Thursday, October 13, 2016

Why You Do That?

     Since I've been off on Fridays lately, I haven't had much time to hit the audio books. That is the day that I do my listening. This week has been great for catching up. With the Howard Stern Show on vacation, I managed to get all my podcasts listened to, and finished one book, and started another. This new book is a continuation of a series that I thought was over. It was a pleasant surprise to see a new book in the series. It's the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. It is quite good. Wait, what's that? A woman can't write fantasy fiction. Uh, yes they can, and they can do it very well. This is the 5th book in this series, and she also has another trilogy that she began. I'm actually reading those as they come out. I'm nearly done with the first one, and have the second one on deck, but I believe I will finally sit down and read the new Harry Potter book before attacking the second one. Ha, that's funny. More proof that a woman can write fantasy. J.K Rowling sound familiar? She is only one of the most successful fantasy writers of all time. I don't think I have to argue this point any further. Get out there and grab a book by either of these talented women. I guess I should tell you the books in the new trilogy. They are, A Court of Thorns and Roses, and A Court of Mist and Fury. I don't have a title for the third one, but it will be out in 2017.

     After a few months, I finally get to work on a Friday, so that means more books to listen to. Anyway, it's still technically a 4 day work week for me, since I didn't officially get back to work until Tuesday, because of loss of power. I did however get to work a couple of hours on Monday, so It's almost a 5 day work week. The weather has been great this week, and everyday has been a Saki day. Saki has gotten out and about, well to work and back, but the weekend is upon us, and it's Biketoberfest in Daytona, which is only about an hour away. I'm not planning on going there, but I will get out and ride this weekend, and I'm hoping to get that little photo shoot in of Saki. I need to get Saki in a a somewhat post-apocalyptic vibe. I mentioned that I noticed an old dilapidated buildings near by, that might be perfect for a early morning shoot. I want that burnt orange light of a sunrise to show off Saki, looking shiny and polished near something old and dusty. A good contrast I think. I'm thinking Saturday for that little event, and then ride until I get tired.

     I don't think I'll go out drinking tomorrow night, or Friday, I know that for some reason, the email version of this doesn't get sent out until the next morning some time. I think it's about 8 hours after I post this. It seems that my drinking is getting in the way of my riding, and that is a problem, so I have to call it quits on the drinking when I want to ride in the morning. I don't want to fight a hangover, when I'm trying to have a great time on Saki. Oh yeah, if I do get the shots of Saki, I will post them here on Sunday.

     For years now, Jimmy Buffet, Oh I guess I should say, that I'm a big fan of Jimmy, and do consider myself a Parrothead. Anyway, for years now, Jimmy Buffet has simulcast his concerts on his online radio Margaritaville, and on his SiriusXM channel. Lately though, he has been simulcasting his concerts on Youtube as well. He doesn't do all of them, like the radio broadcasts. They are more random. Well, probably not random, but far and few in between. Tonight is one of those broadcasts, and I have it going in another tab as I write this. He's a Red Rocks, in Colorado. It is such an amazing place to see a show. You may remember me talking about how much fun I had seeing Twenty One Pilots there. If you ever have the chance to see somethings there, go. If you too, are a Parrothead, and want to know when these Youtube shows are, simply go to his website and sign up for the newsletter. That is how I find out about them. They usually send an email the day that it is going to happen, but normally the send an email once a week with random things, and bargains for merchandise. You won't get overwhelmed with emails from him. Here is a link that will take you directly to the mailing list Jimmy's Mail List. 

     I noticed something today. Ok, it's something that I notice quite often really. It's a motorcycle thing, that kinda of bugs me a little. It's the dragging of one's feet when they take off from a stop. I don't understand it, but I think I know what it is. I think it's a lack of confidence. That doesn't bug me. Any new rider should have a little lack of confidence. That lack will can save your life. It keeps you from doing stupid things. Here is the part that bugs me, and this is a generalization, but it's something I see more often than not. It is normally a rider that is wearing no sort of protective gear. No helmet, jacket, gloves, nothing. They have the confidence to go without gear, but they can't simply pick their feet up as they take off. From everything that I've read, and hearing it from riders that are far more experience than me, that is a very bad habit. It is one that should be corrected when you are learning to ride, but once it is stuck in your head, it is very hard to stop. The reason people do it, I think, is that if they have to make a sudden stop, they already have their feet down to keep the bike up. Here is what I've heard about that. If you keep your feet dragging, more often than not, if you have to make that sudden stop, you are going to snap your leg, trying to stop the bike from going down. You are much better off, with your feet on your pegs. They are out of the way, and actually balance the bike much better. Also, if you go down, you can push the bike away from you with your hands and legs, as opposed to getting stuck under the bike. If you ride, please get in the habit of picking your feet up as soon as you throttle the bike. You might just be amazed out how much more in control of the bike you feel, and how much more confident you will be in the saddle. You can ride an incredibly slow speeds and keep that bike balanced, and if you can't, you need to work on that. Remember if you ride, you can always learn how to ride better, and smarter.

     Well, Jimmy is playing Cheeseburger in Paradise, and I think that is a good song to go out on, so I'm calling it a night. I'll finish up that song, as I post this. Peace in and goodnight.

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