Sunday, September 11, 2016

When Cupid Comes at You, Ride Off as Fast as You Can.

     A lot happened this weekend, so lets just jump right in. As I mentioned on Thursday, I was going to breakfast with a friend on Friday. I rode Saki up to see her, and we caught up a bit. It's not like we have a lot to catch up on, since we keep in touch quite often, but it's different when you get to see each other in person. The funny part of the whole thing is, that we were talking so much, that the waitress had to come over 5 times before we stopped long enough to look at the menu and give our orders.

     She told me of her ordeal with her rental car company, and how they screwed her over big time. I wish I could remember the name of the company so that you could save yourself that pain and avoid them at all cost, but I didn't commit it to memory. We said our goodbyes and she headed off to see family in South Carolina. She is returning briefly in the middle of this week to get the tattoo that I helped design. That's a  pretty big deal, My tattoo artist did the heavy work, I just came up with the basis, but it is still someone putting one of your ideas on their skin.

     On my way to see her, I cracked the 600 mile mark on Saki, so it was time for that first oil change. That's the milage that is recommended, so on my way home, I thought about stopping at the dealer and seeing if they could fit me in, but then decide against it as I went by. I called and made an appointment instead. I know what your saying, "Can't you change your own oil?". Yes I can, but I wanted them to do it, so that I was sure that all the metal shavings were cleaned out of the system, plus they were doing a full maintenance on the bike as well. Checking everything to make sure it is running properly. I managed to get an appointment for later that day. I contacted my drinking buddy to see if maybe he would want to meet for lunch while I waited for Saki, but he was busy, and we decided to meet up later for drinks.

     We met up at the place that he likes, I'm still not a fan, but no big deal. We had few there, and then he wanted to head to downtown Cocoa. We tried to go to the Jazz club, but it was packed. People have discovered our little secret, and now we can't get a seat. We tried another place. Packed again. He suggested the gay bar, but it was far too early for that place to have anyone there, so I suggested a place further down. We were in luck, this place was only about a third full. We moseyed up to the bar and got our drinks. For some reason, they gave us a free shot. I'm never one to turn down a free shot, so I shot it down. That was about the time, my buddy asked me if I'd been on any dating sites. I hadn't, but it put a bug in my head to give one a try. My buddy was fading fast. He hadn't eaten much during the day, so the whiskey was hitting him hard.

     When I got home, I looked up OK Cupid. A friend of mine told me I should try it about a year ago, but I don't do well on those sites, and I didn't bother. with it until Friday night. I filled out the profile, and put up a few pictures, and then immediately got a message from someone trying some kind of scam. The good thing about OK Cupid, is that you don't have to pay to get messages, the bad thing is, that you don't have to pay to get messages. What that means, is that scammers can get on there and message anyone they want because there is no safe guard protecting you from that.

     I did talk to one woman about motorcycles for a while, but I guess it wasn't really going anywhere, and I messaged a few others, but didn't get any response. Saturday I logged in, and tried messaging someone else, and I actually got a response. I had a mark against me, because I wasn't taller than her, but I thought I might have a chance to over come that. I was wrong, I guess. We messaged back and forth up until this evening, but then out of nowhere, she got very harsh, and abruptly put an end to it all. She seemed to have a one dimensional view point, and assumed a lot with out asking, and I think that is why she put an end to it. Oh well. I'll probably stay on there for a couple of weeks and then call it, the "been there done that", and move on. I'm not really looking for any, but if I met someone that would like to hangout and go to dinner and shows, that would be a good thing.

     Enough of that stuff though. Since Saki was fully primed, and I hadn't ridden since I got home from the service of Saki. I took it out for a long ride to Orlando, to see a very good friend of mine. This was going to be the first time going a pretty long way at highway speeds. I have to say, that it felt great. I got over to her house in pretty good time, and I didn't have that much of a problem with my throttle hand numbing up. It did a bit, but I got around it pretty easily. I don't know exactly how long we sat and talked, but I did know that I only had a little over an hour to get home before sunset, and I didn't really want to be on the highway at night, not to mention that I had no place for my sunglasses. Oh, I did get a micro tank bag, that is perfect for carrying my wallet and keys and  a few other things. It held up great with just the magnets. Let's say that I put it through a really good test on the ride home. It held on at 115 MPH, but my helmet caused me to slow down. The bag didn't even budge, but the bill on my helmet started to flex and bend because of the wind, and started obscuring my vision. I had a lot of open road ahead of me still, cars were a good quarter mile off, but I wasn't going to risk going any faster and have that bill fold down in front of my eyes. Saki and I backed it off to just above the speed limit and got home safely.

     I have a great song for FSOTW this Tuesday, I think you will like it. Tomorrow is a work day, so it is off to bed for me. Peace in and goodnight.

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