Thursday, September 22, 2016

Lightening Bolts be Trying to Bring Me Down.

     Today went unusually well, considering all the obstacles that keep getting in the way. For instance, I have no power right now, due to a lightening strike right outside my house. I still have internet, so I'm going to type this up as fast as I can.

     I decided early on this morning, that I was going to ride Saki into work no matter what the weather report was. I hadn't ridden since last Friday, I needed to get on the bike. I lucked out. Even though the weather called for rain around the time I went home, none came. Well, not until after I was home and on my way to ukulele class. On my way home from work. I was waiting at a light, and I heard someone calling over to me. I looked over, and a guy wanted to know what it was like riding in the rain. Even though it didn't rain, there was an ominous looking cloud heading our way. I told him that there wasn't much to it. You just had to slow everything down, and watch the other vehicles on the road better. He noticed that my tires don't have a lot of grooves. That is the thing about sport tires on a bike, the tread is minimal. The idea is to get as much rubber on the road. That is great in dry conditions, but not so great in wet. I don't worry though. Like I told him, you just slow down a bit. He mentioned how much he liked Saki, and then thanked me for giving him the answers he was looking for.

    Further down the road, I ended up behind Porsche. The person driving revved the engine and shot off. I felt like playing, so I did the same. I caught up to them in a second. Then I threaded the needle and split the lane to go around them. They didn't bother trying to chase me down. I guess they knew that as fast as their car was, it couldn't maneuver like Saki. It was fun.

     I headed out to uke class, in hopes that we would finish up "Pure Imagination". My teacher walked out to get me, and he was strumming a beautiful chord. It was the one he was having trouble with last week. Little did he know, that there were more peculiar chords to come. We got through most of it, but there are still a few bars left to go. Next week should wrap it up.

     On the way home, I was rerouted due to a road closure, but when I got to the end of the detour, they rerouted me again, back the way I had come. I decided to make the most of it, and take an advanced look at a road I've been wanting to take Saki down. It's a nice little ride, with some open areas to open it up a bit. It took me out of my way, and kept me from stopping by the tattoo shop to talk to my artist, but it was worth it in the end.

     I spent the rest of the evening watching TV. I caught up on a few shows I had recorded, and was wasting time until Conan came on. Panic! At The Disco was the musical guest tonight. I was really looking forward to them playing on the show. I finally made it to 11, and was watching the opening segments when that bolt of lightening took out the power. Because of that bolt, I'm writing this in the dark, and charging my phone on my laptop. It's working out pretty good. I have 31% batter left on the laptop right now, so I should get a good amount of charge on the phone before I unplug it to save battery life on the ol' Macbook.

     I'm heading to Universal on Saturday. It's my first time back at the park since getting my annual pass. The weather should be a bit better than the sweltering levels of hell that they have been, but it's still going to be hot. I'm looking forward to riding the new King Kong ride. I think it's called Skull Island, but I'm not positive. I'll tell you all about it Sunday.

     I just got an update on my phone that says fewer than 5% of customers are reporting a power failure. That means it should take quite some time for them to get it fixed. If it was more or in a rich neighborhood, they would hop right on it, but since this is a middle class neighborhood, I'm not expecting miracles.

     With that, I will call it a night. I still have to come up with a title for this thing. By the way, normally, or about 99% of the time, the title is the last thing I come up with, which is funny, because that is the first thing you see. At least I think it is. Oh, one just came to me. I hope you like it, Peace in and goodnight.


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