Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Who Wants to Go to a Concert? No One? That Sounds About Right.

     I need to vent a little tonight. I was holding it back, but I just can't anymore. The language may get a bit saucy tonight, so If you don't like that , then you should turn back now. With that out of the way, let's just delve into this, shall we? On Sunday, I posted pretty much exclusively about going to Universal, but there was more to the weekend. Friday in particular. I didn't talk about it, because I was going to try and let it go, and also, because I knew that Universal was going to take up a huge chunk of the post. Friday, my drinking buddy texted me wanting to meet up. I wanted to ride, but the weather was far too sunny for him to get his bike fixed and out on the road. He wanted to spend it drinking. I'm all for that at times, but It was a beautiful day, tailor made for riding. Anyway, I decided to meet up with him at the place that he likes. We've gone over how I could do with or without this place, but that isn't the problem. I went had soda and talked with him. Not to get into his business, but he went on a date with one of the bartenders there, a week or so earlier. Most of you know my rule about dating bartenders, but for those who don't, the rule is as follows: Don't do it. It's as simple as that. I spent time to build a relationship with my bartender so that I get the service that I like, and I'm not going to let my penis get in the way of that relationship. That being said, I don't really care about this place, but I still have a polite relationship with the bartenders there. He spent the time telling me about his date, and what he wanted to do, nothing sexual mind you, just what his plans were that didn't succeed.

     After a while, he decided that he wanted to bounce to my favorite place. This is where I have cultivated that bartender/patron relationship. Once we were there, he got a text from his new date/girlfriend/whatever, and she said she was going to stop by, but she didn't want to interfere with our time. I told him to tell her to turn around, I didn't give a fuck if she showed up. He did, and she came up. It was ok for a while, but then, my buddy started telling all these stories to paint me in a bad light. He got most of the facts about them wrong, which made me look even worse. My only guess, is that he was trying to make himself look better to the woman. I don't know why. He mentioned one time, that her friends all thought that she was dating me. I have no idea where they even came up with that idea. 1. I don't date my bartenders, and 2. She isn't my fucking type. Ok, that last bit was a little rude. He has no need to worry about me trying to take her away, so I don't get it. He knows my rule about dating bartenders, so I can't grasp his mindset on this one.

     If you want me to be your wingman, and make you look good, you don't have to throw me under the bus to do it. I will gladly build you up, so that you look the best you possibly can. I'm a damn good wingman, and I have succeeded in that role many times. If he ever pulls that shit again, I'm going to get my tab, pay it, and walk the fuck out. I don't need people like that in my life.

     Whew, got that out of my system, but wait there's more. This pertains to my own stubborn stupidity. Against my better judgement, I bought tickets to see Panic! At The Disco. They are hitting the Amway Center in April, and it looks like I'm going to be there. This is why it is against my better judgement. I had mentioned after seeing Twenty One Pilots at that same venue, and once again eating an extra ticket, that I was no longer going to see a show locally. I would simply travel to places that bands were playing and watch them there. Either it would be with friends that I know like the music, or hell, I'd just go somewhere new, to see them in a different atmosphere. What happens, with me, is that with a couple of months to go, I will start posting that I have an extra ticket if anyone wants to take advantage of it. I never charge anyone for this ticket, it's simply first come first serve. If anyone feels so inclined that they have to give me something in return, they can buy me a beer at the show. That is it.

     With a month to go, I start asking people directly, and they always say the same thing, "When is it?". I tell them, but the truth is, that they are only saying that so that they can have an excuse not to go. They always have something else planned. Could they really have something planned? Of course they could, but for the most part, these are people that plan nothing, so their excuse seems a tad bit flimsy to me. With a week to go, I fucking give up, and just eat the ticket. I go to the show alone. I still have a good time, but it would be so much more fun to enjoy it with anyone. That will more than likely be the case with P!ATD. It will be a great show, that I paid double the price for. These are the times, when I fucking hate people, and I don't want to hate. Hate creates so much bad energy, energy that I don't want in my life, just like above with people that bring that bad energy in my life, I don't need it, but here I am again, setting myself up for another overpriced concert. I'll enjoy it, when I'm there, and I will get over it, but there will be that time, when I will just be pissed off.

     Ok, that is all of it, I promise. Now let's get to something a little more enjoyable. Remember when I mentioned that I had a song, that I've been wanting to post as the Favorite Song of the Week for a while now? This is the week. It has finally arrived, and nothing has gotten in the way. There was a possibility though. Howard Stern announced this week, that in honor of The Beatles 50 year anniversary of the Revolver album, he had gotten 14 different bands to cover the songs on the album. Revolver is my favorite Beatle album, and the bands that are doing covers are fantastic. He played a few short clips of the songs, and I instantly fell in love with a few of them. Fortunately, there is nothing online of any of them, and the special doesn't air until this Friday on Sirius 101. That means that this weeks song is still safe.

     Quite a while ago, I posted Aurora's version of David Bowie's "Life in Mars", I'm still very much in love with that version of the song, even though people are going crazy for the Peter Gabriel version, that was most recent'y used in the Netflix show Stranger Things. Don't get me wrong, it's a great version, I'm just transfixed by the Aurora version. Because of that version and her interview on Howard Stern, I bought her album. There is one song on there, that just blew me away. It is a story book song, and I won't go into what the story is about, you will figure that out on your own when you here it. it is beautiful, haunting, melancholy, and just on a whole different level than anything else. I think the reason I let others songs take precedence over it, was because it wasn't the right time for me to share it with you, and tonight is that time. Here is Aurora with "Nature Boy".

     Let me know what you think of it. I truly hope that you enjoy it as much as I do. It is an amazing song.

     This week has been great for Saki and me, but it looks like tomorrow is calling for rain a bit earlier in the day. I'm thinking about just saying, screw it, and riding to work anyway. Rain isn't a fear of mine, like it is my buddy's. I didn't get into his rules of riding, maybe someday. Just know that riding in the rain, is something he won't do. Sorry, i promised I was done with the rant, and I am.

     As a matter of fact, I'm going to call it a night. See you all on Thursday, or whenever you read Thursday night's post. Peace in and goodnight.

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