Tuesday, September 20, 2016

From Bad, to Good, to Really Making Me Happy.

     I received some not so good news yesterday. My mom went to the doctor because she has been having some trouble sleeping as well as other things lately. The doctor told her, that her heart isn't working right. Part of her problem is that she can't remember things anymore either, so she couldn't tell me what it is that's wrong, just that she is ready to die. That is always fantastic news. She is going to see a cardiologist soon, and maybe there will be more answers, and possibly something written down, so that I can see it as opposed to her trying to tell me. I'll let you know what I know, when I know it.

     That leads me to Favorite Song of the Week. I have had a song in mind for a few weeks now, but there is always something that overpowers it when it comes to the time to pick. This week is no exception. I'll get to that song at some point, but in the meantime, this song showed up in my Youtube subscription list, and I've been listening to it as much as I can. It's a new song which is an old song. My favorite band in the world did a cover of one of my favorite songs on The Black Parade album. That's right, this is a cover of a My Chemical Romance song. The original is such a fantastic song, but this version might just be better. It feels like Tyler is singing this song to someone specific, and it comes across hauntingly beautiful. The song is "Cancer", and the band is Twenty One Pilots, so without further explanation, here it is.

     Let me know what you think of it. I  have no information on why they did this song, I only know that it is fantastic. Feel free to look up the original by MCR, and compare the two. You may see it all differently, but that is the subjective nature of music. What is good to you, may not be to others, but there is that magical space in between where common interests intermingle. That is the place where the Clique takes residence. It's all about the music and being together. Enjoy.

     The weather reports have been dismal this week. Saki has been staying dry in the garage, and it doesn't look good for tomorrow. Saki wants to go out and play, and I do too. I've been looking at a few things, to make Saki look a little better. First thing I have to do, is get rid of that ugly rear fender. I was originally looking at fender eliminator kits that would either incorporate the turn signal lights, or have some with it, but I have found a rear taillight with integrated turn signals in it. It is rather awesome, and rather cheap, considering most of the things I was looking at were over $100. I'll still have to get a license plate mount, but I can go for a much less expensive one now. The Integrated taillight comes in it at $80. Yeah, I know, that isn't cheap, but it's a lot cheaper and much cleaner looking than a $100 plus dollar fender eliminator kit with big lights sticking out the side. This will clean up those lines on the back end of Saki. After that, I think I will invest in getting rid of my handlebars and put some clip-ons on. Clip-ons put more of the steering over the front tire, and give the rider better control of the bike. I found a set with a simple conversion bracket that will fit nicely. After that, the last thing I'm thinking about doing, is putting a new exhaust kit on Saki. It will make it louder (which is more safe on the road, because cars will hear us coming), and will add a little horse power. That is never a bad thing. The exhaust is going to be the most expensive, and time consuming. I may have to add a new chip in it, as well as dyne the bike to get it to ride right with a new tuning on it. That is why that will be last. I'm thinking I'll be going with a Yoshimura RS4. It simply sounds the best, looks the best, and has a great performance record. That will probably be a year or two off though. I need to clean up that back end first.

     I think I'm going to keep this short, and call it a night. I still have to come up with a title tonight, and I kind of want it to be a real good one. After all, it is going to be the first thing you read. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. It will be very good to get your mother's diagnosis in writing. Depending on the news, consider a second (or third) opinion. My experience with cardiologists has shown me that they are quick to prescribe something, but not effective at treating the actual issue.
