Sunday, September 18, 2016

Saturday Night Was Not All Right, Because Friday Was too Fun.

     This weekend was, well how should I put it? This weekend was a mess. That is probably the best way to put it. I didn't ride Saki much, and I'll get to that in a little bit. I did do one productive thing though. I ordered a new book that is in a series that I'm reading. Amazon sent me an email saying that it had been released, so I went on the site to order it. When I checked out, I had enough points to cover the cost of the book, so I got a free book. Not only that, I ordered it Friday morning, and it showed up Saturday morning. I could have waited for it, I'm in the middle of another book right now, but I have it, and it will be ready when I am.

     I got on Saki and rode to the bank, and then took a long way home, to get a mile or two extra on the tires. It was fun, Oh, I nearly forgot. I did something else productive. Before going on that short little ride. I took the bill off my helmet. It made a huge difference in cutting the air when I was riding. I'm sure I'll put it back on at some point, but for now, I'm going to leave it off, and see just how fast I can get Saki. Keep looking here for an update on that.

     After I got home, I had already decided that I was going to hit my favorite watering hole that night. They were back from vacation, and I couldn't be happier. My drinking buddy was back in town, so I knew he was going to want to go to his new favorite place, which is a place I really don't like. Remember back to last Tuesday's post were I said if people wanted to see me, that it was going to be on my terms? I stuck to it. I told him where I was going, and that was it, there was no discussion about any other place. He didn't bring any up, but if he did, I wasn't changing my plans.

     While I was at my favorite watering hole, there was a woman there, that I've been trying to get to go with me to Universal Orlando. I have a pass, she has a pass, hey, let's go spend a day at the park and have a good time. I spent months trying to get her to agree to go. Finally I gave up. I would talk to her about if she had gone or not, but I no longer brought up, the two of us going. So, it's Friday night, she is there, and she looks me dead in the eye, and says, "We still have to go to Universal.". cI was shocked. My drinking buddy said, "she just asked you to go to Universal". It wasn't like that, and Im not reading anything into it. He then said that that is how these things start. Things don't start with me, it's as simple as that. My buddy had to leave for a date, but not before making plans to see the theme park woman on Thursday. He is such a great wingman.

     I stayed around after he left, and was waiting on another buddy of mine. I had texted him earlier in the day, because I hadn't heard from him in a while. Turns out, he had to get a new phone, and lost all of his contacts. That's a pretty good reason not to keep in touch, and since I no longer have Facebook he had no way to get a hold of me. He finally showed up a few hours later, and I was deep into drinking at that point. The strange thing is, that I wasn't feeling any affects from it at all. Which is a little unusual. I normally sense the alcohol hitting me about 5 drinks in. There was nothing that night. We left and headed to his house, to have a couple of beers before hopping to a couple more bars. I think the slight break at his house, did me in. We had the beers, and I felt fine. We hit the first bar, and half way through my beer, I started feeling it. I couldn't finish my beer. We proceeded to the next place, and I was done. I never made it out of the car. I slept in his car while he went in and had a few or one, I have no idea. We got back to his house, and he was already telling me that the couch was mine for the night. I was more than happy for it, but I never made it to the couch. I went to the bathroom and just laid down on the floor. At some point he came in and gave me a pillow and a blanket. That is where I slept until about 6 in the morning. I quietly left his house, locking the door behind me, and went home.

     I slept until around 10:30 at that point, but I had the worst headache in the world, and no desire to eat. I got a Gatorade and some aspirin, and went back to sleep. The headache didn't leave, and I didn't eat until around 3 in the afternoon, I think. I really didn't eat much at all, and since I was sleeping most of the day, instead of drinking water, the headache stayed until far into the night. It was about the time I called it a night, that it finally left. Needless to say, I didn't get any riding in.

     I ran errands today and washed my clothes, so that was pretty productive, but still no riding. My buddy had sworn that he would have his bike road ready by this weekend, but I didn't get a text from him until this evening saying his bike was almost ready. I have no faith that I will ever ride with anyone again. People keep telling me that they are going to be ready at this particular time, only to let it slide and forget about the whole thing. I'm not asking anymore, this goes back to my terms, and I will ride when and where I want to. If someone happens to fall in line for a ride on that day, then so be it, other wise, this wolf rides alone.

     I'm going to call it a night. I'm hoping to ride Saki to work tomorrow. The weather report is calling for a lot of rain in the mooring, but it also called for it this evening, and that didn't happen, so I think my odds are pretty good for tomorrow. I'll let you know how it all went on Tuesday. Peace in and goodnight.

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