Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Funko Spiral Contortionist.

     Let's start with yesterday, because today, wasn't so great. Oh wait, i have to go back to Sunday for a second. Whilst running my errands, I ran into something I absolutely didn't need, but decided that I had to have at Target. I walked through the outer edge of the toy department where I saw this. They only had one, and it says "Only At Target", so I put it in my cart. I think it's super cool, but that is my nerd showing. Let's face it, it is super cool.

     Ok, now back to Monday. The weather held off long enough for me to get a short ride in. I decided to head up an area called North River Road. It's a nice little ride. It's slow speed, but the road is canopied with trees, and at some parts, you are feet away from the water. Beautiful expensive homes dot the landscape, with men a few historic ones as well. It was really nice riding that area, but it didn't fulfill my need to open it up. I got back on US1, when I got to the end of River Road, and headed back towards my house. Something I just started noticing while riding this weekend, at a certain speed, it feels like the bike disappears. It becomes weightless, and just glides across the asphalt. It's an incredible feeling, and I don't thin I can describe it better than that. That feeling is a new high for me, and I want to feel it every time I go for a ride. I don't know if anyone else has felt that before, I've never heard anyone talk about it, but if you know what I'm talking about, leave a comment about your experience with it. Oh and tell me what you ride. I'm not one of those people that think there is only one bike out there, and that you should ride it. I love anything on two wheels. I have a Harley-Davidson Nightster and a Kawasaki Ninja 650. It doesn't get much more diverse than that. In common belief, those two bikes are polar opposites, and would ever be owned by the same person. Kawasaki has been using the hashtag #ridebold, on their recent photos. I think that is a good statement, and everyone, no matter what they are riding, should ride bold.

     Now on to today. Today wasn't at all uncommon, with the exception that I began having that good old feeling of utter and absolute loneliness. It hits me without warning and just takes me down. So far down, that I began feeling that if something happened and I died on the way home, that would be just fine. The only other thought that went through my mind, is that I would be upset that Saki would get ruined. That however didn't keep the thoughts away. I haven't gone down this deep in a while, and usually in cases such as this, the one thing I could look forward to, is that I would have a creative explosion. That hasn't happened yet. Story ideas, a need to draw or paint, nothing. I even tried to push the envelope and force a story idea. Just a short story, but nothing.

     I'm not out of it, but there was one thing that lifted me up a bit, and that is when I went into iTunes, and saw a Little Richard playlist. Little Richard is a hero of mine, and I know that someday in the near future, I will be writing about his death, so I'm not going to go into his history, or even mine with hearing him for the first time. I will save all that, but it did give me a great idea for Favorite Song of the Week. I'm not going to build it up, I'm just going to post the video and you can have at it. The song is "Freedom Blues".

     Wasn't that fantastic? Now you can see why it lifted me back up a bit.

     Tonight of course is AGT night, and I'm going to see if they have the videos posted yet, right after I talk a bit about it. I'm beginning to have a bit of a problem with the judges. They are starting to make the show more about them, than about the contestants. It's not going to make me stop watching, but it is a bit annoying. Tonight was the last night before Finals week. The acts all did a pretty good job, but there were a few acts, that didn't live up to their previous level, and I think they will not move forward to the finals. With that in mind, there were two acts in particular that were fantastic.The first one I'm going to mention wan't my favorite act of the night, but it does bare mentioning and deserves a view, if I can find the clip. Good news, all the clips are up, so I have them for you to watch. Brian did his usual great job. He just fills the room with his voice, and he does things with the arrangement of old songs that just makes them his. Here is his clip.

     As good as that was, there was one act that I thought was better, and not by just a small amount. If this act was for the finals, I think it could have won the whole thing, but it is only the semi-finals, so we will have to see if it can be improved upon. The contestant is contortionist Sopie Dossi. If I remember right, she is only 14 years old, and she is self taught. She hasn't had any formal training at being a contortionist, she just really wanted to do it one day, and boom, she's a world class contortionist. This act was beautiful, brilliant, and breathtaking. There is a slight bobble on one of the moves, but considering how hard this act is, I ignored it. It's truly captivating. I don't think I can talk it up any better than just watching it serve it much better.

     You know my rule about disco balls. Wait, you don't know my rule about disco balls? You should, I've only mentioned it a few times on this blog already, and I know I've mentioned it about a half dozen times on the 365. Ok, so for anyone new, disco balls make everything more fun. Forget about that though. I just want to take moment to point out the second time she goes up on the ring. It isn't until the camera moves in a bit closer, that you realize that she is only holding herself up with her neck. That is absolutely astonishing. I've never seen anyone do that move on a ring like that. I've seen it with a neck harness but never with a metal ring. I think that this was my favorite performance of the entire run of the show. I hope she can top it for next week. I can't seen any way possible that she doesn't go through to the finals with a performance like that. I'll let you know on Thursday if she made it or not. Same goes for Brian Justin Crum.

     I'm going to call it a night. Peace in and goodnight.

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