tequila every hour until midnight. We would also be drinking beer in between those shots. It was some fun times, and we always had a good tequila. Usually an anejo that was aged in some unique way. We weren't doing shots of crappy tequila, this was the good stuff.

     Enough reminiscing, if I'm alive and have power, I will post on Thursday night. I haven't missed a post yet, and I don't really plan on doing it now, so I will be willing everything to go as it should go. Real quick, I guess I should give you an Ok Cupid update. There is no update. That was quick, and good thing too because it is time for bed. Peace in and goodnight.